OOF2: The Manual


OOF.Settings.Mesh_Defaults.Numerical_Differentiation — Set the increment used for approximate derivatives when exact derivatives are not available.




  • Parent Menu: OOF.Settings.Mesh_Defaults
  • Callback: function _numericalDiff in module ooflib.engine.IO.meshmenu
  • Parameters:

    Increment for numerical differentiation Type: A real number.


When solving nonlinear equations with Newton's method, OOF2 needs to know the derivatives of some of the material Properties with respect to the Field values. If the Properties don't provide code that evaluates the derivatives, OOF2 can still use Newton's method by evaluating the derivatives numerically. epsilon sets the size of the perturbation, relative to the Field value, that is applied to the Field values when differentiating the Property.

The default value of the relative perturbation is 10-5. An absolute perturbation less than 16 times the double precision machine epsilon will never be used.