.. _sec:NumericalSchemes: Numerical Schemes ----------------- The coefficients of equation :eq:`num:dap` must remain positive, since an increase in a neighboring value must result in an increase in :math:`\phi_P` to obtain physically realistic solutions. Thus, the inequalities :math:`a_A > 0` and :math:`a_A + F_f>0` must be satisfied. The |Peclet| number :math:`P_f \equiv F_f / D_f` is the ratio between convective strength and diffusive conductance. To achieve physically realistic solutions, the inequality .. math:: :label: eqn:num:inq \frac{1}{1-\alpha_f} > P_f > -\frac{1}{\alpha_f} must be satisfied. The parameter :math:`\alpha_f` is defined by the chosen scheme, depending on Equation :eq:`eqn:num:inq`. The various differencing schemes are: the central differencing scheme, where .. math:: :label: eqn:num:cds \alpha_f = \frac{1}{2} so that :math:`|P_f|<2` satisfies Equation :eq:`eqn:num:inq`. Thus, the central differencing scheme is only numerically stable for a low values of :math:`P_f`. the upwind scheme, where .. math:: :label: eqn:num:ups \alpha_f = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if $P_f > 0$,} \\ 0 & \text{if $P_f < 0$.} \end{cases} Equation :eq:`eqn:num:ups` satisfies the inequality in Equation :eq:`eqn:num:inq` for all values of :math:`P_f`. However the solution over predicts the diffusive term leading to excessive numerical smearing ("false diffusion"). the exponential scheme, where .. math:: :label: eqn:num:exs \alpha_f = \frac{(P_f-1)\exp{(P_f)}+1}{P_f(\exp{(P_f)}-1)}. This formulation can be derived from the exact solution, and thus, guarantees positive coefficients while not over-predicting the diffusive terms. However, the computation of exponentials is slow and therefore a faster scheme is generally used, especially in higher dimensions. the hybrid scheme, where .. math:: :label: eqn:num:hys \alpha_f = \begin{cases} \frac{P_f-1}{P_f} & \text{if $P_f > 2$,} \\ \frac{1}{2} & \text{if $|P_f| < 2$,} \\ -\frac{1}{P_f} & \text{if $P_f < -2$.} \end{cases} The hybrid scheme is formulated by allowing :math:`P_f \rightarrow \infty`, :math:`P_f \rightarrow 0` and :math:`P_f \rightarrow -\infty` in the exponential scheme. The hybrid scheme is an improvement on the upwind scheme, however, it deviates from the exponential scheme at :math:`|P_f|=2`. the power law scheme, where .. math:: :label: eqn:num:pls \alpha_f = \begin{cases} \frac{P_f-1}{P_f} & \text{if $P_f > 10$,} \\ \frac{(P_f-1)+(1-P_f/10)^5}{P_f} & \text{if $0 < P_f < 10$,} \\ \frac{(1-P_f/10)^5 - 1}{P_f} & \text{if $-10 < P_f < 0$,} \\ -\frac{1}{P_f} & \text{if $P_f < -10$.} \end{cases} The power law scheme overcomes the inaccuracies of the hybrid scheme, while improving on the computational time for the exponential scheme. .. warning:: :class:`~fipy.terms.vanLeerConvectionTerm.VanLeerConvectionTerm` not mentioned and no discussion of explicit forms. All of the numerical schemes presented here are available in :term:`FiPy` and can be selected by the user. .. |Peclet| unicode:: P U+00E9 clet