point_defect_static calculation style

Lucas M. Hale, lucas.hale@nist.gov, Materials Science and Engineering Division, NIST.


The point_defect_static calculation style computes the formation energy of a point defect by comparing the energies of a system before and after a point defect is inserted. The resulting defect system is analyzed using a few different metrics to help characterize if the defect reconfigures to a different structure upon relaxation.

Version notes

  • 2020-12-30 Version 0.10+ update

  • 2022-03-11: Notebook updated to reflect version 0.11.

Additional dependencies


  • NIST disclaimers

  • The computed values of the point defect formation energies and elastic dipole tensors are sensitive to the size of the system. Larger systems minimize the interaction between the defects, and the affect that the defects have on the system’s pressure. Infinite system formation energies can be estimated by measuring the formation energy for multiple system sizes, and extrapolating to 1/natoms = 0.

  • Because only a static relaxation is performed, the final configuration might not be the true stable configuration. Additionally, the stable configuration may not correspond to any of the standard configurations characterized by the point-defect records in the iprPy/library. Running multiple configurations increases the likelihood of finding the true stable state, but it does not guarantee it. Alternatively, a dynamic simulation or a genetic algorithm may be more thorough.

  • The metrics used to identify reconfigurations are not guaranteed to work for all crystals and defects. Most notably, the metrics assume that the defect’s position coincides with a high symmetry site in the lattice.

  • The current version assumes that the initial defect-free base system is an elemental crystal structure. The formation energy expression needs to be updated to handle multi-component crystals.

Method and Theory

The method starts with a bulk initial system, and relaxes the atomic positions with a LAMMPS simulation that performs an energy/force minimization. The cohesive energy, \(E_{coh}\), is taken by dividing the system’s total energy by the number of atoms in the system.

A corresponding defect system is then constructed using the atomman.defect.point() function. The defect system is relaxed using the same energy/force minimization as was done with the bulk system. The formation energy of the defect, \(E_{f}^{ptd}\), is obtained as

\[E_{f}^{ptd} = E_{total}^{ptd} - E_{coh} * N^{ptd},\]

where \(E_{total}^{ptd}\) is the total potential energy of the relaxed defect system, and \(N^{ptd}\) is the number of atoms in the defect system.

The elastic dipole tensor, \(P_{ij}\), is also estimated for the point defect. \(P_{ij}\) is a symmetric second rank tensor that characterizes the elastic nature of the defect. Here, \(P_{ij}\) is estimated using [1, 2]

\[P_{ij} = -V \langle \sigma_{ij} \rangle,\]

where \(V\) is the system cell volume and \(\langle \sigma_{ij} \rangle\) is the residual stress on the system due to the defect, which is computed using the measured cell stresses (pressures) of the defect-free system, \(\sigma_{ij}^{0}\), and the defect-containing system, \(\sigma_{ij}^{ptd}\)

\[\langle \sigma_{ij} \rangle = \sigma_{ij}^{ptd} - \sigma_{ij}^{0}.\]

The atomman.defect.point() method allows for the generation of four types of point defects:

  • vacancy, where an atom at a specified location is deleted.

  • interstitial, where an extra atom is inserted at a specified location (that does not correspond to an existing atom).

  • substitutional, where the atomic type of an atom at a specified location is changed.

  • dumbbell interstitial, where an atom at a specified location is replaced by a pair of atoms equidistant from the original atom’s position.

Point defect complexes (clusters, balanced ionic defects, etc.) can also be constructed piecewise from these basic types.

The final defect-containing system is analyzed using a few simple metrics to determine whether or not the point defect configuration has relaxed to a lower energy configuration:

  • centrosummation adds up the vector positions of atoms relative to the defect’s position for all atoms within a specified cutoff. In most simple crystals, the defect positions are associated with high symmetry lattice sites in which the centrosummation about that point in the defect-free system will be zero. If the defect only hydrostatically displaces neighbor atoms, then the centrosummation should also be zero for the defect system. This is computed for all defect types.

\[\vec{cs} = \sum_i^N{\left( \vec{r}_i - \vec{r}_{ptd} \right)}\]
  • position_shift is the change in position of an interstitial or substitutional atom following relaxation of the system. A non-zero value indicates that the defect atom has moved from its initially ideal position.

\[\Delta \vec{r} = \vec{r}_{ptd} - \vec{r}_{ptd}^{0}\]
  • db_vect_shift compares the unit vector associated with the pair of atoms in a dumbbell interstitial before and after relaxation. A non-zero value indicates that the dumbbell has rotated from its ideal configuration.

\[\Delta \vec{db} = \frac{\vec{r}_{db1} - \vec{r}_{db2}}{|\vec{r}_{db1} - \vec{r}_{db2}|} - \frac{\vec{r}_{db1}^0 - \vec{r}_{db2}^0}{|\vec{r}_{db1}^0 - \vec{r}_{db2}^0|}\]

If any of the metrics have values not close to (0,0,0), then there was likely an atomic configuration relaxation.

The final defect system and the associated perfect base system are retained in the calculation’s archive. The calculation’s record reports the base system’s cohesive energy, the point defect’s formation energy, and the values of any of the reconfiguration metrics used.