A 3D code has been used for these numerical investigations. The ferromagnetic system is discretized in Nx × Ny × Nz identical tetrahedral cells having the size hx × hy × hz. The studies presented here implies a single cell across the thickness.
Inside each cell the magnetization is assumed to be uniform. The stray field is evaluated as the average over the magnetic cell [see A. J. Newell, W. Williams, and D. J. Dunlop, J. Geophys. Res. 98, 9551 (1993) and A. Hubert, R. Schäfer, Magnetic Domains, Springer-Berlin, p. 148 (1998)]. The demagnetization field and energy are computed using the FFT method (FFTW subroutines).
The exchange interaction approximation is the "7-point formula" applied to the 3D case [see Y. Nakatani, N. Uesaka and N. Hayashi, J. Appl. Phys. 28, 2485 (1989)]. On the free surfaces of the magnetic system the magnetization fullfills the Neumann boundary conditions.
For the integration of the LLG equation the implicit Crank-Nicholson backward scheme is used. Our algorithm uses a constant time step of less than 0.1 ps. After each iteration the magnetization is renormalized in order to satisfy the ferromganetic condition.
The convergence criteria imposes that the residual torque (the maximum value of the torque) to be less than 10-6.
After applying the field at 170° from the x-axis (Field 1):
The time evolution of the magnetization components average calculated using 5.0 nm
The magnetization distribution corresponding to the < Mx > = 0.
The effects of the mesh size on the time evolution of the magnetization.
The time
evolution of the magnetization components average calculated using 5.0
nm cells.
The magnetization distribution corresponding to the < Mx > = 0.
The effects of the mesh size on the time evolution of the magnetization.