OOF2: The Manual


Output Stream (OutputStream) — Send output to a file.




  • Base class: OutputDestination
  • Parameters:

    Type: A character string.
    Whether to write or append to the file. Type: An object from the WriteMode enumerated class.


OutputStream is the OutputDestination that sends data from a Scheduled Output to a file. OutputDestinations are assigned to ScheduledOutputs by the Scheduled Output page and the OOF.Mesh.Scheduled_Output.Destination.Set command.

If mode is w, the file will be opened for writing, and any existing file contents will be overwritten. If mode is a, the file will be opened for appending, and the new data will appear at the end. Note that if the file is ever rewound, all data in the file will be overwritten even if the file had been opened for appending.

The output file will begin with a header containing comments describing the source of the data and the contents of each column. The characters demarcating the comments and dividing the columns can be selected in the OOF.Settings.Output_Formatting menu in the main OOF2 menubar.

More than one ScheduledOutput can use the same OutputStream.[30] In that case, the file's mode is the last one assigned. The data from the various ScheduledOutputs will be interleaved in the file, but each type of data will be preceded by comments identifying it.

[30] The class is called OutputStream instead of OutputFile to emphasize the fact that two streams can refer to the same file.