OOF2: The Manual


Quaternion (Quaternion) — The Quaternion representation for 3D orientations. e0 is the cosine of the half-angle of the rotation, and e1 through e3 are the x, y, and z components of the rotation axis times the sine of the half-angle. The rotation brings the crystal axes into coincidence with the lab axes.




  • Base class: Orientation
  • Parameters:

    Cosine of half the rotation angle. Type: A real number.
    Rotation axis x-component times sine of half the rotation angle. Type: A real number.
    Rotation axis y-component times sine of half the rotation angle. Type: A real number.
    Rotation axis z-component times sine of half the rotation angle. Type: A real number.


A Quaternion object represents the orientation of a three dimensional object, assumed to be a crystal, in three dimensional space in terms of four parameters which obey an interesting algebra. This representation of orientations is not common, but has its roots in the rigid-body mechanics community.

The parameters correspond to a physical rotation in a similar way to the Axis convention. Given a rotation angle \(\theta\) and a normalized rotation axis \( \hat{\mathrm{\bf n}} \), the quaternion parameters follow directly: \(e_0\) is the cosine of half the rotation angle, and \(e_1\), \(e_2\), and \(e_3\) are, respectively, the x, y, and z components of \( \hat{\mathrm{\bf n}} \) multiplied by the sine of half the rotation angle.

As in the case of the Axis convention, the specified rotation brings the crystalline \(\hat{\mathrm{\bf a}}\), \(\hat{\mathrm{\bf b}}\), and \(\hat{\mathrm{\bf c}}\) axes into coincidence with the laboratory (or screen) axes \(\hat{\mathrm{\bf x}}\), \(\hat{\mathrm{\bf y}}\), and \(\hat{\mathrm{\bf z}}\) respectively. The components of \( \hat{\mathrm{\bf n}} \) are preserved by this rotation, and so may be specified in either the crystalline or laboratory coordinate system.