OOF2: The Manual


Split Quads (SplitQuads) — Split quadrilateral elements into two triangles.





The SplitQuads Skeleton modifier improves the Homegeneity Energy of a quadrilateral Element by splitting it along a diagonal into two triangles.

The targets parameter specifies which Elements to examine as possible candidates for splitting.

The criterion parameter determines the conditions under which splits will be accepted or rejected.

The split_how parameter determines how the diagonal is chosen for each split. When set to GeographicQ2T, neighboring Elements are consulted for advice. When set to TrialAndErrorQ2T, both diagonals are tried and the better one is chosen according to the given criterion.

Here's an example using the GeographicQ2T splitter. Figure 6.109 shows a Skeleton after applying SnapNodes, which tends to leave some quadrilaterals tailor-made for splitting along the diagonal. As shown, heterogeneous elements (highlighted with fat lines) are surrounded by two types of elements (two blue elements and two magenta elements for each case) and the material boundary is closely following their diagonals. The resulting Skeleton is shown Figure 6.110.

Figure 6.109. Before Splitting

Before Splitting

The material boundary is crossing two heterogenous elements along their diagonals.

Figure 6.110. After Splitting

After Splitting

Inhomogeneous quadrilaterals have been replaced with homogeneous triangles.