OOF: Finite Element Analysis of Microstructures
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Summary of Special Characters
The following characters have special meaning to the text command parser and therefore should not be used in anything that might become a command (such as an element or node group name) or a function argument.- (space)
- delimits words.
- ; (semicolon)
- delimits commands, ends argument lists.
- % (percent)
- begins comments in command files.
- () (parentheses)
- group commands within a submenu.
- "" (quotation marks)
- delimit string Function arguments containing spaces.
- ? (question mark)
- lists Menu options, or, when doubled, gets help on a specific option.
- = (equals)
- separates Variables and Function arguments from their values.
- , (comma)
- delimits Function arguments (optional).
- < (less than)
- exits a Submenu.
- {} (braces)
- surround macro definitions.
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