OOF2: The Manual


CacheType — How to store data for previous time steps.


CacheType values are used by SetMeshDataCacheType and OOF.Settings.Mesh_Defaults.Data_Cache_Type to set the type of storage used for time step data in Meshes. A value of Memory means that the data will be stored in RAM, which is usually fast but limited in size. A value of Disk means that the data will be stored in temporary files on disk, which is usually slower than RAM but not as limited in extent.

When storing data on disk, OOF2 decides where to store the temporary files by looking for the name of a writable directory in the Unix environment variables OOFTMP, TMPDIR, TEMP, and TMP, in that order. If none of those variables is set to the name of writable directory, OOF2 checks the directories /tmp, /var/tmp, and /usr/tmp, in that order. If it still hasn't found a writable directory, it raises an error and suggests setting OOFTMP.

The temporary files are given names starting with oof2-cache. Normally the files are deleted when the Mesh is deleted. If the program ends abnormally, it's possible that the files will not be deleted automatically.


  • Memory: Store time steps in memory
  • Disk: Store time steps in files