µMAG Standard Problem #4 results

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Submitted Solution: Rasmus Bjørk, E. B. Poulsen and A. R. Insinga

October 5th, 2021.
Rasmus Bjørk, E. B. Poulsen and A. R. Insinga
Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Rasmus Bjørk

We used the MagTense open source micromagnetic simulation framework to compute solutions to standard problem #4.

The spatial discretization subdivided the film into a collection of N rectangular prisms with edges parallel to the coordinate axes. (N = Nx × Ny × Nz), where in this specific problem we take Nx=160, Ny=40, Nz=1 in order to get cubic elements, as the film has a length four times its width. The film is assumed thin, and thus only resolved by a single point in the z-direction. The magnetization is assumed uniform within each cell.

The numerical details of the computation of the exchange and demagnetization field can be found in the references below. The exchange field has been computed by using a standard finite difference centered stencil. The correct Neumann boundary condition has been applied to the problem. The demagnetization field was computed using an analytically correct expression for the demagnetization field from prisms, as described in the references below. The time integration of the LLG equation is performed using an explicit Runge-Kutta (4,5) formula.



The time series data contain 4 columns: time [s], mx, my, mz while the vector data contain 6 columns: x [m], y [m], z [m], mx, my, mz.


[1] Bjørk, R., Poulsen, E.B., Nielsen, K.K., Insinga, A.R., MagTense: A micromagnetic framework using the analytical demagnetization tensor, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., .v 535, pp. 168057 (2021), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2021.168057
[2] Bjørk, R., & Nielsen, K. K., MagTense. Technical University of Denmark, DTU Energy, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, (2019) DOI: https://doi.org/10.11581/DTU:00000071
[3] Insinga, A. R., Poulsen, E. B., Nielsen, K. K., & Bjørk, R., A direct method to solve quasistatic micromagnetic problems. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., .v 510, pp. 166900 (2020), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2020.166900
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