OOF2: The Manual


Heterogeneous Segments (CheckHeterogeneousEdges) — Divide heterogeneous segments.




  • Base class: RefinementTarget
  • Parameters:

    Refine segments whose homogeneity is less than this. Type: A real number in the range [0, 1].
    Segments to consider. Type: An object of the SegmentChooser class.


The Skeleton refinement process is ultimately driven by Segments -- the refinement rule for each element is determined solely by number and configuration of marked Segments in the element. CheckHeterogeneousEdges directly marks heterogeneous Segments for refinement.

All Segments whose homogeneity is less than the given threshold will be refined, as long as they're in the set described by the choose_from parameter. (choose_from is a SegmentChooser object that can restrict the scope of the refinement. Leave it set to FromAllSegments for unrestricted operation.)

Figure 6.69 shows Segments that have been marked for refinement with threshold=0.9 and choose_from=FromAllSegments(). Figure 6.70 shows the result of refining those segments (with the liberal Bisection rules).

Figure 6.69. Heterogeneous Segments

Heterogeneous Segments

Segments with homogeneity less than 0.9 are shown in bold.

Figure 6.70. Refined Heterogeneous Segments

Refined Heterogeneous Segments

A Skeleton refinement based on the bold segments.