OOF2: The Manual


VectorFieldIndex — Index a vector field


C++ Synopsis

#include "engine/fieldindex.h"
class VectorFieldIndex: , virtual public FieldIndex {

Python Synopsis

from oof2.SWIG.engine.fieldindex import VectorFieldIndex
class VectorFieldIndex(FieldIndex):

Source Files

  • SRC/engine/fieldindex.h: C++ header
  • SRC/engine/fieldindex.C: C++ source code
  • SRC/engine/fieldindex.swg: SWIG source code


VectorFieldIndex is used to refer to the components of a vector-valued Field, Flux, or Equation. It is often used within an IndexP wrapper. See the IndexP documentation for details on the available methods.

The argument to VectorFieldIndex::set must be a std::vector<int> containing a single integer, and VectorFieldIndex::components returns a pointer to a std::vector<int> containing a single integer. The correspondence between integers and axes is x=0, y=1, and z=2.