Structural formula: Cl16

Functional: optB88-vDW

Space group : P4_2/ncm

Calculation type: Bulk


Formation energy/atom (eV): 0.52

Relaxed energy/atom (eV): 0.3887

Primitive cell lattice parameters

a 3.53 Å , b 13.794 Å , c 13.794 Å

α 90.0 ° , β 90.0 ° , γ 90.0 °

Conventional cell lattice parameters

a 13.794 Å , b 13.794 Å , c 3.53 Å

α 90.0 ° , β 90.0 ° , γ 90.0 °

Download input files


Calculations are done using VASP software. Convergence on KPOINTS and ENCUT is done with respect to total energy of the system within 0.001 eV tolerance. Please note convergence on KPOINTS and ENCUT is generally done for target properties, but here we assume energy-convergence with 0.001 eV should be sufficient for other properties also. The points on the curves are obtained with single-point calculation (nuber of ionic steps,NSW=1). However, for very accurate calculations, NSW>1 might be needed.

Structural analysis

The following shows the X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern and the Radial distribution function (RDF) plots. XRD peaks should be comparable to experiments for bulk structures. Relative intensities may differ.

Electronic structure

The following shows the electronic density of states and bandstructure. DFT is generally predicted to underestimate bandgap of materials. Accurate band-gaps are obtained with higher level methods (with high computational requirement) such as HSE, GW, which are under progress. Total DOS, Orbital DOS and Element dos buttons are provided for density of states options. Energy is rescaled to make Fermi-energy zero. In the bandstructure plot, spin up is is shown with blue lines while spin down are shown with red lines. Non-degenerate spin-up and spin-down states (if applicable) would imply a net orbital magnetic moment in the system. Fermi-occupation tolerance for bandgap calculation is chosen as 0.001.

High-symmetry kpoints based bandgap (eV): 3.2474D

Optical properties Semi-local

Incident photon energy dependence of optical is shown below. Only interband optical transitions are taken into account.Please note the underestimatation of band-gap problem with DFT will reflect in the spectra as well. For very accurate optical properties GW/BSE calculation would be needed, which is yet to be done because of their very high computational cost. Optical properties for layered materials needs to be rescaled with the actual thickness to simulation z-box ratio. Absorption coeffiecient is in cm-1 unit.

Dense k-mesh based bandgap is : 3.2738 eV

Optical properties METAGGA-MBJ

Single point DFT calculation was carried out with meta-gga MBJ functional. This should give reasonable bandgap, and optical properties assuming the calculation was properly converged. Incident photon energy dependence of optical is shown below. Only interband optical transitions are taken into account.

MBJ bandgap is : 5.5393 eV

Elastic tensor and derived phonon properties

Elastic tensor calculated for the conventional cell of the system with finite-difference method. For layered materials, the elastic constants are rescaled with respect to vacuum padding (see the input files) and the units for elastic coefficients are in N/m. Phonons obtained from this calcuation are also shown.

WARNING: Please note this may not be the exact phonon modes of the system as we did not test the cell-size dependence of phonons yet. At least 1.2 nm x1.2 nm x1.2 nm or more is needed for obtaining reliable phonon spectrum. For systems having primitive-cell phonon representation tables, I denotes infrared activity and R denotes Raman active modes (where applicabale). The minimum thermal conductivity was calculated using elastic tensor information following Clarke and Cahill formalism.

Bulk Modulus BV 7.4 GPa

Shear Modulus GV -2.16 GPa

-8.9 14.5 10.9 -0.0 -0.0 0.0
14.5 -8.9 10.9 -0.0 -0.0 0.0
10.9 10.9 11.8 -0.0 -0.0 0.0
-0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.7 0.0 -0.0
-0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 2.0
Phonon mode (cm-1)

Point group

point_group_type: 4/mmm

Visualize Phonons here
Phonon mode (cm-1) Representation
-254.984891569 A2g
-252.862092027 Eg R
-251.293401576 B1g R
-248.010069026 B1u
-245.965914953 Eu I
-244.119689197 A2u I
-134.802253352 B2u
-132.917582569 A1g R
-130.983894819 Eu I
-129.390457124 Eg R
-125.626401032 A1u
-123.876772576 B2g R
-24.8201725068 A2g
-20.0623789846 B1u
-19.3901179571 A1u
-14.0017511193 B1g R
0.0358285484 A2u I
0.0492507083 Eu I
19.098168751 Eg R
33.9078314903 B2g R
37.3826321914 Eu I
37.5064934302 Eg R
51.8733110604 B1g R
52.9862068711 A2u I
54.1910607044 B2u
55.4788133689 Eu I
56.1553218656 A2g
57.8568008403 B1u
62.4360794341 Eg R
67.5055749007 A1g R
852.015523712 A1u
853.348235906 B2g R
853.735564144 Eu I
854.824243164 Eg R
855.882839544 B2u
856.773179155 A1g R

Magnetic moment

The orbital magnetic moment was obtained after SCF run. Please note no DFT+U parameters were taken into account.

-0.000 μB



ICSD-ID: 22406

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