µMAG Standard Problem #4 results

See the problem specification.
µMAG could not succeed without the contributions of colleagues working outside NIST. Although we value the contributions made by these colleagues, NIST does not necessarily endorse the views expressed or the data presented in the submitted solutions shown below.

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Submitted Solution: M. J. Donahue and D. G. Porter

September 25, 2014.
M. J. Donahue and D. G. Porter
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Michael Donahue

An earlier contributed solution came from the original 2D mmSolve2D program in OOMMF. This new submission comes from the OOMMF eXtensible solver. The mesh is a 3D array of 1 nm cubes. The exchange energy was calculated using a "six-neighbor dot product" representation. The maximum time step was set at 0.2 ps, but smaller time steps are taken when necessary to keep the error within certain bounds. All other simulation components were used in their default configuration. Data from the simulation was captured and archived at every 1 ps of simulation time.


More detail on the simulations and the visualization of (a shortened and subsampled form of) them as movies is featured here.

Raw data:

Vector data is in the OVF 2.0 format.

Supplemental material:

Please send comments to donald.porter@nist.gov and join the µMAG discussion e-mail list.

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µMAG organization / NIST CTCMS / donald.porter@nist.gov
