OOF2: The Manual


Cross Section (MeshCrossSectionDisplay) — Determine which cross sections are displayed, and how.




  • Base class: DisplayMethod
  • Parameters:

    Which cross-section to display? Type: The name of a Mesh cross section.
    In which color? Type: An object of the Color class.
    Thickness of the line. Type: An integer in the range [0, 10].


MeshCrossSectionDisplay shows the lines in the Mesh along which cross-section data may be computed. These lines are created by the Section 4.7.9 toolbox and the Section 3.16 task page.

The cross_sections parameter determines which cross sections are displayed. In GUI mode, activating the Selected button displays only the currently selected cross section. If the button is not activated, one or more of the existing cross sections may be chosen from the list.

In text mode, cross_sections can be set either to selected or to a list of names of cross sections, e.g, ['cs', 'cs2'].

[Tip] Tip

It is a good idea always to have one MeshCrossSectionDisplay set to display the selected cross section.

The linewidth parameter is the width of the displayed cross section. It is an integer in units of the screen pixel size.

A single MeshCrossSectionDisplay is created automatically in each Graphics Window and is not normally visible in the window's layer list. To edit its properties, first select List All Layers in the graphics window's Settings menu.