OOF2: The Manual


Parameter — Parameter classes for OOF2 menu commands, Properties, Outputs, and RegisteredClasses.


Basic Parameters

from oof2.common.IO.parameter import *

BooleanParameter(name, value, default=0, tip=None)

StringParameter(name, value=None, default="", tip=None)

FloatParameter(name, value=None, default=0.0, tip=None)

IntParameter(name, value=None, default=0, tip=None)

from oof2.common.enum import EnumParameter

EnumParameter(name, enumclass, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

Range Parameters

from oof2.common.IO.parameter import *

IntRangeParameter(name, range, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

FloatRangeParameter(name, range, value=None, default=None, tip=None)


RegisteredClass Parameters

from oof2.common.IO.parameter import *

RegisteredParameter(name, reg, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

ConvertibleRegisteredParameter(name, reg, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

RegisteredListParameter(name, reg, value=None, default=[], tip=None)

Automatic Parameters

from oof2.common.IO.parameter import *

AutoNumericParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

AutoIntParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

AutomaticNameParameter(name, resolver, value=None, default=None, tip=None)


Who Parameters

from oof2.common.IO.whoville import *

WhoParameter(name, whoclass, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

AnyWhoParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

NewWhoParameter(name, whoclass, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

WhoClassParameter(name, value=None, default=None, condition=noSecretClasses, tip=None) 

Mesh Object Parameters

from oof2.engine.IO.meshparameters import *

	  value=None, default=None, tip=None, outofplane=0)

FluxParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

EquationParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

FieldIndexParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None) 

Rank 4 Tensor Parameters

from oof2.engine.IO.isocijkl import IsotropicCijklParameter

IsotropicCijklParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None) 

from oof2.engine.IO.anisocijkl import *

CubicCijklParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

HexagonalCijklParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

TetragonalCijklParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

TrigonalACijklParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

TrigonalBCijklParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

OrthorhombicCijklParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

MonoclinicCijklParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

TriclinicCijklParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None) 

Rank 3 Tensor Parameters

from oof2.SWIG.engine.rank3tensor import *

C1Rank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

C2Rank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

CsRank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

D2Rank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

C2vRank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

C4Rank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

C4iRank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

D4Rank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

C4vRank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

D2dRank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

C3Rank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

D3Rank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

C3vRank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

C6Rank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

D6iRank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

D6Rank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

C6vRank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

D3hRank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

TdRank3TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None) 

Rank 2 Tensor Parameters

from oof2.SWIG.engine.symmmatrix import *

SymmMatrix3Parameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

MonoclinicRank2TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

OrthorhombicRank2TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

TetragonalRank2TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

TrigonalRank2TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

HexagonalRank2TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

CubicRank2TensorParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None) 

Miscellaneous Parameters

from oof2.SWIG.engine.outputval import *

OutputValParameter(name, value=None, default=None, top=None)
from oof2.SWIG.common.coord import *

CoordParameter(name, value=None, default=None, top=None)


OOF2 menu items, and Outputs are both objects that describe a process, in which the user enters some values and an action is performed. A RegisteredClass's Registration and a Property's PropertyRegistration are similar: they take user-specified data and create an object of some sort. In all these cases, the programmer has to specify in advance the form of the input expected from the user. This is the job of the Parameter class and its multitudinous subclasses.

The different Parameter subclasses represent input data of different types: integer, float, boolean, cubic rank 4 tensor, etc. Each subclass's constructor arguments specify the Parameter's name (by which it'll be labelled in the GUI and in scripts), optional initial value, optional default value, and an optional (but strongly recommended) help string. (Some types of Parameter require additional arguments, as described below.)

For example, a menu item that requires the user to enter two values, a file name and a floating point number, would be defined with a parameter list like this:

params=[StringParameter(name='filename', tip='Write to this file'),
        FloatParameter(name='threshold', value=3.0, tip='...')] 

The menu item's callback function would then have two arguments called filename and threshold, whose value would be extracted from the Parameter objects after being set by the user. PropertyRegistrations and RegisteredClass Registrations work just the same way: they have a list of Parameters that specifies the type and name of the arguments to the Property or RegisteredClass constructor. The registration mechanism extracts the values from the Parameters and passes them to the constructor when building an object.

Each Parameter subclass has its own routines for creating GUI components, so that the GUI for invoking a menu item or parametrizing a Property is always appropriate for the type of data required. For example, a FloatParameter will create a box for entering a number, a BooleanParameter will create on/off buttons, and an EnumParameter will create a pull-down menu of choices.

TODO: Describe the purpose of the 'default' argument, unless it's no longer necessary after the Output classes have been rewritten.

Parameter Subclasses

Not all of the Parameter subclasses used in OOF2 are listed here. Some OOF2 modules create very specialized Parameters that aren't useful elsewhere. The classes listed here hopefully suffice for OOF2 extensions.

Basic Parameters

BooleanParameter(name, value, default=0, tip=None)

A BooleanParameter's value is either True (1) or False (0). In the GUI it's displayed as a checkbox.

Figure 8.2. BooleanParameter Widget

BooleanParameter Widget

The two states of a BooleanParameter's widget.

StringParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

A StringParameter's value is a character string. It's GUI widget is an unadorned text entry box.

FloatParameter(name, value=None, default=0.0, tip=None)

A FloatParameter's value is a floating point number or an integer. Its widget is an unadorned text entry box. Any floating point number or integer can be entered, or anything that Python can evaluate to form a floating point number.

IntParameter(name, value=None, default=0.0, tip=None)

An IntParameter's value is an integer number. Its widget is an unadorned text entry box. Any integer can be entered, or anything that Python can evaluate to form an integer.

EnumParameter(name, enumclass, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

An EnumParameter is used to choose one of the members of a given Enum class, specified by the enumclass argument. The value is an instance of the given class.

In the GUI, an EnumParameter appears as a pull-down menu listing all of the values of the given Enum class. In scripts, the assigned value can be either an instance of the Enum class, or the name of an instance of the class.

For example, the Arrangement class enumerates the ways that an initial uniform triangular Skeleton can be created, and is used as a parameter in the TriSkeleton class. The Registration for that class sets its parameters like this:

params=[enum.EnumParameter('arrangement', enumclass=Arrangement)]

A TriSkeleton can be created in a script like this:


using an actual Arrangement object as the parameter value, but it can also be created more compactly, like this:


using a string instead.

Figure 8.3. EnumParameter Widget

EnumParameter Widget

An EnumParameter widget, displaying its current value (left) and choosing a new value (right).

Range Parameters

IntRangeParameter(name, range, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

An IntRangeParameter's value is an integer constrained to lie within a given range. Attempting to give it a value outside of the range is an error. The range argument is a Python tuple, (min, max), specifying the minimum and maximum allowed values.

The GUI widget for a IntRangeParameter is a slider with a label. The label shows the numeric value, and can also be edited directly to change the slider position.

Figure 8.4. IntRangeParameter Widget

IntRangeParameter Widget

The widget for an IntRangeParameter, with the slider on the left and a text entry box on the right.

FloatRangeParameter(name, range, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

A FloatRangeParameter's value is an floating point number constrained to lie within a given range. Attempting to give it a value outside of the range is an error. The range argument is a Python tuple, (min, max, step), specifying the minimum and maximum allowed values and the step size to use in the GUI.

The GUI widget for a FloatRangeParameter is a slider with a label. The label shows the numeric value, and can also be edited directly to change the slider position.

Figure 8.5. FloatRangeParameter Widget

FloatRangeParameter Widget

The widget for an FloatRangeParameter, with the slider on the left and a text entry box on the right.

RegisteredClass Parameters

RegisteredParameter(name, reg, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

RegisteredClasses are OOF2 objects that can be constructed from Registrations. Registrations are closely related to PropertyRegistrations, but are more general. They contain information describing how to create an instance of the RegisteredClass.

RegisteredClasses always come in groups, arranged in a class hierarchy. The base class of each hierarchy holds a list of Registrations (a registry) for all of the subclasses in the group. For example, the SkeletonModifier base class contains the subclasses Refine, Anneal, Smooth, etc.

A RegisteredParameter is a parameter whose value can be set to an instance of a subclass of a given RegisteredClass base class. The reg argument to the RegisteredParameter constructor specifies the RegisteredClass base class. For example, a Parameter whose value is an instance of the SkeletonModifier class would be created like this:

RegisteredParameter('modifier', SkeletonModifier, tip='use this modifier')

The GUI widget for a RegisteredParameter is a pull-down menu containing the names of each of the subclasses. Below the menu is a region containing widgets for each of the chosen subclass's Parameters (which may themselves be RegisteredParameters!).

Figure 8.6. RegisteredParameter Widget

RegisteredParameter Widget

Three views of a RegisteredParameter widget. In the center, the pull-down menu is being used to switch from one RegisteredClass to another. The two classes have different parameters, as shown on the left and right.

ConvertibleRegisteredParameter(name, reg, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

A ConvertibleRegisteredClass is like a RegisteredClass, except that the different subclasses refer to different representations of the same thing, rather than different things that happen to be in the same category. For example, Color is a ConvertibleRegisteredClass, since the different representations (RGBColor, HSVColor, etc.) all create color objects that can be converted into one another. The different SkeletonModifier subclasses discussed above, however, cannot be converted into one another.

A ConvertibleRegisteredParameter is a RegisteredParameter whose reg argument is a ConvertibleRegisteredClass.

The GUI widget for a ConvertibleRegisteredParameter looks just like the widget for a RegisteredParameter, but when the user switches from one subclass to another, the old displayed value is converted to the new form.

Figure 8.7. ConvertibleRegisteredParameter Widget

ConvertibleRegisteredParameter Widget

An example of a ConvertibleRegisteredParameter widget. A color is displayed in RGB format (top) and HSV format (bottom). The pull-down menu is used to switch between them (middle). This widget is not quite a generic ConvertibleRegisteredParameter widget. It's been enhanced with the color swatches at the bottom.

RegisteredListParameter(name, reg, value=None, default=[], tip=None)

A RegisteredListParameter is like a RegisteredParameter, except that instead of returning a single instance of a RegisteredClass subclass, it returns a list containing at most one of each subclass in the given RegisteredClass's registry.

Figure 8.8. RegisteredListParameter widget

RegisteredListParameter widget

A RegisteredListParameter widget for a RegisteredClass with three subclasses. With these settings, the Parameter's value contains instances of the first two classes only.

Automatic Parameters

Automatic parameters are Parameters that can take the value automatic as well as other values which depend on the Parameter type.[63] When a parameter is set to automatic, the program is supposed to choose some sensible default value for it.

For example, when creating a Microstructure from an Image with OOF.Microstructure.Create_From_ImageFile, the height and width parameters are both AutoIntParameters. The callback function for that menu item makes assumptions about the size and/or aspect ratio of the pixels if either height or width are set to automatic.

In the GUI, automatic parameters have a checkbox that sets them to automatic and a text entry box in which other values can be entered.

AutoNumericParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None

The AutoNumericParameter can bet set to any numeric value (integer or floating point), or to the special variable automatic.

Figure 8.9. AutoNumericParameter widget

AutoNumericParameter widget

Two AutoNumericParameter widgets. The lower one is set to automatic.

AutoIntParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

The AutoIntParameter can be set to an integer or to the special variable automatic.

Figure 8.10. AutoIntParameter widget

AutoIntParameter widget

An AutoIntParameter widget, set to automatic on the left and to 2 on the right.

AutomaticNameParameter(name, resolver, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

The AutomaticNameParameter can be set to either a string or the object automatic. When asked for its value, however, it always returns a string, which is generated from the raw input by calling the provided resolver function. The arguments to the resolver are the parameter and the raw input. The resolver can use the boolean function AutomaticNameParameter.automatic() to see if the raw input was automatic.

Who Parameters

Within OOF2, the classes of objects that can be displayed in the graphics window are called WhoClasses. (In early versions of the program, graphics layers were determined by specifying who (the object being displayed), what (which feature of it to display), where, and how. Things that used be called Whos are now called Contexts in some places, but the name WhoClass has survived.) The primary WhoClasses are MicrostructureContext, ImageContext, SkeletonContext, and Mesh, but PixelSelectionContext and ActiveAreaContext are WhoClasses as well.

WhoParameter(name, whoclass, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

A WhoParameter can be set to the path name of an existing object in the given whoclass (see Section 2.1.3). In the GUI, a WhoParameter appears as a set of pull-down menus, one for each path component, allowing the user to choose from the existing objects in the class. See Figure 2.2.

AnyWhoParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

An AnyWhoParameter can be set to the path name of any existing object in any WhoClass.

NewWhoParameter(name, whoclass, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

A NewWhoParameter is just like a WhoParameter, but it's not restricted to existing objects in the given whoclass. OOF.Image.Copy uses a NewWhoParameter to pick the Microstructure to which an Image is to be copied, creating a new Microstructure if the given one does not exist.

WhoClassParameter(name, value=None, default=None, condition=noSecretClasses, tip=None)

A WhoClassParameter can be set to the name of any WhoClass that meets the specified condition. The default behavior is to allow anyWhoClasses that don't have their secret flag set.

The category menu in the Displayed Object pane of the Layer Editor is a widget for a WhoClassParameter.

Mesh Object Parameters

FieldParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None, outofplane=0)

A FieldParameter's value is a Field instance. If outofplane is 0, then the field must be a CompoundField, but if outofplane is 1, all types of Field are allowed.

The GUI widget for a FieldParameter is a pull-down menu listing all of the Fields defined on the Mesh.[64]

FluxParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

A FluxParameter's value is a Flux instance. It's GUI widget is a pull-down menu listing all of the Fluxes that are currently active on the Mesh.[64]

EquationParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

An EquationParameter's value is an Equation instance. It's GUI widget is a pull-down menu listing all of the Equations that are currently active on the Mesh.[64]


Tensor Parameters

Rank 4 Tensor Parameters

The various rank 4 tensor Parameter classes, all called SomethingCijklParameter, have values that are restricted to rank 4 tensors of a particular symmetry. The IsotropicCijklParameter and CubicCijklParameter are ConvertibleRegisteredParameters, since there are many different representations for isotropic and cubic rank 4 tensors.

The GUI widgets for all of the rank 4 tensor Parameters display a 6×6 upper diagonal matrix, using Voigt notation to reduce four indices to two. Entries in the matrix that are constrained to be zero by symmetry are uneditable, and entries that depend on other entries update themselves when their dependent entries change. In addition, the widgets for IsotropicCijklParameter and CubicCijklParameter have pull-down menus for selecting a representation.

Figure 8.11. Rank 4 Tensor Parameter Widget

Rank 4 Tensor Parameter Widget

A widget for a rank 4 tensor (hexagonal, in this case). The grayed out boxes are set by symmetry and cannot be edited. The row and column labels are Voigt indices.

Rank 3 Tensor Parameters

The rank 3 tensor Parameter classes, all called SomethingRank4TensorParameter, have values that are restricted to rank 3 tensors of a particular symmetry, indicated by the Parameter name. See Section 6.7.2.

The GUI widget for rank 3 tensors is an 3×6 array of entry boxes. The three rows correspond to the first tensor index, and the three columns correspond to the Voigt representation of the other two indices.

Figure 8.12. Rank 3 Tensor Parameter Widget

Rank 3 Tensor Parameter Widget

A widget for a rank 3 tensor Parameter with C6v symmetry. The grayed out entries are constrained by symmetry and by the other entries.

Rank 2 Tensor Parameters

The rank 2 tensor Parameter classes have values that are restricted to symmetric rank 2 tensors of a particular rotational symmetry. The rotational symmetry is indicated by the name of the Parameter class. The SymmMatrix3Parameter represents a general symmetric rank 2 tensor. Not all of the other subclasses are unique — for example, tetragonal and trigonal rank 2 tensors are identical. See Section 6.7.1.

The GUI widgets for rank 2 tensor Parameters display an upper diagonal 3×3 matrix. Matrix elements that are forced to be zero by symmetry cannot be edited. The other entries can be changed. Some entries update themselves when others are changed, to satisfy symmetry requirements.

Figure 8.13. Rank 2 Tensor Parameter Widget

Rank 2 Tensor Parameter Widget

A rank 2 tensor Parameter's widget. The values in the grayed-out boxes are determined by symmetry.

Miscellaneous Parameters

OutputValParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

OutputValParameters are used in Outputs to specify that the input to the Output is a stream of OutputVal objects from another Output.

CoordParameter(name, value=None, default=None, tip=None)

Despite its name, a CoordParameter's value can be either a Coord or a Point.

[63] automatic is an object defined in the module oof2.common.IO.automatic and imported into the OOF2 environment in which all scripts are run.

[64] Which Mesh? The widget looks for a nearby Mesh WhoClass widget and asks it.