Running a single calculation

This page outlines the general steps associated with setting up and running a single calculation. The general order of these steps holds true regardless of if you are only working with command line and text files or are running in a Python environment. As such, the various alternate ways of accessing the steps are described together.

NOTE: In the descriptions below, the commands will be used relative to the “isolated_atom” calculation style. To use any other calculation style, simply replace “isolated_atom” with another calculation style.

1. Check available calculations

The check_modules command will output information associated with which module components of iprPy successfully loaded or encountered an issue. This allows for users to see which calculations are currently available and what additional packages may be required in order to use some of the calculations.

1.1. Command line

$ iprPy check_modules

1.2. Python

import iprPy

2. Create new directory

It is recommended but not required that you create a new empty directory for running the calculation. This is because a number of files are created both in setting up and performing the calculation and starting with a clean directory will help keep things organized.

3. Check a calculation’s documentation

Each calculation has documentation broken into two major components: main documentation and methods and theory. The main documentation gives a general overview of what the calculation does and who created it, while methods and theory give a more detailed description of the underlying theory and how it is implemented in the calculation’s code. Note that all variations described below are based on the same underlying documentation files and therefore should be providing the same content.

3.1. Online

Each supported calculation style is described in the online documentation found at There, you can click on a specific style and see a small list. The first two bullets, “Introduction” and “Method and Theory” link to the related web pages for the two types of documentation.

3.2. Command line

$ iprPy maindoc isolated_atom
$ iprPy theorydoc isolated_atom

3.3. Python

calc = iprPy.load_calculation('isolated_atom')

If you are in a Jupyter or iPython environment, the raw markdown can be automatically converted to pretty HTML

from IPython.display import display, Markdown

3.4 Source files

You can also view the documentation files directly if you have downloaded a copy of the source code. Inside iprPy/calculation are subdirectories for each calculation style. Each one of those then contains “” and “” files that contain the documentation.

4. Calculation input parameters

Each calculation has its own set of input parameters that it recognizes which can be specified inside a text file consisting of key-value input command lines. The rules of the input parameter files are simple:

  • Each line is treated independently and split into white-spaced delimited terms.

  • Any terms listed after a “#” will be treated as comments and ignored.

  • The first term on any given line corresponds to a parameter name, i.e. a key. Any other terms following it are interpreted as the value(s) to assign to that parameter.

  • If only a parameter name appears on a line with no values (i.e. there is only one term) then the line is ignored.

  • Each parameter can be assigned at most one set of values. In other words, there can only be one line per parameter name that has more than one term in it.

  • Any parameters not assigned values will be given default values if the calculation allows it or will issue an error for required parameters.

4.1. Command line

The template command will create an empty version of a calculation’s input script consisting of only the recognized parameter names and no values. The generated file will be named calc_<calc_style>.in and can be opened using any text editor.

$ iprPy template isolated_atom

A description of the terms in the input parameter file can be viewed using the templatedoc command.

$ iprPy templatedoc isolated_atom

4.2. Python

Similarly, the template and templatedoc content can be viewed from within Python by using the template and templatedoc attributes of a Calculation object.


or in Jupyter/iPython


If you wish, the input file content can alternately be specified as a Python dict containing the parameter names and values to use. This makes it possible to run the calculation without needing to generate the input file.

Alternatively, the underlying calculation methods can be directly executed in Python. For each calculation class, the primary calculation function is accessible by the calc() method. The full docstring for that function can be viewed in many Python editors or can be viewed with


Currently, work is being done to support a more Pythonic approach to performing the calculations in which all parameters can be directly set to a calculation object as attributes prior to running.

5. Running the calculation

Once the calculation’s input values are set, you can run the calculation.

5.1. Command line

The run command will run the calculation using the input script you filled in. If you used the default input script name (calc_<calc_style>.in) then you can simply pass the input file in

$ iprPy run

If you renamed the input file to something else, then you will also need to specify the calculation style.

$ iprPy run isolated_atom

When the calculation finishes successfully, a record.json record file will be created containing the processed results. This can then be viewed in any text editor or imported into any software that can interpret JSON.

5.2. Python

The Calculation classes contain a number of methods that allow for the associated calculations to be performed.

  • run() is the primary method for running the calculation. It will run the calculation based on a provided input parameter file or dict, or based on the input parameter attributes currently set to the Calculation object. Upon completion, the calculation results will be set as class attributes. A “results.json” file can be automatically generated if requested.

  • calc() is an alias for the underlying calculation function allowing for it to be directly accessed and called. This makes it possible to manually set up the calculation’s inputs and work with the function itself. When completed, the function will return a Python dict containing computed results terms.

  • load_parameters() will read a input parameter file or dict and interpret the provided values into attributes of the current Calculation object. In short, this interprets and manages the calculation’s inputs without running it.

  • process_results() takes the dict returned by calc() and interprets the contained values into attributes of the current Calculation class. This makes the results directly accessible in a Pythonic way and allows for analysis methods to be built into the Calculation classes themselves. Note that run() will automatically call this.

  • build_model() will construct a JSON/XML equivalent data model based on the Calculation object’s current set attributes. This makes it possible to generate JSON/XML records for a calculation both before and after it has been ran. Note that the required attributes will not be set if calc() is accessed directly rather than using the other methods listed above., results_json=True)

or equivalently

with open('results.json', 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
    calc.build_model().json(fp=f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)

or (assuming lammps_command and potential are defined for the calculation)

results_dict = calc.calc(lammps_command, potential)