OOF2: The Manual

8.5. Adding New Outputs

[Warning] Warning

This section has not yet been updated for OOF2 version 2.1. A partial discussion of the differences between the 2.0 and 2.1 extension APIs may be found at http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/oof/oof2/property_api_21.html.

Outputs in OOF2 are operations performed on Mesh data. The results can be sent to the graphics window and displayed in a contour plot, or analyzed on the Analysis Page.

The outputs that the user sees come in three flavors:

  • Scalar outputs are just numbers, to be plotted or analyzed.

  • Aggregate outputs are quantities like Fields and Fluxes that can't be plotted directly (because they generally have too many components) but can still be analyzed.

  • Position outputs are two dimensional vectors that determine where scalar outputs are displayed in contour plots.

Figure 8.1 shows how scalar and position outputs appear in the GUI.

Figure 8.1. Output Widgets

Output Widgets

Two output widgets, from the Layer Editor window. The top widget, labelled what, lists scalar outputs and determines what will be plotted in the graphics window. The lower widget, labelled where, lists position outputs, which are two dimensional vectors.

Under the hood, the scalar, aggregate, and position outputs are built by combining Output objects. Each Output object performs a simple operation on a set of input values and creates a set of output values. Simple Outputs are chained together, with the output of one connected to the input of another, to create more complicated Outputs. (One Output object can be used in many different Output chains.) Only those Outputs that are registered with the GUI are directly available to the user.

Outputs have parameters which govern their behavior. Output parameters use the same Parameter classes that are used in PropertyRegistrations.

OOF2 includes predefined Outputs that can be used by themselves or combined with new Outputs. The predefined Outputs can evaluate the components and invariants of Fields and Fluxes and compute energies and strains. For the details, consult the source code in SRC/engine/IO/outputClones.py and SRC/engine/IO/outputDefs.py.

Creating a new Output involves the following steps:

  • Write a callback function. This is what does the actual computation. See Output for the details.

  • Invoke the Output constructor, specifying the type of the Output, the types of its inputs (if any), its parameters (if any), and its callback function.

  • Connect the Output to its inputs, if any, by calling Output.connect.

  • Set parameters in the inputs, if desired. Parameters which have fixed values in the Output definition will not be settable by the user. To make a Parameter settable by the user, leave its value alone (or set it to None). Use Output.findParam or Output.resolveAlias to gain access to an Output's parameters, or those of its connected inputs.

  • If any of the inputs have parameters that are not specified in advance, these need to given aliases so that they can be used in scripts and the GUI. See Output.aliasParam for the details.

  • If the Output is to appear in the GUI, it must be registered by calling definePositionOutput, defineScalarOutput, or defineAggregateOutput.

8.5.1. Examples

Here are a few example Output definitions, extracted from the OOF2 source code. The examples illustrate all of the important features of the Output class. Evaluating a Field

The first example returns Field values as OutputVal instances. It's copied[49] from SRC/engine/IO/outputClones.py.

def _field(mesh, elements, coords, field): 1
    ans = [] 2
    for element, ecoords in zip(elements, coords): 3
        ans += element.outputFields(mesh, field, ecoords) 4
    return ans

FieldOutput = output.Output(
    name = "field", 5
    callback = _field, 6
    otype = outputval.OutputValPtr, 7
    params = [meshparameters.FieldParameter("field", outofplane=1)], 8


This is the callback function. All callbacks have mesh, elements, and coords arguments. elements is a list of the mesh Elements within which the output is to be computed. coords is a list of lists of MasterCoords specifying the computation points within each Element.

Any additional callback arguments are either inputs or parameters, with names determined by the input and parameter lists in the Output constructor. Here field is a Parameter value.


The result of the computation is a flat list of OutputVal objects, one for each coordinate in coords.


The zip call here matches up each Element to the list of coordinates at which the output should be evaluated within the Element. element is an Element, and ecoords is a list of MasterCoords.


Element:outputFields returns a list of OutputVals containing Field values at the specified points within the given Element. The list is appended to results already obtained.


This specifies the name of the Output. It will be used to when setting parameters and connecting this Output to others. It will not be used in scripts or the user interface.


This is just the name of the callback function defined above.


This specifies the type of the quantities computed by this Output.[50]


This states that the Output has one parameter, named field, whose value is a Field.

To make the FieldOutput available in scripts and the GUI, SRC/engine/IO/outputDefs.py contains the following lines:

from oof2.common.IO import output
from oof2.engine.IO import outputClones
output.defineAggregateOutput('Field:Value', outputClones.FieldOutput) 

defineAggregateOutput states that this Output computes an aggregate object (such as all of the components of a Field or Flux), as opposed to a scalar object. 'Field:Value' categorizes the output — the GUI will refer to it as the Value item in the Field menu. Connecting Inputs

Note that the FieldOutput has no inputs! It reads its data from the mesh, not from any other Output. The next example, ComponentOutput, has both a parameter and an input, but doesn't read data from the mesh.

def _component(mesh, elements, coords, field, component): 1
    if field: 2
        comp = field[0].getIndex(component) 3
        return [f[comp] for f in field] 4
    return []
import types

ComponentOutput = output.Output(
    name = "component",
    callback = _component,
    otype = types.FloatType, 5
	inputs = [outputval.OutputValParameter('field')], 6
	params = [meshparameters.FieldIndexParameter('component')] 7


The callback here has the usual required mesh, elements, and coords arguments, although it doesn't use them. field is an input list of OutputVal objects, and component is a parameter value.


It's possible that the list of values could be empty. The next line assumes that it's not empty, so we have to check.


The component is passed in in a user-friendly string form (such as 'x' or 'yz'). This line asks the OutputVal class to convert the string into a computer-friendly FieldIndex object. (field[0] is used just because it's an OutputVal of the correct type. Its actual value isn't important here.) Different kinds of OutputVal interpret the strings differently.


This computes and returns a list of components of the input OutputVal objects.


Components of an OutputVal are floating point numbers, so the output type of ComponentOutput is FloatType.


Inputs are specified by a list of Parameters, although they don't actually have values the same way that Parameters do. The input Parameter specifies the name and type of the input. In this case, the input is called 'field' and is a list of OutputVals (or OutputValPtrs).


The Output has a single parameter, named 'component', whose value is a string representation of a component index.

Note that despite the name of its input, 'field', the ComponentOutput can extract components from any kind of OutputVal, not only ones containing Fields. The built-in OOF2 outputs use ComponentOutput on Fields, Fluxes, and other multicomponent quantities.

The FieldOutput and ComponentOutput can be combined into a FieldCompOutput, which extracts a given component of a given Field, by using Output.connect. First, a copy of the ComponentOutput is made, giving it a new name at the same time:[51]

FieldCompOutput = ComponentOutput.clone(name="field component") 

FieldOutput is connected to the input named 'field' of the FieldCompOutput:

FieldCompOutput.connect("field", FieldOutput) 

connect automatically makes a copy of its argument, so we don't have to worry about cloning FieldOutput here. Managing Output Parameters

At this stage, FieldCompOutput has two parameters and no inputs. (The one input of the original ComponentOutput has been filled by the FieldOutput that was connected to it.) The original FieldOutput parameter, named 'field', and the ComponentOutput parameter, named 'component', still remain. 'component' is a direct parameter of FieldCompOutput. It can be accessed by the findParam method, e.g:

FieldCompOutput.findParam('component').value = 'x' 

Setting a parameter's value like this gives it a permanent value, as far as Outputs are concerned. The user will not be able to change the value, and the field-component Output has been changed into an field-x-component Output.

The 'field' parameter of the original FieldOutput can be accessed in a similar, but not identical way. The FieldCompOutput has no parameter called 'field', so we can't use FieldCompOutput.findParam('field'), and the original FieldOutput has been cloned, so its 'field' parameter isn't the same one that FieldCompOutput uses. The parameter can be accessed by specifying both the name of the input and the parameter in the call to findParam:

FieldCompOutput.findParam('field:field').value = Displacement 

Here the first field is the name of the input, and the second is the name of the parameter of that input.

Assuming that we want the user to be able to choose the Field and the component, we don't actually want to use findParam and set the parameter values. However, we don't want the user to see an ugly name like 'field:field'. For one thing, parameter names are used as Python variable names in scripts, and Python variable names can't contain colons. The function Output.aliasParam assigns a new name to an Output parameter, like this:

FieldCompOutput.aliasParam('field:field', 'field') 

Now FieldCompOutput has a parameter called 'field' instead of 'field:field'. Note that there's no conflict between the aliased parameter named 'field' and the input named 'field'. The confusion is always resolved by the context.

Output.findParam never considers aliases, so the call FieldCompOutput.findParam('field') will fail (it will raise a KeyError exception). To retrieve an aliased parameter, use Output.resolveAlias instead. If resolveAlias can't find an alias, it looks for a parameter, so the following three function calls are equivalent:

param = FieldCompOutput.resolveAlias('field')
param = FieldCompOutput.resolveAlias('field:field')
param = FieldCompOutput.findParam('field:field') 

Aliases are only known to the Outputs that create them. In the example above, the FieldOutput containing the original 'field' parameter doesn't know that it's been aliased. However, if FieldCompOutput were to be used as an input to another Output, like this:

SomeOtherOutput.connect('otherinput', FieldCompOutput) 

then the 'field' parameter could be accessed by

param = SomeOtherOutput.resolveAlias('otherinput:field') 

using the alias still stored in FieldCompOutput. Handling Multiple Parameters and Inputs

The examples above all use at most one parameter and one input. Outputs can have as many parameters and inputs as they like. The PointSumOutput from SRC/engine/IO/outputClones.py is used to add the Displacement to the original position of a node. It's actually a little more general than that — it takes two input streams which are lists of Coord or Point objects, multiplies them by scalar factors, and adds them together.

from oof2.SWIG.common import coord
from oof2.common import primitives
from oof2.common.IO import output
from oof2.common.IO import parameter

def _pointSum(mesh, elements, coords, point1, point2, a, b): 1
    ans = [a*f+b*s for f,s in zip(point1, point2)] 2
    return ans

PointSumOutput = output.Output(
    name="point sum",
    otype=(coord.Coord, primitives.Point), 3
    inputs=[coord.CoordParameter("point1"), coord.CoordParameter("point2")], 4
    params=[parameter.FloatParameter("a", default=1.0), 5
            parameter.FloatParameter("b", default=1.0)]


The callback arguments include the usual mesh, elements, and coords, although they're not used here. point1 and point2 are the names of the inputs, and a and b are the names of the parameters.


This line does all the work. It can be written in such a simple way because inputs are flat lists of data.


Because the input (see 4) accepts either Coords or Points, the output can be either Coords or Points.[52]


There are two inputs, named point1 and point2. The CoordParameter class accepts either a Coord or a Point.[52]


The two parameters, named 'a' and 'b' have been given default values of 1.0, which is the value that will be displayed in the GUI if the variable hasn't been set yet.

The PointSumOutput is used in SRC/engine/IO/outputDefs.py to add the displacement to the node position. The displacement values come from displacementOutput and the position values come from posOutput, which won't be explicitly discussed here. The connection looks like this:

enhancedPosition = outputClones.PointSumOutput.clone(
    name='enhanced position',
    params=dict(b=1), 1
    tip='Exaggerated displacement field.') 2
enhancedPosition.connect('point1', displacementOutput) 3
enhancedPosition.connect('point2', outputClones.posOutput) 3
enhancedPosition.aliasParam('a', 'factor', default=1.0, 4
                            tip='Displacement multiplier.') 


Parameters can be set when cloning an Output. The params argument is a dictionary.[53] The dictionary keys are the names (or aliases) of the parameters to be set. Parameters set in this way remain set. The user will not have a chance to modify them.


Most of the examples have omitted the optional tip argument. When creating or cloning Outputs, it's possible to specify a tip string, which will appear as a help string in the GUI, and a discussion string, which will appear in the manual.


These lines connect the preexisting displacementOutput and posOutput Outputs to the inputs of the PointSumOutput clone.


This line shows that aliasParam can be used to change the name of a local parameter, as well as parameters in the inputs. Here the non-descriptive parameter 'a' is renamed 'factor' and given a default value[54] and a tip string.

At this point, the enhancedPosition Output has one parameter, 'factor', and no inputs. It produces a list of node positions, with displacement exaggerated by the given amount. The actualPosition Output is now simply created by cloning enhancedPosition and setting the enhancement factor to 1.0:

actualPosition = enhancedPosition.clone(
    name='actual position',
    tip='Displaced position.') 

Finally, both enhancedPosition and actualPosition are made available in the GUI by calling definePositionOutput:

output.definePositionOutput('actual', actualPosition)
output.definePositionOutput('enhanced', enhancedPosition) 

8.5.2. PropertyOutputs

Output quantities that need to use information from the material Properties of the Mesh are treated differently because they need to hook into existing Property instances and because many different Properties may contribute to any given Output. Outputs such as this are defined by creating an instance of a PropertyOutputRegistration subclass, and listing the name of the subclass in a Property's PropertyRegistration outputs list. The PropertyOutputRegistration will automatically create Output objects. When these Outputs are evaluated, the Property's output function will be called, with a PropertyOutput object as one of its arguments. Property::output can use the PropertyOutput object to find out which output is being computed, and to access the output's parameters.

Clear? Here's an example, illustrating the Energy output and how it's computed by the Elasticity property. Some of the code has been slightly simplified for brevity, but the source files have been indicated for anyone interested in all the details.

First, an Enum class is created to distinguish the different types of energy (in SRC/engine/IO/outputDefs.py):

from oof2.common import enum

class EnergyType(enum.EnumClass("Total", "Elastic", ...)):

The same file then defines a ScalarPropertyOutputRegistration, because energy is a scalar quantity:

from oof2.SWIG.engine.IO import propertyoutput

   parameters=[enum.EnumParameter("etype", EnergyType, default="Total")]

The string "Energy" is the name by which the output will be known both in the user interface and in the Property code. The parameter name "etype" will also appear in the user interface and the code. It's important that the parameter does not have an assigned value! The Output mechanism assumes that parameters with values are not going to be set by the user. Instead, the parameter has its default set, which provides a value to be displayed in the GUI, without actually fixing the Parameter's value.

Note that the output registration does not contain any information about what Energy is, or how it's computed. That's the Properties' job. Elasticity's output function looks like this (in SRC/engine/property/elasticity/elasticity.C):

void Elasticity::output(const FEMesh *mesh,
			const Element *element,
			const PropertyOutput *output,
			const MasterPosition &pos,
			OutputVal *data)
  const std::string &outputname = output->name();
  if(outputname == "Energy") {
    std::string etype = output->getEnumParam("etype");
    if(etype == "Total" || etype == "Elastic") {
      ScalarOutputVal *edata = dynamic_cast<ScalarOutputVal*>(data);
      SymmMatrix strain(3);
      const Cijkl modulus = cijkl(mesh, element, pos);
      findGeometricStrain(mesh, element, pos, strain);
      SymmMatrix stress(modulus*strain);
      double e = 0;
      for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
	e += stress(i,i)*strain(i,i);
	int j = (i+1)%3;
	e += 2*stress(i,j)*strain(i,j);
      *edata += 0.5*e;

See the Property::output discussion for another example, with annotations.

Finally, the Elasticity PropertyRegistration needs to indicate that "Energy" is one of the outputs that it can compute. There are many types of elasticity, and each has its own registration. Here's the one for isotropic elasticity, from SRC/engine/property/elasticity/iso/iso.spy:

from oof2.engine import propertyregistration

    name = "Mechanical:Elasticity:Isotropic",
    subclass = IsoElasticityProp,

IsoElasticityProp is a subclass of Elasticity, so because PropertyRegistration indicates that IsoElasticityProp can compute "Energy", when a Material contains IsoElasticityProp, Elasticity::output will be called to compute it.

Property outputs can never use other Outputs as inputs, but they can, in principle, be used as inputs for other Outputs. However, there's no machinery to make this easy to do, yet.

8.5.3. Orientation Map Formats

TODO: Write this section.

[49] Ok, we lied. The example is copied from an old version of the source code. The given example is very inefficient because the += inside the loop is continuously reallocating and copying the ans list. See the actual code in SRC/engine/IO/outputClones.py for a more efficient but less obvious scheme.

[50] Note that the type is OutputValPtr, not OutputVal. That's because OutputVal is a swigged C++ class. swig creates two Python classes for each C++ class. One, with a name ending in Ptr (e.g, OutputValPtr) is a pointer (of sorts) to the C++ object, and is used to refer to an object that was created in C++. The other Python class has no Ptr suffix (e.g, OutputVal) and is used when an object was created directly in Python. In the FieldOutput callback, Element::outputFields returns OutputVals created by the C++ code.

In general, in otype specifications, it's safe to use the Ptr form of a swigged class if you're not sure which is correct. The type checking mechanism allows subclasses of the given type. Ptr will always work because the non-Ptr version of a class is derived from the Ptr version.

[51] It's also possible to change the Output's tip and discussion strings, which have been omitted here.

[52] The Coord and Point classes are equivalent, except that Coord is a swigged C++ class, and Point is a pure Python class. There are circumstances in which the overhead of calling C++ from Python makes using a Python class more efficient.

[53] The parameter dictionary can also be written as params={'b' : 1}. This form would be required if a full parameter name containing colons were being used, e.g params={'input:b' : 1}, because the dict form requires that the keywords be legal Python variable names.

[54] The default value setting is redundant in this case, because the default value of 'a' was already set to 1 when PointSumOutput was created.