OOF: Finite Element Analysis of Microstructures



/materials/materialname -- assign material properties


There is a function in the /materials menu for each of the material types defined in OOF. Executing the function assigns the material to the currently selected pixels. The arguments to each function are the material parameters (Young's modulus, thermal expansion coefficient, etc). The materials and their parameters are not listed here. See the OOF Manual for the details.

Generic arguments


The gray value (between 0 and 1) with which this material will be displayed in the graphics drawers when the Image/Material buttons on the Display dashboard are set to Material. The same color will be used when viewing the mesh in oof It can be quite difficult to understand what's going on unless you make sure to assign different gray values to different materials.


If true, this material will be treated in plane strain. If false, this material will be treated in plane stress. While it doesn't make much physical sense to treat some materials in plane strain and others in plane stress, there is no mathematical reason not to do so.