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Diffuse Interface Kinetics

A common form of the free energy density is tex2html_wrap_inline1264 , where tex2html_wrap_inline1266 is the free energy density for a homogeneous (gradient everywhere zero) system. The field tex2html_wrap_inline1268 has not been specified, but presently will be taken as a globally conserved quantity such as concentration in a closed system; or as a non-conserved quantity like order. For conserved quantities, tex2html_wrap_inline1266 is the function on which a common tangent construction is made, and it may have several minima and need not have continuous derivatives everywhere. The dependence of the function tex2html_wrap_inline1272 on the direction of the gradient tex2html_wrap_inline1274 is directly proportional to that of the orientation dependence of the anisotropic interfacial energy density[1]. For this case, equation 7 becomes:


For isotropic interfaces, tex2html_wrap_inline1521 :



W. Craig Carter
Tue Sep 30 16:07:27 EDT 1997