µMAG Standard Problem #3 Results
See the problem specification.
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Date: 13 Mar 1998
From: Wolfgang Rave
I am writing on behalf of Alex Hubert, Karl Fabian and myself to
submit our solution to your standard problem #3:
- The single domain limit in units of lex for
Q=0.1 is
L = 8.47,
total reduced energy e=0.3027
(in units of Km=2
- For the partial energies I find:
| Flower | Vortex |
Demagnetization | .2794 | .0783 |
Exchange | .0177 | .1723 |
Anisotropy | .0056 | .0521 |
- Partial magnetization:
| Flower | Vortex |
mx | .000 | .000 |
my | .000 | .352 |
mz | .971 | .000 |
- Images:
The method of calculation is an extension of the methods developed
by Berkov, Ramstoeck and Hubert to 3D.
More details can be found in our forthcoming paper
"The possible magnetic states of small cubic particles with
uniaxial anisotropy".
Yours sincerely,
Wolfgang Rave
IFW Dresden
Helmholtzstr. 20
01069 Dresden
phone: 49-351-4659537
FAX: 49-351-4659537
e-mail: rave@ifw-dresden.de
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998
From: Jose L. Martins
Our group at INESC, Lisbon, Portugal (Filipe Ribeiro, Paulo Freitas, and
José Luís Martins) has performed detailed simulations
on the µMAG standard
problem #3. Our results are very close to those recently submitted by Hubert,
Fabian and Rave.
We used a cubic grid NxNxN and found that the calculated properties
were almost linear when plotted in a 1/N**2 scale. We give below the results
for N=10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70 and the results of an extrapolation to an
infinite grid.
N |
L |
e |
edemag |
eexch |
eanis |
<mz> |
edemag |
eexch |
eanis |
<mx> |
10 |
8.4073 |
0.2937 |
0.2699 |
0.0180 |
0.0057 |
0.9703 |
0.0687 |
0.1736 |
0.0513 |
0.3385 |
20 |
8.4528 |
0.3001 |
0.2766 |
0.0178 |
0.0057 |
0.9707 |
0.0754 |
0.1727 |
0.0519 |
0.3482 |
30 |
8.4635 |
0.3014 |
0.2780 |
0.0178 |
0.0056 |
0.9709 |
0.0769 |
0.1725 |
0.0520 |
0.3500 |
40 |
8.4654 |
0.3020 |
0.2787 |
0.0177 |
0.0056 |
0.9709 |
0.0775 |
0.1724 |
0.0521 |
0.3508 |
50 |
8.4667 |
0.3023 |
0.2789 |
0.0177 |
0.0056 |
0.9709 |
0.0778 |
0.1724 |
0.0521 |
0.3511 |
70 |
8.4673 |
0.3025 |
0.2792 |
0.0177 |
0.0056 |
0.9710 |
0.0780 |
0.1724 |
0.0521 |
0.3513 |
infinity |
8.4687 |
0.3026 |
0.2792 |
0.0177 |
0.0056 |
0.9710 |
0.0780 |
0.1724 |
0.0521 |
0.3516 |
From: Riccardo Hertel
and Helmut Kronmüller
Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung
Postfach 80 06 65, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Date: 22 Jul 1998
Flower state -- Vortex state
- Critical edge length (in units of lex): L=8.52,
mean energy density in reduced units: e=0.3049.
- Partial energy densities:
| Flower | Vortex |
Demag. | 0.2839 | 0.0830 |
Exch. | 0.0158 | 0.1696 |
Anis. | 0.0052 | 0.0522 |
- Mean reduced magnetization:
Flower: | <mz>=0.973 |
Vortex: | <my>=0.351 |
Twisted Flower State
However, according to our calculation the symmetric flower state
is meta-stable at this edge length (L=8.52).
The twisted flower state is found to be a single-domain state of lower
energy compared with the symmetric flower state.
- The critical edge length for the transition
Twisted Flower state -- Vortex state
is L=8.57·lex, and the
mean energy density in reduced units in this case is e=0.3032.
- Partial energy densities:
| Twisted Flower | Vortex |
Demag. | 0.2332 | 0.0821 |
Exch. | 0.0466 | 0.1689 |
Anis. | 0.0233 | 0.0521 |
- Mean reduced magnetization:
Twisted Flower: | <mz>=0.874 |
Vortex: | <my>=0.344 |
- Flower state
- Twisted flower state
- Vortex state
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2021
From: Rasmus Bjørk, E. B. Poulsen and A. R. Insinga
Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark
(URL: http://www.magtense.org)
Reference: J. Magn. Magn. Mater., .v 535, pp. 168057 (2021), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2021.168057
We used the MagTense open source micromagnetic simulation framework to compute solutions to standard problem #3. We used a cubic Cartesian mesh of dimensions N×N×N to compute the crossover energy between the flower and the vortex state. The energy is determined with a precision of 1e-4 using an fminsearch approach.
We find the results as tabulated below. Extrapolating the energy crossover to an infinitely fine resolution by fitting a power law the data gives L∞ = 8.477 ± 0.007.
N |
L |
e |
edemag |
eexch |
eanis |
edemag |
eexch |
eanis |
5 |
8.2508 |
0.3063 |
0.2863 |
0.0151 |
0.0049 |
0.0835 |
0.1728 |
0.0500 |
6 |
8.3004 |
0.3053 |
0.2843 |
0.0159 |
0.0051 |
0.0802 |
0.1751 |
0.0500 |
7 |
8.3496 |
0.3046 |
0.2830 |
0.0163 |
0.0052 |
0.0803 |
0.1733 |
0.0509 |
8 |
8.3766 |
0.3041 |
0.2822 |
0.0166 |
0.0053 |
0.0796 |
0.1733 |
0.0512 |
9 |
8.3963 |
0.3038 |
0.2816 |
0.0168 |
0.0053 |
0.0794 |
0.1730 |
0.0514 |
10 |
8.4101 |
0.3036 |
0.2812 |
0.0170 |
0.0054 |
0.0791 |
0.1729 |
0.0516 |
11 |
8.4205 |
0.3034 |
0.2810 |
0.0171 |
0.0054 |
0.0790 |
0.1728 |
0.0517 |
12 |
8.4285 |
0.3033 |
0.2808 |
0.0171 |
0.0054 |
0.0788 |
0.1727 |
0.0517 |
13 |
8.4347 |
0.3032 |
0.2806 |
0.0172 |
0.0055 |
0.0788 |
0.1727 |
0.0518 |
14 |
8.4396 |
0.3032 |
0.2805 |
0.0172 |
0.0055 |
0.0787 |
0.1726 |
0.0518 |
15 |
8.4436 |
0.3031 |
0.2804 |
0.0173 |
0.0055 |
0.0786 |
0.1726 |
0.0519 |
16 |
8.4469 |
0.3030 |
0.2803 |
0.0173 |
0.0055 |
0.0786 |
0.1726 |
0.0519 |
17 |
8.4497 |
0.3030 |
0.2802 |
0.0173 |
0.0055 |
0.0785 |
0.1725 |
0.0519 |
18 |
8.4520 |
0.3030 |
0.2801 |
0.0173 |
0.0055 |
0.0785 |
0.1725 |
0.0520 |
19 |
8.4539 |
0.3029 |
0.2801 |
0.0174 |
0.0055 |
0.0785 |
0.1725 |
0.0520 |
20 |
8.4556 |
0.3029 |
0.2801 |
0.0174 |
0.0055 |
0.0785 |
0.1725 |
0.0520 |
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