OOF: Finite Element Analysis of Microstructures

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Starting OOF

Type oof [options] on the Unix command line. The options are:

Don't use the graphical interface. If -text is specified, then graphics windows cannot be opened, and all interaction with OOF will be through the text interface described in Section 6.1.

-start $\langle$startstring$\rangle$
Load files and process commands, before bringing up the graphical or text interfaces. The given startstring may be a filename, a list of filenames, a command, a list of commands, or any combination of the above. The individual filenames and commands in the string must be separated by commas, and the string may not contain any spaces.1.3Commands are distinguished from filenames by a preceding exclamation point, which probably needs to be preceded by a backslash to avoid being interpreted by the Unix shell. For example,
oof -start initialize.com,\!equilibrate,output.com
runs the commands in the file initialize.com, executes the command execute, runs the commands in the file output.com, and then brings up the graphical interface. Note that the commands themselves may contain commas if the commas are preceded by a backslash. Except for this, though, the format for the commands is the same as for the contents of command files, and is described in Section 6.1.

-file $\langle$startupstring$\rangle$
This is actually just the same as -start. -start is the better name, since (as of version 1.1.5) the startupstring can contain commands and not just filenames. The -file form is retained for compatibility. If both -start and -file are given, the files and commands given with -start are processed first.

-grid $\langle$filename$\rangle$
Load the specified .goof file, assumed to contain data written by OOF or PPM2OOF. The file is loaded before any command files specified with the -file option.

-log $\langle$filename$\rangle$
Save a log of all commands to the given file.

Quit. Use this if you want OOF to quit immediately after running files given with the -file or -start options. Otherwise, OOF will process the files and then expect interactive input. Note that a quit command in a startup command file will expect confirmation from you before actually quitting, so the -quit command line option is required for unattended jobs.

Use the old style of executing menu commands with a single mouse click on their names in the Menus, and opening a function window with a double click. The more sensible default behavior is the opposite.

Print this list of options, and quit.

The first thing that OOF does, even before processing any files specified with the -file, -start and -grid options, is to look for a file called .oofrc, either in the current directory or the users home directory. This file should contain commands as described in Section 6.1. These commands will be processed immediately. The .oofrc file is a good place to put the definitions of commonly used macros (see Sections 3.11 and 6.1.6) and any other desired initialization commands.

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