muMag Standard Problem #1, Problem Statement

Standard Problem #1 Diagram



1 x 2 micron rectangle
20 nm (200 A) thick

Material parameters:

To mimic permalloy
A = 1.3e-11 J/m (1.3e-6 erg/cm)
M = 8.0e5 A/m (800 emu/cc)
K = 5.0e2 J/m^3 (5.0e3 erg/cc)
Uniaxial, with easy axis nominally parallel to the long edges of the rectangle.

Desired output for comparison:

M vs. H loops, low field susceptibility
Field approx. parallel to long axis
Field approx. parallel to short axis
Structural details
Number of vortices/ cross tie walls
How do initial conditions affect the H=0 structure?
edge wall curling & jumps
Approx calculation time and computer type used.

Computational methods:

2-D vs. 3-D models, especially at vortices
FFT, multipole calculations of magnetostatic fields
Other techniques?
In this description, phrases such as "nominally parallel" and "approx. parallel" are used to describe alignment of fields, anisotropy axes and sample edges. Because the domain structure can vary significantly as alignments change by as little as a degree or less, the micromagnetic modeling results will only be experimentally verifiable if misalignments are taken into account.

Submission guidelines are available describing the specific calculations and output file formats we are inviting you to contribute for direct comparison. These guidelines include instructions on obtaining a unique submission code that will be used to help protect the anonymity of the solutions. Your results will then be included with the rest of our online submission reports.

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