OOF2: The Manual


OOF.Mesh.Boundary_Conditions.Copy — Copy a boundary condition from one mesh to another.




  • Parent Menu: OOF.Mesh.Boundary_Conditions
  • Callback: function _bccopy in module ooflib.engine.IO.boundaryconditionmenu
  • Parameters:

    Copy the boundary condition from this mesh. Type: The path to an existing Mesh object.
    Copy the boundary condition to this mesh. Type: The path to an existing Mesh object.
    Boundary condition being copied Type: A character string.
    Name of the new boundary condition. Type: A character string, or the variable automatic.
    Boundary to which the copied BC will apply. Type: The name of a point or edge boundary in a mesh.


OOF.Mesh.Boundary_Conditions.Copy copies a existing boundary condition. It can be copied from one boundary to another within a Mesh, or to a completely different Mesh.

The current parameter is the name of the Mesh from which the boundary condition will be copied. The mesh parameter is the name of the Mesh to which it will be copied.

The name must be unique among all of the boundary condition names in the target Mesh. If it is not unique, then <x> will be appended to it, where x is a suitable integer. If the name is automatic, a name will be assigned automatically.

The boundary parameter specifies the boundary to which the copied boundary condition will apply. It must be the name of an existing boundary in the Skeleton of the target Mesh.