OOF2: The Manual


ConditionSelector — Stopping criteria for conditional iteration of Skeleton modifiers.


Subclasses are listed as they appear in the GUI and (in parentheses) as they appear in scripts.

  • Acceptance Rate (AcceptanceRate) -- Iteration stops when the move acceptance rate falls below the given threshold.
  • Energy Reduction Rate (ReductionRate) -- Iteration stops when the energy reduction rate falls below the given threshold.
  • Both (Both) -- Iteration stops when both the energy reduction rate and move acceptance rate fall below the given thresholds.
  • Either (Either) -- Iteration stops when either the energy reduction rate or move acceptance rate falls below the given thresholds.


When using the ConditionalIteration IterationManager to iterate a SkeletonModifier, the actual stopping criterion is specified with an object of the ConditionSelector class.