µMAG Standard Problem #5 Results

See the problem specification.
µMAG could not succeed without the contributions of colleagues working outside NIST. Although we value the contributions made by these colleagues, NIST does not necessarily endorse the views expressed or the data presented in the submitted solutions shown below.

Solution directory

Submitted Solution

D. G. Porter
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899

Contact: Don Porter

Included in the OOMMF 1.2b0 release is an example MIF file, stdprob5.mif, with contents that specify Oxs solver settings to compute µMAG Standard Problem #5 making use of the Oxs_SpinXferEvolve evolver. Any OOMMF user should be able to use this input file to compute the solutions submitted here.

u = -72.35 m/s; ξ = 0
u = -72.17 m/s; ξ = 0.05
u = -71.64 m/s; ξ = 0.1
u = -57.88 m/s; ξ = 0.5

Please send comments to donald.porter@nist.gov and join the µMAG discussion e-mail list.

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µMAG organization / NIST CTCMS / donald.porter@nist.gov