atomman package



Functions and attributes

atomman.build_lammps_potential(pair_style: str, **kwargs)

Wrapper function for the PotentialLAMMPSBuilder subclasses.

  • pair_style (str) – The LAMMPS pair_style setting associated with the potential.

  • **kwargs (any) – Any keyword parameters supported by PotentialLAMMPSBuilder and the subclass that matches the pair_style.

atomman.displacement(system_0, system_1, box_reference: str = 'final') ndarray

Compute the displacement vectors between all matching atoms for two systems.

  • system_0 (atomman.System) – The initial system to calculate displacements from.

  • system_1 (atomman.System) – The final system to calculate displacements to.

  • box_reference (str or None) – Specifies which system’s boundary conditions to use. ‘initial’ uses system_0’s box and pbc. ‘final’ uses system_1’s box and pbc (Default) None computes the straight difference between the positions without accounting for periodic boundaries.


The displacement vectors for all atoms.

Return type:



ValueError – If the systems have different numbers of atoms or for invalid box_reference values.

atomman.dmag(pos_0, pos_1, box, pbc)

Computes the shortest distance between pos_0 and pos_1 using box dimensions and accounting for periodic boundaries.

  • pos_0 (numpy.ndarray, list, or tuple) – Absolute Cartesian vector position(s) to use as reference point(s).

  • pos_1 (numpy.ndarray, list, or tuple) – Absolute Cartesian vector position(s) to find relative to pos_0.

  • box (atomman.Box) – Defines the system/box dimensions

  • pbc (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray of bool.) – Three Boolean values indicating which of the three box vectors are periodic (True means periodic).


The shortest vector magnitude from each pos_0 to pos_1 positions.

Return type:


atomman.dump(style, system, **kwargs)

Convert a System to another format.

  • style (str) – Indicates the format of the content to dump the atomman.System as.

  • system (atomman.System) – The system to convert.

  • kwargs (any, optional) – Any extra keyword arguments to pass to the underlying dump methods.


Any content returned by the underlying dump methods.

Return type:

str, object or tuple

atomman.dvect(pos_0, pos_1, box, pbc)

Computes the shortest vector between pos_0 and pos_1 using box dimensions and accounting for periodic boundaries.

  • pos_0 (numpy.ndarray, list, or tuple) – Absolute Cartesian vector position(s) to use as reference point(s).

  • pos_1 (numpy.ndarray, list, or tuple) – Absolute Cartesian vector position(s) to find relative to pos_0.

  • box (atomman.Box) – Defines the system/box dimensions

  • pbc (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray of bool.) – Three Boolean values indicating which of the three box vectors are periodic (True means periodic).


The shortest vectors from each pos_0 to pos_1 positions.

Return type:


atomman.load(style, *args, **kwargs)

Load a System from another format.

  • style (str) – Indicates the format of the content to load as an atomman.System

  • args – Any positional-dependent arguments to pass to the underlying load methods.

  • kwargs – Any keyword arguments to pass to the underlying load methods.


system – The system object associated with the data model.

Return type:


atomman.nlist(system, cutoff, initialsize=20, deltasize=10)

Calculates a neighbor list for all atoms in a System taking periodic boundaries into account.

  • system (atomman.System) – The system to calculate the neighbor list for.

  • cutoff (float) – Radial cutoff distance for identifying neighbors.

  • initialsize (int, optional) – The number of neighbor positions to initially assign to each atom. Default value is 20.

  • deltasize (int, optional) – Specifies the number of extra neighbor positions to allow each atom when the number of neighbors exceeds the underlying array size. Default value is 10.


Array listing number of neighbors and neighbor ids for each atom in System. First term in each row is the atom’s coordination number, c. The next c values are the atom’s neighbor ids.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray of int