× Updated! Potentials that share interactions are now listed as related models.
Citation: C.A. Howells, and Y. Mishin (2018), "Angular-dependent interatomic potential for the binary Ni-Cr system", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 26(8), 085008. DOI: 10.1088/1361-651x/aae400.
Abstract: A new interatomic potential has been developed for the Ni–Cr system in the angular-dependent potential (ADP) format by fitting the potential parameters to a set of experimental and first-principles data. The ADP potential reproduces a wide range of properties of both elements as well as binary alloys with reasonable accuracy, including thermal and mechanical properties, defects, melting points of Ni and Cr, and the Ni–Cr phase diagram. The potential can be used for atomistic simulations of solidification, mechanical behavior and microstructure of the Ni-based and Cr-based phases as well as two-phase alloys.

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Yuri Mishin (George Mason University) on 2 Nov. 2018.
Citation: W.-M. Choi, Y. Kim, D. Seol, and B.-J. Lee (2017), "Modified embedded-atom method interatomic potentials for the Co-Cr, Co-Fe, Co-Mn, Cr-Mn and Mn-Ni binary systems", Computational Materials Science, 130, 121-129. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.01.002.
Abstract: Interatomic potentials for the Co-Cr, Co-Fe, Co-Mn, Cr-Mn and Mn-Ni binary systems have been developed in the framework of the second nearest-neighbor modified embedded-atom method (2NN MEAM) formalism. The potentials describe various fundamental alloy behaviors (structural, elastic and thermodynamic behavior of solution and compound phases), mostly in reasonable agreements with experimental data or first-principles calculations. The potentials can be utilized to complete the interatomic potential for the CoCrFeMnNi alloy and to investigate the atomic scale physical metallurgy of high entropy alloys.

LAMMPS pair_style meam (2017--Choi-W-M--Cr--LAMMPS--ipr1)
See Computed Properties
Notes: These potential files were obtained from http://cmse.postech.ac.kr/home_2nnmeam, accessed Nov 9, 2020.
Citation: R.S. Elliott, and A. Akerson (2015), "Efficient "universal" shifted Lennard-Jones model for all KIM API supported species".

Notes: This is the Cr interaction from the "Universal" parameterization for the openKIM LennardJones612 model driver.The parameterization uses a shifted cutoff so that all interactions have a continuous energy function at the cutoff radius. This model was automatically fit using Lorentz-Berthelotmixing rules. It reproduces the dimer equilibrium separation (covalent radii) and the bond dissociation energies. It has not been fitted to other physical properties and its ability to model structures other than dimers is unknown. See the README and params files on the KIM model page for more details.

See Computed Properties
Notes: Listing found at https://openkim.org.
Citation: B.-J. Lee, M.I. Baskes, H. Kim, and Y.K. Cho (2001), "Second nearest-neighbor modified embedded atom method potentials for bcc transition metals", Physical Review B, 64(18), 184102. DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.64.184102.
Abstract: The second nearest-neighbor modified embedded atom method (MEAM) [Phys. Rev. B 62, 8564 (2000)], developed in order to solve problems of the original first nearest-neighbor MEAM on bcc metals, has now been applied to all bcc transition metals, Fe, Cr, Mo, W, V, Nb, and Ta. The potential parameters could be determined empirically by fitting to (∂B/∂P), elastic constants, structural energy differences among bcc, fcc and hcp structures, vacancy-formation energy, and surface energy. Various physical properties of individual elements, including elastic constants, structural properties, point-defect properties, surface properties, and thermal properties were calculated and compared with experiments or high level calculations so that the reliability of the present empirical atomic-potential formalism can be evaluated. It is shown that the present potentials reasonably reproduce nonfitted properties of the bcc transition metals, as well as the fitted properties. The effect of the size of radial cutoff distance on the calculation and the compatibility with the original first nearest-neighbor MEAM that has been successful for fcc, hcp, and other structures are also discussed.

LAMMPS pair_style meam (2001--Lee-B-J--Cr--LAMMPS--ipr1)
See Computed Properties
Notes: These potential files were obtained from http://cmse.postech.ac.kr/home_2nnmeam, accessed Nov 9, 2020.
See Computed Properties
Notes: Listing found at https://openkim.org.
Citation: L.A. Girifalco, and V.G. Weizer (1959), "Application of the Morse Potential Function to Cubic Metals", Physical Review, 114(3), 687-690. DOI: 10.1103/physrev.114.687.
Abstract: The Morse parameters were calculated using experimental values for the energy of vaporization, the lattice constant, and the compressibility. The equation of state and the elastic constants which were computed using the Morse parameters, agreed with experiment for both face-centered and body-centered cubic metals. All stability conditions were also satisfied for both the face-centered and the body-centered metals. This shows that the Morse function can be applied validly to problems involving any type of deformation of the cubic metals.

See Computed Properties
Notes: Listing found at https://openkim.org. This KIM potential is the "low cutoff" variation.
See Computed Properties
Notes: Listing found at https://openkim.org. This KIM potential is the "medium cutoff" variation.
See Computed Properties
Notes: Listing found at https://openkim.org. This KIM potential is the "high cutoff" variation.
Citation: D. Farkas, and A. Caro (2020), "Model interatomic potentials for Fe–Ni–Cr–Co–Al high-entropy alloys", Journal of Materials Research, 35, 3031-3040. DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2020.294.
Abstract: A set of embedded atom model (EAM) interatomic potentials was developed to represent highly idealized face-centered cubic (FCC) mixtures of Fe–Ni–Cr–Co–Al at near-equiatomic compositions. Potential functions for the transition metals and their crossed interactions are taken from our previous work for Fe–Ni–Cr–Co–Cu [D. Farkas and A. Caro: J. Mater. Res. 33 (19), 3218–3225, 2018], while cross-pair interactions involving Al were developed using a mix of the component pair functions fitted to known intermetallic properties. The resulting heats of mixing of all binary equiatomic random FCC mixtures not containing Al is low, but significant short-range ordering appears in those containing Al, driven by a large atomic size difference. The potentials are utilized to predict the relative stability of FCC quinary mixtures, as well as ordered L12 and B2 phases as a function of Al content. These predictions are in qualitative agreement with experiments. This interatomic potential set is developed to resemble but not model precisely the properties of this complex system, aiming at providing a tool to explore the consequences of the addition of a large size-misfit component into a high entropy mixture that develops multiphase microstructures.

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was sent by Diana Farkas (Virginia Tech) on 27 Oct. 2020 and posted with her permission.
Citation: M.I. Mendelev (2024), "to be published".

Notes: This Ni-Al-Cr potential is designed to simulate the effect of Cr on the dislocation migration in the γ (Ni solution in the fcc Al) and L12 (Ni3Al) phases. The potential correctly reproduces the Cr partitioning between γ and γ' phases.

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Mikhail Mendelev on April 5, 2024.
Citation: G. Bonny, A. Bakaev, and D. Terentyev (2022), "The combined effect of carbon and chromium enrichment on <1 0 0> loop absorption in iron", Computational Materials Science, 211, 111533. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2022.111533.
Abstract: In this work we study the effects of C and Cr enrichment of <1 0 0> dislocation loops (DL) on their absorption and obstacle strength when interacting with an edge dislocation. To do so, we have i) developed a C-Cr cross potential based on density functional theory data as part of a ternary FeCrC interatomic potential; ii) performed exchange Monte Carlo simulations employing the developed interatomic potential to obtain the distribution of the solutes enriching the DL in the energetically optimum configurations; iii) performed large scale molecular dynamics simulations employing the interatomic potential to characterize the interaction between an edge dislocation line and the decorated DL. We found that the obstacle stress scales to the same obstacle strength regardless the DL density. On the other hand, we found that C, the level of Cr enrichment, loop size and interaction temperature have a significant impact on the obstacle strength and level of absorption of the loops. The presented results can be used to help parameterize and validate discrete dislocation dynamics codes and therein integrated constitutive laws to enable accounting for irradiation-induced chemical segregation effects.

LAMMPS pair_style hybrid/overlay eam/alloy eam/fs (2022--Bonny-G--Fe-C-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr1)
See Computed Properties
Notes: These files were provided by Giovanni Bonny on October 31, 2023.
Documentation READ_ME.txt
d_band FeCCr_d.eam.alloy
s_band FeCCr_s.eam.fs

Citation: W.-M. Choi, Y. Kim, D. Seol, and B.-J. Lee (2017), "Modified embedded-atom method interatomic potentials for the Co-Cr, Co-Fe, Co-Mn, Cr-Mn and Mn-Ni binary systems", Computational Materials Science, 130, 121-129. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.01.002.
Abstract: Interatomic potentials for the Co-Cr, Co-Fe, Co-Mn, Cr-Mn and Mn-Ni binary systems have been developed in the framework of the second nearest-neighbor modified embedded-atom method (2NN MEAM) formalism. The potentials describe various fundamental alloy behaviors (structural, elastic and thermodynamic behavior of solution and compound phases), mostly in reasonable agreements with experimental data or first-principles calculations. The potentials can be utilized to complete the interatomic potential for the CoCrFeMnNi alloy and to investigate the atomic scale physical metallurgy of high entropy alloys.

See Computed Properties
Notes: These potential files were obtained from http://cmse.postech.ac.kr/home_2nnmeam, accessed Nov 9, 2020.
Citation: O.R. Deluigi, R.C. Pasianot, F.J. Valencia, A. Caro, D. Farkas, and E.M. Bringa (2021), "Simulations of primary damage in a High Entropy Alloy: Probing enhanced radiation resistance", Acta Materialia, 213, 116951. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2021.116951.
Abstract: High Entropy Alloys (HEA) attract attention as possible radiation resistant materials, a feature observed in some experiments that has been attributed to several unique properties of HEA, in particular to the disorder-induced reduced thermal conductivity and to the peculiar defect properties originating from the chemical complexity. To explore the origin of such behavior we study the early stages (less than 0.1 ns), of radiation damage response of a HEA using molecular dynamics simulations of collision cascades induced by primary knock-on atoms (PKA) with 10, 20 and 40 keV, at room temperature, on an idealized model equiatomic quinary fcc FeNiCrCoCu alloy, the corresponding "Average Atom" (AA) material, and on pure Ni. We include accurate corrections to describe short-range atomic interactions during the cascade. In all cases the average number of defects in the HEA is lower than for pure Ni, which has been previously used to help claiming that HEA is radiation resistant. However, simulated defect evolution during primary damage, including the number of surviving Frenkel Pairs, and the defect cluster size distributions are nearly the same in all cases, within our statistical uncertainty. The number of surviving FP in the alloy is predicted fairly well by analytical models of defect production in pure materials. All of this indicates that the origin of radiation resistance in HEAs as observed in experiments may not be related to a reduction in primary damage due to chemical disorder, but is probably caused by longer-time defect evolution.

Notes: This is a modified version of 2018--Farkas-D-Caro-A--Fe-Ni-Cr-Co-Cu that adds the ZBL correction at shorter interatomic distances making it suitable for radiation studies.

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Diana Farkas (Virginia Tech) on May 16, 2021 and posted with her permission.
Citation: D. Farkas, and A. Caro (2018), "Model interatomic potentials and lattice strain in a high-entropy alloy", Journal of Materials Research, 33(19), 3218-3225. DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2018.245.
Abstract: A set of embedded atom method model interatomic potentials is presented to represent a high-entropy alloy with five components. The set is developed to resemble but not model precisely face-centered cubic (fcc) near-equiatomic mixtures of Fe–Ni–Cr–Co–Cu. The individual components have atomic sizes deviating up to 3%. With the heats of mixing of all binary equiatomic random fcc mixtures being less than 0.7 kJ/mol and the corresponding value for the quinary being −0.0002 kJ/mol, the potentials predict the random equiatomic fcc quinary mixture to be stable with respect to phase separation or ordering and with respect to bcc and hcp random mixtures. The details of lattice distortion, strain, and stress states in this phase are reported. The standard deviation in the individual nearest neighbor bond lengths was found to be in the range of 2%. Most importantly, individual atoms in the alloy were found to be under atomic strains up to 0.5%, corresponding to individual atomic stresses up to several GPa.

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Diana Farkas (Virginia Tech) on 19 March 2019 and posted with her permission. Update 2019-05-20: Superseded by new version.
File(s): superseded

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Diana Farkas (Virginia Tech) on 20 May 2019. Professor Farkas notes "The update is to make the potentials go to zero smoothly for distances of 5.8 Å. The original version went up to 6 Å and the last 0.2 Å were not smooth. This does not affect any of the common calculations but may make a difference in some cases like Peierls stresses of dislocations."
Citation: R. Gröger, V. Vitek, and A. Dlouhý (2020), "Effective pair potential for random fcc CoCrFeMnNi alloys", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 28(7), 075006. DOI: 10.1088/1361-651x/ab7f8b.
Abstract: The single-phase equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi alloy is a random solid solution of five elements on the face-centered cubic lattice, whose pure constituents crystallize in very different structures and exhibit diverse magnetic properties. Due to the randomness of the alloy, 80% of nearest neighbor bonds are between unlike elements and thus the details of bonding in pure structures are less important. The elastic moduli of this alloy give rise to small Cauchy pressure C12 − C44, which suggests that the dominant part of bonding may be described by a simple pair potential. We test this hypothesis by developing a long-range Lennard-Jones potential in which the equilibrium crystal structures of pure constituents are taken as reference. The standard mixing rules for regular solutions are then adopted to obtain parameters for bonds between unlike elements in the quinary system. The transferability of this potential to quaternary CoCrFeNi, ternary CoCrNi, and binary FeNi alloys is investigated and the predictions compared with experiments and density functional theory calculations. By sampling over a large number of random configurations, we investigate the effect of compositional randomness on misfit volumes, energies of point defects and stacking faults, and the dislocation friction stresses experienced by moving edge and screw dislocations.

Notes: R. Gröger notes that "This is the Mie n-2n potential, where n=6 was found to give the best results - it is the same as the Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential. These potential files contain parameterizations of the Co-Cr-Fe-Mn-Ni system intended for studies of compositionally complex alloys with spatially random distributions of individual elements. Although it was developed primarily for studies of the quinary fcc CoCrFeMnNi system, the paper above demonstrates that it can be used equally well for quaternaries and ternaries. We emphasize that the model ceases to be applicable for binary and unary systems, where most or all first neighbor bonds are between the same elements."

See Computed Properties
Notes: These files were provided by Roman Gröger on Oct 23, 2021 and posted with his permission. The file mie.mod shows how to include these potentials in LAMMPS simulations via "include mie.mod".
Citation: W.-M. Choi, Y.H. Jo, S.S. Sohn, S. Lee, and B.-J. Lee (2018), "Understanding the physical metallurgy of the CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy: an atomistic simulation study", npj Computational Materials, 4(1), 1. DOI: 10.1038/s41524-017-0060-9.
Abstract: Although high-entropy alloys (HEAs) are attracting interest, the physical metallurgical mechanisms related to their properties have mostly not been clarified, and this limits wider industrial applications, in addition to the high alloy costs. We clarify the physical metallurgical reasons for the materials phenomena (sluggish diffusion and micro-twining at cryogenic temperatures) and investigate the effect of individual elements on solid solution hardening for the equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi HEA based on atomistic simulations (Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics and molecular statics). A significant number of stable vacant lattice sites with high migration energy barriers exists and is thought to cause the sluggish diffusion. We predict that the hexagonal close-packed (hcp) structure is more stable than the face-centered cubic (fcc) structure at 0 K, which we propose as the fundamental reason for the micro-twinning at cryogenic temperatures. The alloying effect on the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) is well predicted by the atomistic simulation, used for a design of non-equiatomic fcc HEAs with improved strength, and is experimentally verified. This study demonstrates the applicability of the proposed atomistic approach combined with a thermodynamic calculation technique to a computational design of advanced HEAs.

See Computed Properties
Notes: These potential files were obtained from http://cmse.postech.ac.kr/home_2nnmeam, accessed Nov 9, 2020.
Citation: A. Liang, D.C. Goodelman, A.M. Hodge, D. Farkas, and P.S. Branicio (2023), "CoFeNiTix and CrFeNiTix high entropy alloy thin films microstructure formation", Acta Materialia, 257, 119163. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2023.119163.
Abstract: High entropy alloys (HEA) composition-structure relationships are crucial for guiding their design and applications. Here, we use a combined experimental and molecular dynamics (MD) approach to investigate phase formation during physical vapor deposition (PVD) of CoFeNiTix and CrFeNiTix HEA thin films. We vary titanium molar ratio from 0 to 1 to understand the role of a larger element in the alloy mixture. The experiments show that a high titanium content favors amorphous phase formation in the samples produced by magnetron co-sputtering. In contrast, a low titanium content results in the formation of a face-centered cubic (FCC) structure in both HEA families. This effect of titanium content on the stability of the amorphous and FCC phases is reproduced in PVD MD simulations. The threshold titanium molar ratio is identified to be ~0.53 and ~0.16 for the CoFeNiTix and CrFeNiTix films in the experiments, and ~0.53 and ~0.53 in the MD simulations. In addition, the atomistic modeling allows for energy versus volume calculations with increasing titanium content, which demonstrate the stabilization of the amorphous phase with respect to crystalline structures. To isolate the effect of atomic sizes, additional simulations are performed using an average-atom model, which disregards differences in atomic radii while preserving the average properties of the alloy. In these simulations, the energetic stability of the amorphous phase disappears. The combined experimental and simulation results demonstrate that the formation of the amorphous phase in HEA thin films generated by PVD is directly caused by the atomic size difference.

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Diana Farkas on January 12, 2024.
Citation: M.I. Mendelev (2024), "to be published".

Notes: Mikhail Mendelev notes "This Ni-Co-Cr potential is designed to simulate the plastic deformation in the NiCoCr HEA. The potential correctly reproduces all element ground states and melting temperature as well as hcp-fcc transformation in pure Co. Note that the potential was fit to the PBEsol VASP data, therefore, it systematically underestimates the lattice parameters."

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Mikhail Mendelev on July 9, 2024.
Citation: S.M. Eich, D. Beinke, and G. Schmitz (2015), "Embedded-atom potential for an accurate thermodynamic description of the iron-chromium system", Computational Materials Science, 104, 185-192. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2015.03.047.
Abstract: A new potential for the iron–chromium (Fe–Cr) alloy system was optimized for the embedded-atom method (EAM) within the two-band model (TBM) extension. In contrast to previous works, free model parameters are predominantly adapted to available experimental high-temperature data of the mixing enthalpy. As a major improvement, the metastable α/α' miscibility gap is accurately described in agreement with experimental data and a recent CALPHAD parametrization. The potential was also fitted to obtain an enriched solubility for chromium atoms in an iron matrix at 0 K, as it is predicted by several ab initio calculations. Furthermore, it was benchmarked against phonon excess entropies at 300 K and 1600 K demonstrating good agreement with respective results of inelastic neutron scattering.

EAM tabulated functions (2015--Eich-S-M--Fe-Cr--table--ipr1)
Notes: These files were sent by S.M. Eich (University of Stuttgart) on 20 Aug. 2015 and posted with his permission. Dr. Eich noted, "That the provided tables are directly obtained by the fitting process for the Fe-Cr interaction without subsequent transformation into the effective pair format. This was done in the publication for comparison, but the additional rescaling of the electron density for pure components wouldn't describe the energetics of alloys correctly unless the rescaling has been performed before starting the fitting routine (which then would affect the fitting process)." Dr. Eich noted that the distance units are Angstroms and the energy units are eV.
File(s): superseded

EAM tabulated functions (2015--Eich-S-M--Fe-Cr--table--ipr2)
Notes: These files were provided by Sebastian Eich (Universität Stuttgart) on March 9, 2021 and posted with his permission. The new tables contain more grid points and includes values below 0.5 Angstroms.
LAMMPS pair_style hybrid/overlay eam/alloy eam/fs (2015--Eich-S-M--Fe-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr1)
See Computed Properties
Notes: These files were provided by Sebastian Eich (Universität Stuttgart) on March 9, 2021 and posted with his permission.
Citation: G. Bonny, R.C. Pasianot, D. Terentyev, and L. Malerba (2011), "Iron chromium potential to model high-chromium ferritic alloys", Philosophical Magazine, 91(12), 1724-1746. DOI: 10.1080/14786435.2010.545780.
Abstract: We present an Fe–Cr interatomic potential to model high-Cr ferritic alloys. The potential is fitted to thermodynamic and point-defect properties obtained from density functional theory (DFT) calculations and experiments. The developed potential is also benchmarked against other potentials available in literature. It shows particularly good agreement with the DFT obtained mixing enthalpy of the random alloy, the formation energy of intermetallics and experimental excess vibrational entropy and phase diagram. In addition, DFT calculated point-defect properties, both interstitial and substitutional, are well reproduced, as is the screw dislocation core structure. As a first validation of the potential, we study the precipitation hardening of Fe–Cr alloys via static simulations of the interaction between Cr precipitates and screw dislocations. It is concluded that the description of the dislocation core modification near a precipitate might have a significant influence on the interaction mechanisms observed in dynamic simulations.

EAM tabulated functions (2011--Bonny-G--Fe-Cr--table--ipr1)
Notes: These files were sent by Dr. Giovanni Bonny (Nuclear Materials Science Institute of SCK-CEN, Belgium) on 2 November 2017 and posted with his permission.
Fe F(ρ): Fd_Fe.spt
Cr F(ρ): Fd_Cr.spt
Fe ρd(r): rhoFe.spt
Cr ρd(r): rhoCr.spt
Fe-Cr ρs(r): rhoFeCr.spt
Fe-Fe φ(r): pFeFe.spt
Cr-Cr φ(r): pCrCr.spt
Fe-Cr φ(r): pFeCr.spt
Documentation: README.txt

LAMMPS pair_style hybrid/overlay eam/alloy eam/fs (2011--Bonny-G--Fe-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr1)
See Computed Properties
Notes: These files were sent by Dr. Giovanni Bonny (Nuclear Materials Science Institute of SCK-CEN, Belgium) on 2 November 2017 and posted with his permission. Giovanni Bonny also included Caution.pdf file, which explains why a large number of grid points for the s-embedding function are necessary. Giovanni Bonny noted that this warning is in fact valid for all known two-band model (2BM) potentials. Giovanni Bonny thanks Junlei Zhao (Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland) for help in preparation of the LAMMPS files. Update March 15, 2020: This version was identified to not be compatible with LAMMPS versions after 7 Aug 2019 due to more rigorous format checks.
File(s): superseded

LAMMPS pair_style hybrid/overlay eam/alloy eam/fs (2011--Bonny-G--Fe-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr2)
See Computed Properties
Notes: This is a modification to the above version posted by Lucas Hale on March 15, 2020. Missing pair function tables of all zeros were added to the FeCr_s.eam.fs file to make the files compatible with LAMMPS versions after 7 Aug 2019. Update May 26 2021: This version is not compatible for LAMMPS versions starting with 29 Oct 2020 due to Infinify and NaN values no longer allowed.
File(s): superseded

LAMMPS pair_style hybrid/overlay eam/alloy eam/fs (2011--Bonny-G--Fe-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr3)
See Computed Properties
Notes: This is a modification to the above version posted by Lucas Hale on May 26, 2021. To make the files compatible with LAMMPS versions after 29 Oct 2020, the Infinity and NaN values associated with the Cr elemental tables at r=0 are replaced with 1e+8 and 0.0 values, respectively.
Documentation READ_ME.txt
Documentation Caution.pdf
d_band FeCr_d.eam.alloy
s_band FeCr_s.eam.fs

Citation: A. Stukowski, B. Sadigh, P. Erhart, and A. Caro (2009), "Efficient implementation of the concentration-dependent embedded atom method for molecular-dynamics and Monte-Carlo simulations", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 17(7), 075005. DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/17/7/075005.
Abstract: The concentration-dependent embedded atom method (CD-EAM) is a powerful model for atomistic simulation of concentrated alloys with arbitrarily complex mixing enthalpy curves. In this paper, we show that in spite of explicit three-body forces, this model can be implemented quite simply with a computational efficiency comparable to the standard EAM for molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations. Ready-to-use subroutines for the parallel MD code LAMMPS can be provided by the authors upon request. We further propose an improved version of this potential that allows for very efficient calculations of single-particle displacement/transmutation energies, while retaining the complexity implicit in the three-body interactions. This enables large-scale Monte-Carlo simulations of alloys with the interatomic interactions described by the CD-EAM model.

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was taken from the August 22, 2018 LAMMPS distribution. It is listed as being contributed by Alexander Stukowski (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Citation: P. Olsson, J. Wallenius, C. Domain, K. Nordlund, and L. Malerba (2005), "Two-band modeling of α-prime phase formation in Fe-Cr", Physical Review B, 72(21), 214119. DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.72.214119.
Abstract: We have developed a two-band model of Fe-Cr, fitted to properties of the ferromagnetic alloy. Fitting many-body functionals to the calculated mixing enthalpy of the alloy and the mixed interstitial binding energy in iron, our potential reproduces changes in sign of the formation energy as a function of Cr concentration. When applied in kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, the potential correctly predicts decomposition of initially random Fe-Cr alloys into the α-prime phase as function of Cr concentration.
Citation: P. Olsson, J. Wallenius, C. Domain, K. Nordlund, and L. Malerba (2006), "Erratum: Two-band modeling of α-prime phase formation in Fe-Cr [Phys. Rev. B 72, 214119 (2005)]", Physical Review B, 74(22), 229906. DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.74.229906.

Citation: J. Wallenius, P. Olsson, and C. Lagerstedt (2005), "Relation between thermal expansion and interstitial formation energy in pure Fe and Cr", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 228(1-4), 122-125. DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2004.10.032.
Abstract: By fitting a potential of modified Finnis–Sinclair type to the thermal expansion of ferromagnetic Fe and paramagnetic Cr, stability of the <110> self-interstitial atom is obtained. The resulting potentials are relatively hard, yielding high SIA formation energies. Less hard potentials give lower interstitial formation energy, but predict too small thermal expansion. We also show that the formation energy of the <111> SIA depends on distances in-between the 2nd and 3rd neighbour. By raising the value of the pair potential in this region, the energy difference with respect to the <110> configuration calculated with VASP in the PAW approximation can be reproduced.

Citation: B.-J. Lee, J.-H. Shim, and H.M. Park (2001), "A semi-empirical atomic potential for the Fe-Cr binary system", Calphad, 25(4), 527-534. DOI: 10.1016/s0364-5916(02)00005-6.
Abstract: A semi-empirical atomic potential, the second nearest-neighbor MEAM, has been applied to obtain an atomic potential for the Fe-Cr system, based on the previously developed potentials for pure Fe and Cr. The procedure for the determination of potential parameter values and the performance of the assessed alloy potential were also presented. It was shown that the potential describes the basic thermodynamic property and alloy behavior in the bcc solid solution successfully, as well as many physical properties of pure Fe and Cr. The limit in the applicability of the present potential is also discussed.

See Computed Properties
Notes: The meam files were generated using the kissmd_to_lammps.xslt found at http://cmse.postech.ac.kr/home_2nnmeam.
See Computed Properties
Notes: Listing found at https://openkim.org.
Citation: S. Starikov, D. Smirnova, T. Pradhan, I. Gordeev, R. Drautz, and M. Mrovec (2022), "Angular-dependent interatomic potential for large-scale atomistic simulation of the Fe-Cr-H ternary system", Physical Review Materials, 6(4), 043604. DOI: 10.1103/physrevmaterials.6.043604.
Abstract: The recently developed angular-dependent potential for pure iron was advanced to the interatomic potential of the Fe-Cr-H ternary system. The new potential allows to simulate Fe-Cr alloys for a wide range of compositions and different concentrations of hydrogen. The angular-dependent format of the model and the development procedure based on the machine learning approach allow to achieve a favorable balance between the computation cost and the reliability of the created parametrization. As part of potential validation, we performed a large number of tests of both the binary metallic alloys and hydrogen interactions. The applicability of the potential is demonstrated by large-scale simulations of hydrogen diffusion in the vicinity of crystal defects.

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Sergei Starikov on April 26, 2022 and posted with his permission.
Citation: A. Daramola, G. Bonny, G. Adjanor, C. Domain, G. Monnet, and A. Fraczkiewicz (2022), "Development of a plasticity-oriented interatomic potential for CrFeMnNi high entropy alloys", Computational Materials Science, 203, 111165. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.111165.
Abstract: An interatomic potential (termed EAM-21) has been developed with the embedded atomic method (EAM) for CrFeMnNi quaternary HEAs. This potential is based on a previously developed potential for CrFeNi ternary alloys. The parameters to develop the potential were determined by fitting to experimental values, density functional theory (DFT) and thermodynamic calculations, to reproduce the main crystal characteristics, namely: the stability of the fcc phase, elastic constants, and stacking fault energy. Its applicability for the study of plastic deformation mechanisms was checked by calculations of behaviour of a ½<1 1 0>1 1 1 edge dislocation in equiatomic quaternary CrFeMnNi alloy, as well as its less-complex subsystems (ternaries, binaries, and pure metals). The calculations were performed in the domain of temperatures between 0 and 900 K; smooth and stable glide of an edge dislocation and fcc phase stability in this temperature range was confirmed. This study demonstrates the suitability of the EAM-21 potential for the analysis of plasticity mechanisms and mechanical properties of CrFeMnNi HEAs.

Notes: This potential is mostly suitable for microplasticity studies. This version of the potential is not stiffened for irradiation damage and displacement cascades studies.

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Giovanni Bonny on April 3, 2024 with the agreement of all the authors.
Citation: M.I. Mendelev (2019), "to be published".

Notes: This potential was designed to simulate stainless steels. All pure components potentials here are original and are not the same as previously published potentials from Mendelev.

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Mikhail Mendelev (Ames Laboratory) on 8 October 2019. Update 19 July 2021: The contact email in the file's header has been changed.
See Computed Properties
Notes: Listing found at https://openkim.org. This KIM potential is based on the files from 2019--Mendelev-M-I--Fe-Ni-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr1.
Citation: X.W. Zhou, M.E. Foster, and R.B. Sills (2018), "An Fe-Ni-Cr embedded atom method potential for austenitic and ferritic systems", Journal of Computational Chemistry, 39(29), 2420-2431. DOI: 10.1002/jcc.25573.
Abstract: Fe‐Ni‐Cr stainless‐steels are important structural materials because of their superior strength and corrosion resistance. Atomistic studies of mechanical properties of stainless‐steels, however, have been limited by the lack of high‐fidelity interatomic potentials. Here using density functional theory as a guide, we have developed a new Fe‐Ni‐Cr embedded atom method potential. We demonstrate that our potential enables stable molecular dynamics simulations of stainless‐steel alloys at high temperatures, accurately reproduces the stacking fault energy-known to strongly influence the mode of plastic deformation (e.g., twinning vs. dislocation glide vs. cross‐slip)-of these alloys over a range of compositions, and gives reasonable elastic constants, energies, and volumes for various compositions. The latter are pertinent for determining short‐range order and solute strengthening effects. Our results suggest that our potential is suitable for studying mechanical properties of austenitic and ferritic stainless‐steels which have vast implementation in the scientific and industrial communities. Published 2018. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.

LAMMPS pair_style eam/alloy (2018--Zhou-X-W--Fe-Ni-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr1)
See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Xiaowang Zhou (Sandia National Laboratories) on 1 January 2019 and posted with his permission. The function tabulations are identical to 2018--Zhou-X-W--Fe-Ni-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr2 below, only the file format is different.
See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Xiaowang Zhou (Sandia National Laboratories) on 1 January 2019 and posted with his permission. The function tabulations are identical to 2018--Zhou-X-W--Fe-Ni-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr1 above, only the file format is different.
Citation: L.K. Béland, A. Tamm, S. Mu, G.D. Samolyuk, Y.N. Osetsky, A. Aabloo, M. Klintenberg, A. Caro, and R.E. Stoller (2017), "Accurate classical short-range forces for the study of collision cascades in Fe–Ni–Cr", Computer Physics Communications, 219, 11-19. DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2017.05.001.
Abstract: The predictive power of a classical molecular dynamics simulation is largely determined by the physical validity of its underlying empirical potential. In the case of high-energy collision cascades, it was recently shown that correctly modeling interactions at short distances is necessary to accurately predict primary damage production. An ab initio based framework is introduced for modifying an existing embedded-atom method FeNiCr potential to handle these short-range interactions. Density functional theory is used to calculate the energetics of two atoms approaching each other, embedded in the alloy, and to calculate the equation of state of the alloy as it is compressed. The pairwise terms and the embedding terms of the potential are modified in accordance with the ab initio results. Using this reparametrized potential, collision cascades are performed in Ni50Fe50, Ni80Cr20 and Ni33Fe33Cr33. The simulations reveal that alloying Ni and NiCr to Fe reduces primary damage production, in agreement with some previous calculations. Alloying Ni and NiFe to Cr does not reduce primary damage production, in contradiction with previous calculations.

Notes: Prof. Béland notes that "The potential takes the 2011--Bonny-G-Terentyev-D-Pasianot-R-C-et-al--Fe-Ni-Cr potential and re-parameterizes the short-distance interactions based on DFT calculations, as explained in the paper and https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jctc.5b01194. We recommend using this potential for simulating collision cascades."

LAMMPS pair_style eam/alloy (2017--Beland-L-K--Fe-Ni-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr1)
See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Laurent Béland on 7 Nov 2019 and posted with his permission.
Citation: G. Bonny, A. Bakaev, P. Olsson, C. Domain, E.E. Zhurkin, and M. Posselt (2017), "Interatomic potential to study the formation of NiCr clusters in high Cr ferritic steels", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 484, 42-50. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.11.017.
Abstract: Under irradiation NiSiPCr clusters are formed in high-Cr ferritic martensitic steels as well as in FeCr model alloys. In the literature little is known about the origin and contribution to the hardening of these clusters. In this work we performed density functional theory (DFT) calculations to study the stability of small substitutional NiCr-vacancy clusters and interstitial configurations in bcc Fe. Based on DFT data and experimental considerations a ternary potential for the ferritic FeNiCr system was developed. The potential was applied to study the thermodynamic stability of NiCr clusters by means of Metropolis Monte Carlo (MMC) simulations. The results of our simulations show that Cr and Ni precipitate as separate fractions and suggest only a limited synergetic effect between Ni and Cr. Therefore our results suggest that the NiCrSiP clusters observed in experiments must be the result of other mechanisms than the synergy of Cr and Ni at thermal equilibrium.

LAMMPS pair_style hybrid/overlay eam/alloy eam/fs (2017--Bonny-G--Fe-Cr-Ni--LAMMPS--ipr1)
See Computed Properties
Notes: These files were provided by Giovanni Bonny on October 31, 2023. The files were modified to be compatible with newer versions of LAMMPS by replacing inf and nan values at r=0 in the d file, and adding values of 0.0 to the s file for the missing and unused rphi tables.
Citation: C. Wu, B.-J. Lee, and X. Su (2017), "Modified embedded-atom interatomic potential for Fe-Ni, Cr-Ni and Fe-Cr-Ni systems", Calphad, 57, 98-106. DOI: 10.1016/j.calphad.2017.03.007.
Abstract: A semi-empirical interatomic potential formalism, the second-nearest-neighbor modified embedded-atom method (2NN MEAM), has been applied to obtaining interatomic potentials for the Fe-Ni, Cr-Ni and Fe-Cr-Ni systems using previously developed MEAM potentials of Fe and Ni and a newly revised potential of Cr. The potential parameters were determined by fitting the experimental data on the enthalpy of formation or mixing, lattice parameter and elastic constant. The present potentials generally reproduced the fundamental physical properties of the Fe-Ni and Cr-Ni alloys. The enthalpy of formation or mixing of the disordered phase at finite temperature and the enthalpy of mixing of the liquid phase are reasonable in agreements with experiment data and CALPHAD calculations. The potentials can be combined with already-developed MEAM potentials to describe Fe-Cr-Ni-based multicomponent alloys. Moreover, the average diffusivities in the unary, some binary and ternary alloys were simulated based on present potential. Good agreement is obtained in comparison with experimental data.

See Computed Properties
Notes: These potential files were obtained from http://cmse.postech.ac.kr/home_2nnmeam, accessed Nov 9, 2020.
Citation: G. Bonny, N. Castin, and D. Terentyev (2013), "Interatomic potential for studying ageing under irradiation in stainless steels: the FeNiCr model alloy", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 21(8), 085004. DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/21/8/085004.
Abstract: The degradation of austenitic stainless steels in a radiation environment is a known problem for the in-core components of nuclear light water reactors. For a better understanding of the prevailing mechanisms responsible for the materials' degradation, large-scale atomistic simulations are desirable. In this framework and as a follow-up on Bonny et al (2011 Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 19 085008), we developed an embedded atom method type interatomic potential for the ternary FeNiCr system to model the production and evolution of radiation defects. Special attention has been drawn to the Fe10Ni20Cr alloy, whose properties were ensured to be close to those of 316L austenitic stainless steels. The potential is extensively benchmarked against density functional theory calculations and the potential developed in our earlier work. As a first validation, the potential is used in AKMC simulations to simulate thermal annealing experiments in order to determine the self-diffusion coefficients of the components in FeNiCr alloys around the Fe10Ni20Cr composition. The results from these simulations are consistent with experiments, i.e., DCr > DNi > DFe.

Notes: Notes from Giovanni Bonny: "The present potential was developed to model POINT DEFECTS near the Fe-10Ni-20Cr composition.

LAMMPS pair_style eam/alloy (2013--Bonny-G--Fe-Ni-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr1)
See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Giovanni Bonny (Nuclear Materials Science Institute of SCK-CEN, Belgium) on 13 Jan. 2014.
EAM tabulated functions (2013--Bonny-G--Fe-Ni-Cr--table--ipr1)
Notes: These files were provided by Giovanni Bonny on 13 Jan. 2014.
See Computed Properties
Notes: Listing found at https://openkim.org. This KIM potential is based on the files from 2013--Bonny-G--Fe-Ni-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr1.
Citation: G. Bonny, D. Terentyev, R.C. Pasianot, S. Poncé, and A. Bakaev (2011), "Interatomic potential to study plasticity in stainless steels: the FeNiCr model alloy", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 19(8), 085008. DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/19/8/085008.
Abstract: Austenitic stainless steels are commonly used materials for in-core components of nuclear light water reactors. In service, such components are exposed to harsh conditions: intense neutron irradiation, mechanical and thermal stresses, and aggressive corrosion environment which all contribute to the components' degradation. For a better understanding of the prevailing mechanisms responsible for the materials degradation, large-scale atomistic simulations are desirable. In this framework we developed an embedded atom method type interatomic potential for the ternary FeNiCr system to model movement of dislocations and their interaction with radiation defects. Special attention has been drawn to the Fe-10Ni-20Cr alloy, whose properties were ensured to be close to those of 316L austenitic stainless steel. In particular, the stacking fault energy and elastic constants are well reproduced. The fcc phase for the Fe–10Ni-20Cr random alloy was proven to be stable in the temperature range 0–900 K and under shear strain up to 5%. For the same alloy the stable glide of screw dislocations and stability of Frank loops was confirmed.

Notes: Notes from Giovanni Bonny: "The present potential was developed to model dislocations around the Fe-10Ni-20Cr composition."

LAMMPS pair_style eam/alloy (2011--Bonny-G--Fe-Ni-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr1)
See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Giovanni Bonny (Nuclear Materials Science Institute of SCK-CEN, Belgium) on 2 Sept. 2013. Update May 26 2021: This version is not compatible for LAMMPS versions starting with 29 Oct 2020 due to Infinify and NaN values no longer allowed.
File(s): superseded

EAM tabulated functions (2011--Bonny-G--Fe-Ni-Cr--table--ipr1)
Notes: These files were provided by Giovanni Bonny on 2 Sept. 2013.
Fe F(ρ): F_Fe.spt
Ni F(ρ): F_Ni.spt
Cr F(ρ): F_Cr.spt
Fe ρ(r): rhoFe.spt
Ni ρ(r): rhoNi.spt
Cr ρ(r): rhoCr.spt
Fe φ(r): pFeFe.spt
Ni φ(r): pNiNi.spt
Cr φ(r): pCrCr.spt
Fe-Ni φ(r): pFeNi.spt
Fe-Cr φ(r): pFeCr.spt
Ni-Cr φ(r): pNiCr.spt

LAMMPS pair_style eam/alloy (2011--Bonny-G--Fe-Ni-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr2)
See Computed Properties
Notes: This is a modification to the previous LAMMPS version and was posted by Lucas Hale on May 26, 2021. To make the file compatible with LAMMPS versions after 29 Oct 2020, INF values at r=0 for the elemental r*phi tables were replaced by values computed using the parameters listed in the paper.
Citation: G. Arora, G. Bonny, N. Castin, and D.S. Aidhy (2021), "Effect of different point-defect energetics in Ni80X20 (X=Fe, Pd) on contrasting vacancy cluster formation from atomistic simulations", Materialia, 15, 100974. DOI: 10.1016/j.mtla.2020.100974.
Abstract: Recent irradiation experiments have shown that smaller vacancy clusters are observed in Ni80Pd20 compared to Ni80Fe20. Using atomistic calculations, we find that the vacancy energetics are significantly different between the two alloys. Ni80Pd20 has lower vacancy migration barriers and lower vacancy-vacancy binding energies than Ni80Fe20. The consequence of these energetic differences is observed in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, where despite higher vacancy diffusivity that would help in cluster formation, significantly reduced vacancy clusters are observed in Ni80Pd20 than Ni80Fe20. Calculations show that binding energy decreases and formation energy increases with increasing Ni-Ni bond lengths, and larger Ni-Ni bond lengths are observed in Ni80Pd20 than Ni80Fe20. Thus, the reduced vacancy-vacancy binding and higher formation energy due to longer Ni-Ni bonds in Ni80Pd20 are possibly the underlying reasons for smaller vacancy clusters in Ni80-Pd20 than Ni80Fe20. This study illustrates the unique effects of alloying elements on defect energetics and microstructural evolution in random alloys.

Notes: Gaurav Arora notes that "This is one of the first types of potentials used to study radiation defects in alloys containing Pd and is a modified version of 2018--Bonny-G-Chakraborty-D-Pandey-S-et-al--Ni-Fe-Cr-Pd. This potential was specifically developed to study defect energetics, such as vacancy formation energies, binding energies, voids, stacking fault tetrahedra (SFTs) formation, and other radiation defects in high entropy alloys."

LAMMPS pair_style eam/alloy (2021--Arora-G--Fe-Ni-Cr-Pd--LAMMPS--ipr1)
See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Gaurav Arora on July 17, 2024.
Citation: G. Bonny, D. Chakraborty, S. Pandey, A. Manzoor, N. Castin, S.R. Phillpot, and D.S. Aidhy (2018), "Classical interatomic potential for quaternary Ni-Fe-Cr-Pd solid solution alloys", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 26(6), 065014. DOI: 10.1088/1361-651x/aad2e7.
Abstract: In this paper, we present a new quaternary interatomic potential for the NiFeCrPd system, which is an extension on the previous NiFeCr potential. Density functional theory is used to calculate the quantities to be fitted, with particular focus on the energetics of point defects with solutes, for the potential to be used towards understanding radiation damage properties. The potential thus will enable the modeling of multi-elemental solid solution alloys consisting of up to four elements. To test the potential, we have performed atomistic kinetic Monte Carlo simulations to investigate the effect of configurational entropy on the self-diffusion coefficients. The self-diffusion coefficients are found to increase with chemical complexity, contrary to the common postulation of sluggish diffusion in high entropy alloys (HEAs). In addition, we have performed molecular dynamics simulations to elucidate the effect of Pd on vacancy diffusion and clustering in pure Ni and binary alloys. In agreement with recent irradiation experiments, our simulations show that while large vacancy clusters, such as stacking fault tetrahedra, are formed in pure Ni, Ni-Fe and Ni-Cr systems, negligible vacancy clustering is observed in Ni-Pd systems, indicating a possible effect of Pd in reducing cluster sizes. We suggest that this potential will be useful for studying the defect evolution in multi-component HEAs.

Citation: G. Bonny, N. Castin, J. Bullens, A. Bakaev, T.C.P. Klaver, and D. Terentyev (2013), "On the mobility of vacancy clusters in reduced activation steels: an atomistic study in the Fe-Cr-W model alloy", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 25(31), 315401. DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/25/31/315401.
Abstract: Reduced activation steels are considered as structural materials for future fusion reactors. Besides iron and the main alloying element chromium, these steels contain other minor alloying elements, typically tungsten, vanadium and tantalum. In this work we study the impact of chromium and tungsten, being major alloying elements of ferritic Fe–Cr–W-based steels, on the stability and mobility of vacancy defects, typically formed under irradiation in collision cascades. For this purpose, we perform ab initio calculations, develop a many-body interatomic potential (EAM formalism) for large-scale calculations, validate the potential and apply it using an atomistic kinetic Monte Carlo method to characterize the lifetime and diffusivity of vacancy clusters. To distinguish the role of Cr and W we perform atomistic kinetic Monte Carlo simulations in Fe–Cr, Fe–W and Fe–Cr–W alloys. Within the limitation of transferability of the potentials it is found that both Cr and W enhance the diffusivity of vacancy clusters, while only W strongly reduces their lifetime. The cluster lifetime reduction increases with W concentration and saturates at about 1-2 at.%. The obtained results imply that W acts as an efficient 'breaker' of small migrating vacancy clusters and therefore the short-term annealing process of cascade debris is modified by the presence of W, even in small concentrations.

Notes: Dr. Bonny noted that the FeCr part is identical to the bcc FeCr potential by himself and posted to the NIST Repository. He further noted that since the FeCr potential is in the 2BM formalism, the ternary is in the same format.

LAMMPS pair_style hybrid/overlay eam/alloy eam/fs (2013--Bonny-G--Fe-Cr-W--LAMMPS--ipr1)
See Computed Properties
Notes: These files were provided by Giovanni Bonny (Nuclear Materials Science Institute of SCK-CEN, Belgium) on 7 Mar. 2018 and posted with his permission. Dr. Bonny noted that the potentials were not stiffened and cannot be used in their present form for collision cascades. Update March 15, 2020: This version was identified to not be compatible with LAMMPS versions after 7 Aug 2019 due to more rigorous format checks.
File(s): superseded

EAM tabulated functions (2013--Bonny-G--Fe-Cr-W--table--ipr1)
Notes: These files were provided by Giovanni Bonny (Nuclear Materials Science Institute of SCK-CEN, Belgium) on 7 Mar. 2018 and posted with his permission.
Cr Fd(ρ): Fd_Cr.spt
Fe Fd(ρ): Fd_Fe.spt
W Fd(ρ): Fd_W.spt
Cr Fs(ρ): Fs_Cr.spt
Fe Fs(ρ): Fs_Fe.spt
Cr ρ(r): rhoCr.spt
Fe ρ(r): rhoFe.spt
Fe-Cr ρ(r): rhoFeCr.spt
W ρ(r): rhoW.spt
Cr φ(r): pCrCr.spt
Fe φ(r): pFeFe.spt
W φ(r): pWW.spt
Cr-W φ(r): pCrW.spt
Fe-Cr φ(r): pFeCr.spt
Fe-W φ(r): pFeW.spt

LAMMPS pair_style hybrid/overlay eam/alloy eam/fs (2013--Bonny-G--Fe-Cr-W--LAMMPS--ipr2)
See Computed Properties
Notes: This is a modification to the above version posted by Lucas Hale on March 15, 2020. Missing pair function tables of all zeros were added to the FeCr_s.eam.fs file to make the files compatible with LAMMPS versions after 7 Aug 2019. Update May 26 2021: This version is not compatible for LAMMPS versions starting with 29 Oct 2020 due to Infinify and NaN values no longer allowed.
File(s): superseded

LAMMPS pair_style hybrid/overlay eam/alloy eam/fs (2013--Bonny-G--Fe-Cr-W--LAMMPS--ipr3)
See Computed Properties
Notes: This is a modification to the above version posted by Lucas Hale on May 26, 2021. To make the files compatible with LAMMPS versions after 29 Oct 2020, the Infinity and NaN values associated with the Cr elemental tables at r=0 are replaced with 1e+8 and 0.0 values, respectively.
Documentation READ_ME.txt
d_band FeCrW_d.eam.alloy
s_band FeCrW_s.eam.fs

Citation: W.-M. Choi, Y. Kim, D. Seol, and B.-J. Lee (2017), "Modified embedded-atom method interatomic potentials for the Co-Cr, Co-Fe, Co-Mn, Cr-Mn and Mn-Ni binary systems", Computational Materials Science, 130, 121-129. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.01.002.
Abstract: Interatomic potentials for the Co-Cr, Co-Fe, Co-Mn, Cr-Mn and Mn-Ni binary systems have been developed in the framework of the second nearest-neighbor modified embedded-atom method (2NN MEAM) formalism. The potentials describe various fundamental alloy behaviors (structural, elastic and thermodynamic behavior of solution and compound phases), mostly in reasonable agreements with experimental data or first-principles calculations. The potentials can be utilized to complete the interatomic potential for the CoCrFeMnNi alloy and to investigate the atomic scale physical metallurgy of high entropy alloys.

See Computed Properties
Notes: These potential files were obtained from http://cmse.postech.ac.kr/home_2nnmeam, accessed Nov 9, 2020.
Citation: C.A. Howells, and Y. Mishin (2018), "Angular-dependent interatomic potential for the binary Ni-Cr system", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 26(8), 085008. DOI: 10.1088/1361-651x/aae400.
Abstract: A new interatomic potential has been developed for the Ni–Cr system in the angular-dependent potential (ADP) format by fitting the potential parameters to a set of experimental and first-principles data. The ADP potential reproduces a wide range of properties of both elements as well as binary alloys with reasonable accuracy, including thermal and mechanical properties, defects, melting points of Ni and Cr, and the Ni–Cr phase diagram. The potential can be used for atomistic simulations of solidification, mechanical behavior and microstructure of the Ni-based and Cr-based phases as well as two-phase alloys.

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Yuri Mishin (George Mason University) on 2 Nov. 2018.
Citation: C. Wu, B.-J. Lee, and X. Su (2017), "Modified embedded-atom interatomic potential for Fe-Ni, Cr-Ni and Fe-Cr-Ni systems", Calphad, 57, 98-106. DOI: 10.1016/j.calphad.2017.03.007.
Abstract: A semi-empirical interatomic potential formalism, the second-nearest-neighbor modified embedded-atom method (2NN MEAM), has been applied to obtaining interatomic potentials for the Fe-Ni, Cr-Ni and Fe-Cr-Ni systems using previously developed MEAM potentials of Fe and Ni and a newly revised potential of Cr. The potential parameters were determined by fitting the experimental data on the enthalpy of formation or mixing, lattice parameter and elastic constant. The present potentials generally reproduced the fundamental physical properties of the Fe-Ni and Cr-Ni alloys. The enthalpy of formation or mixing of the disordered phase at finite temperature and the enthalpy of mixing of the liquid phase are reasonable in agreements with experiment data and CALPHAD calculations. The potentials can be combined with already-developed MEAM potentials to describe Fe-Cr-Ni-based multicomponent alloys. Moreover, the average diffusivities in the unary, some binary and ternary alloys were simulated based on present potential. Good agreement is obtained in comparison with experimental data.

LAMMPS pair_style meam (2017--Wu-C--Ni-Cr--LAMMPS--ipr1)
See Computed Properties
Notes: These potential files were obtained from http://cmse.postech.ac.kr/home_2nnmeam, accessed Nov 9, 2020.
Date Created: October 5, 2010 | Last updated: July 22, 2024