Warning! Note that elemental potentials taken from alloy descriptions may not work well for the pure species. This is particularly true if the elements were fit for compounds instead of being optimized separately. As with all interatomic potentials, please check to make sure that the performance is adequate for your problem.
Citation: R.S. Elliott, and A. Akerson (2015), "Efficient "universal" shifted Lennard-Jones model for all KIM API supported species".
Notes: This is the V interaction from the "Universal" parameterization for the openKIM LennardJones612 model driver.The parameterization uses a shifted cutoff so that all interactions have a continuous energy function at the cutoff radius. This model was automatically fit using Lorentz-Berthelotmixing rules. It reproduces the dimer equilibrium separation (covalent radii) and the bond dissociation energies. It has not been fitted to other physical properties and its ability to model structures other than dimers is unknown. See the README and params files on the KIM model page for more details.
Citation: P.A.T. Olsson (2009), "Semi-empirical atomistic study of point defect properties in BCC transition metals", Computational Materials Science, 47(1), 135-145. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2009.06.025.
Abstract: We have constructed a set of embedded atom method (EAM) potentials for Fe, Ta, W and V and used them in order to study point defect properties. The parametrizations of the potentials ensure that the third order elastic constants are continuous and they have been fitted to the cohesive energies, the lattice constants, the unrelaxed vacancy formation energies and the second order elastic constants. Formation energies for different self-interstitials reveal that the <1 1 0> split dumbbell is the most stable configuration for Fe while for Ta, W and V we find that the <1 1 1> split dumbbell is preferred. Self-interstitial migration energies are simulated using the nudged elastic band method and for Fe and W the migration energies are found to be in good agreement with experimental and ab initio data. Migration energies for Ta and V self-interstitials are found to be quite low. The calculated formation, activation and migration energies for monovacancies are in good agreement with experimental data. Formation energies for divacancies reveal that the second nearest neighbor divacancy is more energetically favorable than nearest neighbor divacancies and the migration energies indicate that nearest neighbor migration paths are more likely to occur than second nearest neighbor migration jumps. For Fe, we have also studied the influence of the pair potential behavior between the second and third nearest neighbor on the stability of the <1 1 0> split dumbbell, which revealed that the higher the energy level of the pair potential is in that region, the more stable the <1 1 0> split dumbbell becomes.
Related Models:
EAM tabulated functions (2009--Olsson-P-A-T--V--table--ipr1)
Notes: These files were provided by Pär Olsson (Malmoe University, Sweden) on 11 November 2018 and posted with his permission. File(s):
See Computed Properties Notes: This file was provided by Pär Olsson (Malmoe University, Sweden) on 11 November 2018 and posted with his permission. File(s):
Citation: P.M. Derlet, D. Nguyen-Manh, and S.L. Dudarev (2007), "Multiscale modeling of crowdion and vacancy defects in body-centered-cubic transition metals", Physical Review B, 76(5), 054107. DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.76.054107.
Abstract: We investigate the structure and mobility of single self-interstitial atom and vacancy defects in body-centered-cubic transition metals forming groups 5B (vanadium, niobium, and tantalum) and 6B (chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten) of the Periodic Table. Density-functional calculations show that in all these metals the axially symmetric ⟨111⟩ self-interstitial atom configuration has the lowest formation energy. In chromium, the difference between the energies of the ⟨111⟩ and the ⟨110⟩ self-interstitial configurations is very small, making the two structures almost degenerate. Local densities of states for the atoms forming the core of crowdion configurations exhibit systematic widening of the “local” d band and an upward shift of the antibonding peak. Using the information provided by electronic structure calculations, we derive a family of Finnis-Sinclair-type interatomic potentials for vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum, and tungsten. Using these potentials, we investigate the thermally activated migration of self-interstitial atom defects in tungsten. We rationalize the results of simulations using analytical solutions of the multistring Frenkel-Kontorova model describing nonlinear elastic interactions between a defect and phonon excitations. We find that the discreteness of the crystal lattice plays a dominant part in the picture of mobility of defects. We are also able to explain the origin of the non-Arrhenius diffusion of crowdions and to show that at elevated temperatures the diffusion coefficient varies linearly as a function of absolute temperature.
Citation: S. Han, L.A. Zepeda-Ruiz, G.J. Ackland, R. Car, and D.J. Srolovitz (2003), "Interatomic potential for vanadium suitable for radiation damage simulations", Journal of Applied Physics, 93(6), 3328-3335. DOI: 10.1063/1.1555275.
Abstract: The ability to predict the behavior of point defects in metals, particularly interstitial defects, is central to accurate modeling of the microstructural evolution in environments with high radiation fluxes. Existing interatomic potentials of embedded atom method type predict disparate stable interstitial defect configurations in vanadium. This is not surprising since accurate first-principles interstitial data were not available when these potentials were fitted. In order to provide the input information required to fit a vanadium potential appropriate for radiation damage studies, we perform a series of first-principles calculations on six different interstitial geometries and vacancies. These calculations identify the 〈111〉 dumbbell as the most stable interstitial with a formation energy of approximately 3.1 eV, at variance with predictions based upon existing potentials. Our potential is of Finnis–Sinclair type and is fitted exactly to the experimental equilibrium lattice parameter, cohesive energy, elastic constants and a calculated unrelaxed vacancy formation energy. Two additional potential parameters were used to obtain the best fit to the set of interstitial formation energies determined from the first-principles calculations. The resulting potential was found to accurately predict both the magnitude and ordering of the formation energies of six interstitial configurations and the unrelaxed vacancy ground state, in addition to accurately describing the migration characteristics of the stable interstitial and vacancy. This vanadium potential is capable of describing the point defect properties appropriate for radiation damage simulations as well as for simulations of more common crystal and simple defect properties.
See Computed Properties Notes: Listing found at https://openkim.org. This KIM potential is based on the files from 2003--Han-S--V--LAMMPS--ipr1. Link(s):
Citation: B.-J. Lee, M.I. Baskes, H. Kim, and Y.K. Cho (2001), "Second nearest-neighbor modified embedded atom method potentials for bcc transition metals", Physical Review B, 64(18), 184102. DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.64.184102.
Abstract: The second nearest-neighbor modified embedded atom method (MEAM) [Phys. Rev. B 62, 8564 (2000)], developed in order to solve problems of the original first nearest-neighbor MEAM on bcc metals, has now been applied to all bcc transition metals, Fe, Cr, Mo, W, V, Nb, and Ta. The potential parameters could be determined empirically by fitting to (∂B/∂P), elastic constants, structural energy differences among bcc, fcc and hcp structures, vacancy-formation energy, and surface energy. Various physical properties of individual elements, including elastic constants, structural properties, point-defect properties, surface properties, and thermal properties were calculated and compared with experiments or high level calculations so that the reliability of the present empirical atomic-potential formalism can be evaluated. It is shown that the present potentials reasonably reproduce nonfitted properties of the bcc transition metals, as well as the fitted properties. The effect of the size of radial cutoff distance on the calculation and the compatibility with the original first nearest-neighbor MEAM that has been successful for fcc, hcp, and other structures are also discussed.
Citation: G.J. Ackland, and R. Thetford (1987), "An improved N-body semi-empirical model for body-centred cubic transition metals", Philosophical Magazine A, 56(1), 15-30. DOI: 10.1080/01418618708204464.
Abstract: The recently published semi-empirical potentials of Finnis and Sinclair for the metals V, Nb, Ta, Mo and W appear to give unphysical results for properties involving small interatomic separation. This is remedied by adding to the potentials cores fitted to electron gas calculations on dimers. The adjusted potentials are shown to predict a more realistic pressure-volume relationship. Interstitial formation energies are calculated for various configurations, using quenched molecular dynamics and static relaxation. Some preliminary results on interstitial migration are presented.
Citation: J.-H. Shim, W.-S. Ko, K.-H. Kim, H.-S. Lee, Y.-S. Lee, J.-Y. Suh, Y.W. Cho, and B.-J. Lee (2013), "Prediction of hydrogen permeability in V–Al and V–Ni alloys", Journal of Membrane Science, 430, 234-241. DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2012.12.019.
Abstract: A semi-empirical methodology for predicting the permeability of hydrogen in metallic alloys is proposed by combining an atomistic simulation and a thermodynamic calculation. An atomistic simulation based on a modified embedded-atom method interatomic potential and a CALPHAD-type thermodynamic calculation technique was used to predict the diffusivity and solubility of hydrogen, respectively. The approach was applied to the prediction of the hydrogen permeability in V–Al and V–Ni alloys that are promising for non-Pd hydrogen separation membranes. The predicted permeability of hydrogen decreases, as Al or Ni concentration increases in the alloys. The predicted permeability is in quite good agreement with experimental data available in literature, successfully reproducing the overall trend for the effect of alloying elements, which enables an alloy design of metallic hydrogen permeable membranes.
Citation: J.-H. Shim, W.-S. Ko, K.-H. Kim, H.-S. Lee, Y.-S. Lee, J.-Y. Suh, Y.W. Cho, and B.-J. Lee (2013), "Prediction of hydrogen permeability in V–Al and V–Ni alloys", Journal of Membrane Science, 430, 234-241. DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2012.12.019.
Abstract: A semi-empirical methodology for predicting the permeability of hydrogen in metallic alloys is proposed by combining an atomistic simulation and a thermodynamic calculation. An atomistic simulation based on a modified embedded-atom method interatomic potential and a CALPHAD-type thermodynamic calculation technique was used to predict the diffusivity and solubility of hydrogen, respectively. The approach was applied to the prediction of the hydrogen permeability in V–Al and V–Ni alloys that are promising for non-Pd hydrogen separation membranes. The predicted permeability of hydrogen decreases, as Al or Ni concentration increases in the alloys. The predicted permeability is in quite good agreement with experimental data available in literature, successfully reproducing the overall trend for the effect of alloying elements, which enables an alloy design of metallic hydrogen permeable membranes.
Citation: S.-H. Oh, D. Seol, and B.-J. Lee (2020), "Second nearest-neighbor modified embedded-atom method interatomic potentials for the Co-M (M = Ti, V) binary systems", Calphad, 70, 101791. DOI: 10.1016/j.calphad.2020.101791.
Abstract: Interatomic potentials for the Co–Ti and Co–V binary alloy systems have been developed based on the second nearest-neighbor modified embedded-atom method (2NN MEAM) interatomic potential formalism. Newly developed potentials reproduce various structural and thermodynamic properties of the binary alloys in reasonable agreement with experiments, first-principles calculations, and CALPHAD-type thermodynamic assessments. It is emphasized that these potentials can serve as groundwork for atomistic studies on the design of highly efficient trimetallic noble metal catalysts.
Citation: M.I. Mendelev, S. Han, W.- Son, G.J. Ackland, and D.J. Srolovitz (2007), "Simulation of the interaction between Fe impurities and point defects in V", Physical Review B, 76(21), 214105. DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.76.214105.
Abstract: We report improved results of atomistic modeling of V-Fe alloys. We introduced an electronic structure embedding approach to improve the description of the point defects in first-principles calculations, by including the semicore electrons in some V atoms (those near the interstitial where the semicore levels are broadened) but not those further from the point defect. This enables us to combine good accuracy for the defect within large supercells and to expand the data set of first-principles point defect calculations in vanadium with and without small amounts of iron. Based on these data, previous first-principles work, and new calculations on the alloy liquid, we fitted an interatomic potential for the V-Fe system which describes the important configurations likely to arise when such alloys are exposed to radiation. This potential is in a form suitable for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of large systems. Using the potential, we have calculated the migration barriers of vacancies in the presence of iron, showing that these are broadly similar. On the other hand, MD simulations show that V self-diffusion at high temperatures and Fe diffusion are greatly enhanced by the presence of interstitials.
See Computed Properties Notes: This file was provided by Mikhail Mendelev. Except for comments, this file is equivalent to "VFe_mm.eam.fs" in the August 22, 2018 LAMMPS distribution. Update 19 July 2021: The contact email in the file's header has been changed. File(s):
See Computed Properties Notes: Listing found at https://openkim.org. This KIM potential is based on the files from 2007--Mendelev-M-I--V-Fe--LAMMPS--ipr1. Link(s):
Citation: J.-H. Shim, W.-S. Ko, K.-H. Kim, H.-S. Lee, Y.-S. Lee, J.-Y. Suh, Y.W. Cho, and B.-J. Lee (2013), "Prediction of hydrogen permeability in V–Al and V–Ni alloys", Journal of Membrane Science, 430, 234-241. DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2012.12.019.
Abstract: A semi-empirical methodology for predicting the permeability of hydrogen in metallic alloys is proposed by combining an atomistic simulation and a thermodynamic calculation. An atomistic simulation based on a modified embedded-atom method interatomic potential and a CALPHAD-type thermodynamic calculation technique was used to predict the diffusivity and solubility of hydrogen, respectively. The approach was applied to the prediction of the hydrogen permeability in V–Al and V–Ni alloys that are promising for non-Pd hydrogen separation membranes. The predicted permeability of hydrogen decreases, as Al or Ni concentration increases in the alloys. The predicted permeability is in quite good agreement with experimental data available in literature, successfully reproducing the overall trend for the effect of alloying elements, which enables an alloy design of metallic hydrogen permeable membranes.
Citation: J.-H. Shim, Y.-S. Lee, E. Fleury, Y.W. Cho, W.-S. Ko, and B.-J. Lee (2011), "A modified embedded-atom method interatomic potential for the V–H system", Calphad, 35(3), 302-307. DOI: 10.1016/j.calphad.2011.04.007.
Abstract: An interatomic potential for the vanadium–hydrogen binary system has been developed based on the second nearest-neighbor modified embedded-atom method (2NN MEAM) potential formalism, in combination with the previously developed potentials for V and H. Also, first-principles calculation has been carried out to provide data on the physical properties of this system, which are necessary for the optimization of the potential parameters. The developed potential reasonably reproduces the fundamental physical properties (thermodynamic, diffusion, elastic and volumetric properties) of V-rich bcc solid solution and some of the vanadium hydride phases. The applicability of this potential to the development of V-based alloys for hydrogen applications is discussed.
See Computed Properties Notes: These potential files were obtained from http://cmse.postech.ac.kr/home_2nnmeam, accessed Nov 9, 2020. For consistency, the "library.meam_alloy" file for the interaction was renamed here to "VH.meam". File(s):
Citation: M.S. Nitol, M.J. Echeverria, K. Dang, M.I. Baskes, and S.J. Fensin (2024), "New modified embedded-atom method interatomic potential to understand deformation behavior in VNbTaTiZr refractory high entropy alloy", Computational Materials Science, 237, 112886. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2024.112886.
Abstract: High Entropy Alloys (HEAs) have attracted much interest over the past 20 years because of their remarkable mechanical properties. Recent works on BCC refractory HEAs have demonstrated high strength even at extreme temperatures with an unusual mix of strength and ductility. They also show excellent strain-hardening behavior. This study focuses on the VNbTaTiZr alloy, which stands out for its favorable qualities including relatively low density, impressive yield strength, and ductility at room temperature. To better understand the atomic behavior and microstructural features inherent to this alloy, a Modified Embedded Atom Method (MEAM) potential is developed, based on first-principles computations. Through accurate modeling of lattice constants, elastic constants, and formation enthalpies, a hybrid Molecular Dynamics/Monte Carlo (MD/MC) simulation of an equimolar VNbTaTiZr refractory HEA was performed to explore the role of local chemical compositions to its mechanical response. The current MEAM potential aligns closely with recent experimental work, validating its effectiveness. Adding Zr to the VNbTaTi alloy induces more lattice distortion, matching recent experimental observations. The potential also predicts that for RHEAs, deformation behavior is dominated by edge dislocations, unlike in pure BCC elements where screw dislocations prevail. Overall, this potential will be useful for unraveling the intricate atomic-level processes that give this alloy its remarkable mechanical performance.
Citation: S.B. Maisel, W.-S. Ko, J.-L. Zhang, B. Grabowski, and J. Neugebauer (2017), "Thermomechanical response of NiTi shape-memory nanoprecipitates in TiV alloys", Physical Review Materials, 1(3), 033610. DOI: 10.1103/physrevmaterials.1.033610.
Abstract: We study the properties of NiTi shape-memory nanoparticles coherently embedded in TiV matrices using three-dimensional atomistic simulations based on the modified embedded-atom method. To this end, we develop and present a suitable NiTiV potential for our simulations. Employing this potential, we identify the conditions under which the martensitic phase transformation of such a nanoparticle is triggered—specifically, how these conditions can be tuned by modifying the size of the particle, the composition of the surrounding matrix, or the temperature and strain state of the system. Using these insights, we establish how the transformation temperature of such particles can be influenced and discuss the practical implications in the context of shape-memory strengthened alloys.
See Computed Properties Notes: These files were sent by Won-Seok Ko (School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Ulsan) on 9 Feb. 2018 and posted with his permission. File(s):
Citation: J.-H. Shim, W.-S. Ko, K.-H. Kim, H.-S. Lee, Y.-S. Lee, J.-Y. Suh, Y.W. Cho, and B.-J. Lee (2013), "Prediction of hydrogen permeability in V–Al and V–Ni alloys", Journal of Membrane Science, 430, 234-241. DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2012.12.019.
Abstract: A semi-empirical methodology for predicting the permeability of hydrogen in metallic alloys is proposed by combining an atomistic simulation and a thermodynamic calculation. An atomistic simulation based on a modified embedded-atom method interatomic potential and a CALPHAD-type thermodynamic calculation technique was used to predict the diffusivity and solubility of hydrogen, respectively. The approach was applied to the prediction of the hydrogen permeability in V–Al and V–Ni alloys that are promising for non-Pd hydrogen separation membranes. The predicted permeability of hydrogen decreases, as Al or Ni concentration increases in the alloys. The predicted permeability is in quite good agreement with experimental data available in literature, successfully reproducing the overall trend for the effect of alloying elements, which enables an alloy design of metallic hydrogen permeable membranes.
Citation: W.-S. Ko, and B.-J. Lee (2013), "Modified embedded-atom method interatomic potentials for pure Y and the V-Pd-Y ternary system", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 21(8), 085008. DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/21/8/085008.
Abstract: Interatomic potentials for pure Y and the V-Pd-Y ternary system have been developed on the basis of the second nearest-neighbor modified embedded-atom method (2NN MEAM) formalism, with a purpose of investigating the interdiffusion mechanism and the role of yttrium in the palladium-coated vanadium-based hydrogen separation membranes. The potentials can describe various fundamental physical properties of pure Y (the bulk, defect and thermal properties) and the alloy behaviors (structural, thermodynamic and defect properties of solid solutions and compounds) of constituent systems in reasonable agreement with experimental data or first-principles calculations.
Citation: J.-S. Kim, D. Seol, J. Ji, H.-S. Jang, Y. Kim, and B.-J. Lee (2017), "Second nearest-neighbor modified embedded-atom method interatomic potentials for the Pt-M (M = Al, Co, Cu, Mo, Ni, Ti, V) binary systems", Calphad, 59, 131-141. DOI: 10.1016/j.calphad.2017.09.005.
Abstract: Interatomic potentials for Pt-M (M = Al, Co, Cu, Mo, Ni, Ti, V) binary systems have been developed on the basis of the second nearest-neighbor modified embedded-atom method (2NN MEAM) formalism. The parameters of pure Mo have also been newly developed to solve a problem in the previous 2NN MEAM potential in which the sigma and α-Mn structures become more stable than the bcc structure. The potentials reproduce various materials properties of alloys (structural, thermodynamic and order-disorder transition temperature) in reasonable agreements with relevant experimental data and other calculations. The applicability of the developed potentials to atomistic investigations for the shape and atomic configuration of Pt bimetallic nanoparticles is demonstrated.
Citation: Y. Chen, X. Liao, N. Gao, W. Hu, F. Gao, and H. Deng (2020), "Interatomic potentials of W-V and W-Mo binary systems for point defects studies", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 531, 152020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152020.
Abstract: Interatomic potentials for tungsten-vanadium (W-V) and tungsten-molybdenum (W-Mo) binary systems have been developed based on Finnis-Sinclair formalism. The potentials are based on an accurate previously developed potential of pure W. Potential parameters of V-V, Mo-Mo, W-V and W-Mo were determined by fitting to a large database of experimental data as well as first principle calculations. These potentials were able to describe various fundamental physical properties of pure V and Mo, such as a lattice constant, cohesive energy, elastic constants, bulk modulus, vacancy and self-interstitial atom formation energies, stacking fault energies and a relative stability of <100> and ½<111> interstitial dislocation loops. Other fundamental properties of the potentials described included alloy behaviours, such as the formation energies of substitutional solute atoms, binding energies between solute atoms and point defects, formation energies and lattice constants of artificial ordered alloys. These results are in reasonable agreement with experimental or first principle results. Based on these results, the developed potentials are suitable for studying point defect properties and can be further used to explore displacement cascade simulations.
See Computed Properties Notes: This file was provided by Huiqiu Deng (Hunan University, Changsha, China) on 6 Dec 2022 and posted with his permission. File(s):