OOF2: The Manual


OOF.Graphics_n.Toolbox.Pin_Nodes.Redo — Redo the latest undone pin.




  • Parent Menu: OOF.Graphics_n.Toolbox.Pin_Nodes
  • Callback: function PinnedNodesToolbox.redoPin in module ooflib.engine.IO.pinnodes
  • Parameters:

    Type: The path to an existing Skeleton object.


As well as keeping track of which Nodes are currently pinned, each Skeleton maintains a stack of previous sets of pinned Nodes. Whenever nodes are pinned or unpinned, a new set is pushed onto the stack. The Undo command operates on the specified Skeleton, popping the latest configuration off of the stack, thereby reverting to the previous set of pinned Nodes. The Redo command undoes the last Undo, replacing the most recently popped set of pinned Nodes onto the stack.

The skeleton parameter is the fully-qualified name of the Skeleton on which to operate.

[Note] Note

Undone pinnings can be redone only if no new Nodes were pinned or unpinned since the time of the last Undo.

OOF.Graphics_n.Toolbox.Pin_Nodes.Redo is equivalent to OOF.Skeleton.PinNodes.Redo.