× Updated! Potentials that share interactions are now listed as related models.


Citation: D.R. Tramontina, O.R. Deluigi, R. Pinzón, J. Rojas-Nunez, F.J. Valencia, R.C. Pasianot, S.E. Baltazar, R.I. Gonzalez, and E.M. Bringa (2023), "Probing radiation resistance in simulated metallic core–shell nanoparticles", Computational Materials Science, 227, 112304. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2023.112304.
Abstract: We present molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of radiation damage in Fe nanoparticles (NP) and bimetallic FeCu core–shell nanoparticles (CSNP). The CSNP includes a perfect body-centered cubic (bcc) Fe core coated with a face-centered cubic (fcc) Cu shell. Irradiation with Fe Primary Knock-on Atoms (PKA) with energies between 1 and 7 keV leads to point defects, without clustering beyond divacancies and very few slightly larger vacancy clusters, and without interstitial clusters, unlike what happens in bulk at the same PKA energies. The Fe-Cu interface and shell can act as a defect sink, absorbing radiation-induced damage and, therefore, the final number of defects in the Fe core is significantly lower than in the Fe NP. In addition, the Cu shell substantially diminishes the number of sputtered Fe atoms, acting as a barrier for recoil ejection. Structurally, the Cu shell responds to the stress generated by the collision cascade by creating and destroying stacking faults across the shell width, which could also accommodate further irradiation defects. We compare our MD results to Monte Carlo Binary Collision Approximation (BCA) simulations using the SRIM code, for the irradiation of an amorphous 3-layer thin film with a thickness equal to the CSNP diameter. BCA does not include defect recombination, so the number of Frenkel pairs is significantly higher than in MD, as expected. Sputtering yield (Y) is underestimated by BCA, which is also expected since the simulation is for a thin film at normal incidence. We also compare MD defect production to bulk predictions of the analytic Athermal Recombination Corrected Displacements Per Atom (arc-dpa) model. The number of vacancies in the Fe core is only slightly lower than arc-dpa predictions, but the number of interstitials is reduced by about one order of magnitude compared to vacancies, at 5 keV. According to the radiation resistance found for FeCu CSNP in our simulations, this class of nanomaterial could be suitable for developing new radiation-resistant coatings, nanostructured components, and shields for use in extreme environments, for instance, in nuclear energy and astrophysical applications.

Notes: The current interatomic potentials are a modified version of 2009--Bonny-G-Pasianot-R-C-Castin-N-Malerba-L--Fe-Cu-Ni, that include the ZBL correction at short distances, making them suitable for collision cascade simulations. Also, the Ni embedding function is currently modified for densities beyond 1.5 times the equilibrium value, in order to obtain a smooth equation of state behavior. The changes do not impact any of the previously published results.

See Computed Properties
Notes: This file was provided by Roberto Pasianot on 8 June 2023.

Implementation Information

This page displays computed properties for the 2023--Tramontina-D-R--Fe-Cu-Ni--LAMMPS--ipr1 implementation of the 2023--Tramontina-D-R-Deluigi-O-R-Pinzon-R-et-al--Fe-Cu-Ni potential. Computed values for other implementations can be seen by clicking on the links below:

Diatom Energy vs. Interatomic Spacing

Plots of the potential energy vs interatomic spacing, r, are shown below for all diatom sets associated with the interatomic potential. This calculation provides insights into the functional form of the potential's two-body interactions. A system consisting of only two atoms is created, and the potential energy is evaluated for the atoms separated by 0.02 Å <= r <= 6.0> Å in intervals of 0.02 Å. Two plots are shown: one for the "standard" interaction distance range, and one for small values of r. The small r plot is useful for determining whether the potential is suitable for radiation studies.

The calculation method used is available as the iprPy diatom_scan calculation method.

Clicking on the image of a plot will open an interactive version of it in a new tab. The underlying data for the plots can be downloaded by clicking on the links above each plot.

Notes and Disclaimers:

  • These values are meant to be guidelines for comparing potentials, not the absolute values for any potential's properties. Values listed here may change if the calculation methods are updated due to improvements/corrections. Variations in the values may occur for variations in calculation methods, simulation software and implementations of the interatomic potentials.
  • As this calculation only involves two atoms, it neglects any multi-body interactions that may be important in molecules, liquids and crystals.
  • NIST disclaimer

Version Information:

  • 2019-11-14. Maximum value range on the shortrange plots are now limited to "expected" levels as details are otherwise lost.
  • 2019-08-07. Plots added.

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Cohesive Energy vs. Interatomic Spacing

Plots of potential energy vs interatomic spacing, r, are shown below for a number of crystal structures. The structures are generated based on the ideal atomic positions and b/a and c/a lattice parameter ratios for a given crystal prototype. The size of the system is then uniformly scaled, and the energy calculated without relaxing the system. To obtain these plots, values of r are evaluated every 0.02 Å up to 6 Å.

The calculation method used is available as the iprPy E_vs_r_scan calculation method.

Clicking on the image of a plot will open an interactive version of it in a new tab. The underlying data for the plots can be downloaded by clicking on the links above each plot.

Notes and Disclaimers:

  • These values are meant to be guidelines for comparing potentials, not the absolute values for any potential's properties. Values listed here may change if the calculation methods are updated due to improvements/corrections. Variations in the values may occur for variations in calculation methods, simulation software and implementations of the interatomic potentials.
  • The minima identified by this calculation do not guarantee that the associated crystal structures will be stable since no relaxation is performed.
  • NIST disclaimer

Version Information:

  • 2020-12-18. Descriptions, tables and plots updated to reflect that the energy values are the measuredper atom potential energy rather than cohesive energy as some potentials have non-zero isolated atom energies.
  • 2019-02-04. Values regenerated with even r spacings of 0.02 Å, and now include values less than 2 Å when possible. Updated calculation method and parameters enhance compatibility with more potential styles.
  • 2019-04-26. Results for hcp, double hcp, α-As and L10 prototypes regenerated from different unit cell representations. Only α-As results show noticable (>1e-5 eV) difference due to using a different coordinate for Wykoff site c position.
  • 2018-06-13. Values for MEAM potentials corrected. Dynamic versions of the plots moved to separate pages to improve page loading. Cosmetic changes to how data is shown and updates to the documentation.
  • 2017-01-11. Replaced png pictures with interactive Bokeh plots. Data regenerated with 200 values of r instead of 300.
  • 2016-09-28. Plots for binary structures added. Data and plots for elemental structures regenerated. Data values match the values of the previous version. Data table formatting slightly changed to increase precision and ensure spaces between large values. Composition added to plot title and structure names made longer.
  • 2016-04-07. Plots for elemental structures added.

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Date Created: October 5, 2010 | Last updated: October 31, 2023