JARVIS-ID:JVASP-30397 Functional:optB88-vdW Primitive cell Primitive cell Conventional cell Conventional cell
Chemical formula:AgGeO3 Formation energy/atom (eV):-1.014 a 5.439 Å α:89.998 ° a 3.194 Å α:90.0 °
Space-group :Pmma, 51 Relaxed energy/atom (eV):-3.0803 b 7.676 Å β:90.001 ° b 5.439 Å β:90.0 °
Calculation type:Bulk SCF bandgap (eV):0.007 c 3.194 Å γ:89.992 ° c 7.676 Å γ:90.0 °
Crystal system:orthorhombic Point group:mmm Density (gcm-3):5.69 Volume (3):133.35 nAtoms_prim:10 nAtoms_conv:10
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Structural analysis [Reference]

The following shows the X-ray diffraction (XRD)[Source-code] pattern and the Radial distribution function (RDF) plots [Source-code]. XRD peaks should be comparable to experiments for bulk structures. Relative intensities may differ. For mono- and multi-layer structures , we take the z-dimension during DFT calculation for XRD calculations, which may differ from the experimental set-up.

Electronic structure [Reference]

The following shows the electronic density of states and bandstructure [Source-code]. DFT is generally predicted to underestimate bandgap of materials. Accurate band-gaps are obtained with higher level methods (with high computational requirement) such as HSE, GW , which are under progress. If available, MBJ data should be comparable to experiments also. Total DOS, Orbital DOS and Element dos [Source-code] buttons are provided for density of states options. Energy is rescaled to make Fermi-energy zero. In the bandstructure plot [Source-code], spin up is shown with blue lines while spin down are shown with red lines. Non-degenerate spin-up and spin-down states (if applicable) would imply a net orbital magnetic moment in the system. Fermi-occupation tolerance for bandgap calculation is chosen as 0.001.

High-symmetry kpoints based bandgap (eV): 0.011I

Electrostatic potential [Reference]

The following plot shows the plane averaged electrostatic potential (ionic+Hartree) along x, y and z-directions. The red line shows the Fermi-energy while the green line shows the maximum value of the electrostatic potential. For slab structures (with vacuum along z-direction), the difference in these two values can be used to calculate work-function of the material.

Spin-orbit coupling based spillage [Reference]

Below we show results from spin-orbit coupling (SOC) based spillage calculations using wavefunctions of spin-orbit and non-spin-orbit bandstructure calculations. a) non-SOC band structure and b) SOC band structure, c) non-SOC projected band structure and d) SOC projected band structure, projecting onto highest energy orbital of most electronegative atom in the system (assuming the orbital forms the valence band-maximum). e) Spillage, as a function of momentum, k. f) Table of bandgaps and spillage information. Generally, spillage values greater than 0.5 and indirect gap close to zero indicate topological materials.

Spin-orbit spillage is: 0.039

Magnetic moment [Reference]

The orbital magnetic moment was obtained after SCF run. This is not a DFT+U calculation, hence the data could be used to predict zero or non-zero magnetic moment nature of the material only.

Total magnetic moment: -0.0 μB

Magnetic moment per atom: -0.0 μB


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