OOF: Finite Element Analysis of Microstructures

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Graphics Drawers
This section describes the Graphics Drawers. Drawers are opened by /graphics/open. For an overview of their features, see Section 1.5.4 in the Introduction. In summary, what is being drawn is controlled by the Drawing Selector. The behavior of the mouse in the Drawing Area depends on which Dashboard is open. The available Dashboards depend on what's being drawn. Use your window manager to change the size and shape of the Drawer if you want a different size Drawing Area.
This chapter describes many ways of changing what's being drawn. If the image is large and takes a while to draw, and if you are changing many attributes of the image, you can click on the Hold button. This button inhibits redrawing until you click on it again, so that you don't have to wait for the image to be redrawn each time you change an attribute. The Drawing Selector cannot be held. While the image is held, it cannot be scrolled.
For obscure technical reasons a few aspects of the graphical output are controlled from the main graphics menu (Sec. 3.9) instead of from the drawers. These include the wallpaper variable, controlling the graphics background, and the enhancement variable, controlling how the mesh distortion is displayed.

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