OOF2: The Manual


GammaGray (GammaGrayMap) — gray = x^(1/gamma)




  • Base class: ColorMap
  • Parameters:

    gamma correction Type: A real number.


ColorMaps translate numbers into colors, for use in contour plots. GammaGray maps low values to black and high values to white, going through all the gray values in between. It's like the GrayMap with gamma correction.

When using GammaGray, the data is scaled to lie between 0 and 1. The gray value of a scaled datum \(x\) is \(x^{1/\gamma}\), where \(\gamma\) is given by the parameter gamma.

Figure 6.80. The GammaGray Color Map

The GammaGray Color Map

The gamma corrected gray color map for gamma=0.5. High values are on top.

The GammaGray Color Map

The gamma corrected gray color map for gamma=2.0. High values are on top.