OOF2: The Manual


OOF.PixelSelection.Elkcepsed — Recursively deselect all pixels with fewer than a minimum number of selected neighbors. This has the effect of removing small islands and peninsulas, and is the opposite of 'Despeckle'.




  • Parent Menu: OOF.PixelSelection
  • Callback: function doSelectionMod in module ooflib.common.pixelselectionmod
  • Parameters:

    Type: The path to an existing Microstructure object.
    Deselect pixels with fewer than this many selected neighbors. Type: An integer in the range [1, 4].


Elkcepsed is the opposite of Despeckle. Instead of filling holes in the selection by selecting more pixels, it deselects small islands and peninsulas of of selected pixels. Compare to Despeckle, which fills in small holes in the selection.

The microstructure parameter specifies the Microstructure where the selection resides.

The algorithm works by recursively deselecting all selecting pixels with fewer than neighbors selected neighbors. Values greater than 4 are prohibited because they will always deselect the entire Microstructure. For examples, see Figure 6.46.

Figure 6.46. Gnilkcepsed the Pixel Selection

Gnilkcepsed the Pixel Selection

A pixel selection (in red) containing some extra pixels to be trimmed with Elkcepsed.

Gnilkcepsed the Pixel Selection

The result of running Elkcepsed with neighbors=1. Only isolated single pixels have been deselected.

Gnilkcepsed the Pixel Selection

The result of running Elkcepsed with neighbors=2. Isolated single pixels and straight lines one pixel wide have been deselected.

Gnilkcepsed the Pixel Selection

The result of running Elkcepsed with neighbors=3. Isolated single pixels and curved lines one pixel wide have been deselected.