OOF2: The Manual


OOF.Mesh.Copy — Copy a Mesh.




  • Parent Menu: OOF.Mesh
  • Callback: function copyMesh in module ooflib.engine.IO.meshmenu
  • Parameters:

    Type: The path to an existing Mesh object.
    Name of the copied Mesh. Use automatic selection, or type in a name. Type: A character string not containing ':', or the variable automatic.
    Copy fields? Type: Boolean, 0 (false) or 1 (true).
    Copy equation? Type: Boolean, 0 (false) or 1 (true).
    Copy boundary conditions? Type: Boolean, 0 (false) or 1 (true).


Copy an existing Mesh. The new Mesh has the same Skeleton and Microstructure as the old Mesh, as well as the same types of finite elements.

If copy_field is true, then the new Mesh will have the same defined and active Fields as the original Mesh, and the Fields will have the same values. If copy_field is false, then no Fields will be defined in the new Mesh.

If copy_equation is true, then all Equations that are active in the old Mesh will be active in the new Mesh. If it is false, then no equations will be active in the new Mesh.

If copy_bc is true, then boundary conditions will be copied from the old Mesh to the new. It it is false, the new Mesh will not have any boundary conditions. It will have boundaries, though, because boundaries are defined in the Skeleton.