OOF2: The Manual


OOF.Settings.Mesh_Defaults.SelfConsistency — Set the tolerance and iteration limit used when self-consistently solving multiple subproblems simultaneously.




  • Parent Menu: OOF.Settings.Mesh_Defaults
  • Callback: function _consistencyTolerance in module ooflib.engine.IO.meshmenu
  • Parameters:

    Relative tolerance for consistency. Type: A real number.
    Maximum number of iterations to perform. Type: Integer.


Set the tolerance and maximum number of iterations for the self-consistency checks performed when solving Meshes.

When solving multiple SubProblems, OOF2 iterates over all of the SubProblems at each time step, and stops iterating when it obtains results that are consistent with the previous iteration. This ensures[23] that interactions with the other subproblems are accounted for correctly.

Self-consistency of a SubProblem is computed by constructing a vector from all of the Field values on all of the Nodes. Vectors are compared using values from before and after one iteration of the solver. If the norm of the difference of the two vectors is less than tolerance times the sum of the norms of the two vectors, the solutions are deemed to be consistent.

The default tolerance is 10-6, and the default max_iterations is 100.

In the GUI, this command is invoked from the Settings menu in the menubar in the main OOF2 window.

[23] Mabye!