muMAG Action Plan

muMAG Action Plan

In response to the issues raised at the April 1995 workshop, the muMAG steering committee is working towards formation of two working groups which are described below, one on standard problems and verification and one on portable public micromagnetic code. In addition, to aid information exchange and formation of other collaborative efforts, people with an interest in micromagnetics are encouraged to subscribe to one or more of our email lists.

I. Standard Problems and Verification Working Group

The function of this group will be to devise standard micromagnetic problems for the purpose of checking micromagnetic code, i.e. for comparisons of accuracy and speed of computational techniques. The anticipated tasks of this working group will include

The group will consider the "team problem" approach for this work. A parallel experimental program is anticipated which will fabricate real samples corresponding to the standard problems, for experimental verification of modeling results.

Specifications for Standard Problem #1 are here.

II. Portable Public Code Working Group

The function of this group will be to devise and implement a scheme for publicly accessible micromagnetic code with modules for problem description, solution, and analysis. The anticipated tasks for this working group include

Additional issues including questions of support for the code (who, if anyone, will answer questions and help beginners) and questions of motivation for researchers to release privately developed code must also be addressed.

Researchers interested in participation in either of these working groups are encouraged to contact Bob McMichael for further information.

You might also want to check out the report from the 2nd muMag Workshop (Nov. 1995).

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muMAG Apr '95 Action Plan / NIST CTCMS /