OOF2: The Manual


placeholder — Placeholder arguments for groups, times, etc.


Placeholders are used to signify certain abstract sets of objects or times. The program resolves the placeholder into an actual value before using it.

Group Placeholders

OOF2 often gives the user a choice between operating upon objects stored in a named group (e.g, pixel groups or Node groups) or upon the current selection (e.g, the pixel selection), or upon all of the existing objects (e.g, every pixel in a Microstructure or all the Nodes in a Skeleton). In such situations, the GUI presents a pull down menu containing the names of the relevant groups and two additional placeholder entries, <selection> and <every>, as shown in Figure 6.120. Choosing <selection> applies the operation to the current selection. Choosing <every> applies the operation to all objects.[41]

Figure 6.120. The selection placeholder

The selection placeholder

A menu listing a bunch of groups, plus the placeholders <selection> and <every>.

Time Placeholders

When computing outputs or displaying a Mesh whose time evolution has been computed, it's necessary to specify the time at which the operation should be performed. The time can be a floating point or integer number, or the placeholders <earliest> or <latest>. The placeholders refer to the earliest and latest times stored in the current Mesh.

In graphics window Layers, <latest> doesn't always mean latest. If the when parameter for a Layer is set to <latest>, the layer will be drawn at the time set by the window's time controller, or at the animation time, if the window is being animated.

Placeholders in scripts and the GUI

The placeholders are shown with angle brackets (< and >) in the GUI to distinguish them from groups that a perverse user might have named selection or every. In scripts, group names always appear in quotation marks, and the placeholders are simply predefined Python variables, selection and every. They should be entered without quotation marks, such as in this command to assign a Material to the currently selected pixels:


The following command, on the other hand, assigns a Material to all pixels in the group (perversely) named selection:


[41] Before version 2.1, the every was called all. In scripts, a value of all is still accepted, but it is discouraged.