.. Generate incremental updates to this file with $ python setup.py changelog .. _CHANGELOG: ========== Change Log ========== ----------------- Version |release| ----------------- This maintenance release adds :ref:`LOGGING` and resolves compatibility issues with recent builds of :term:`PETSc` and :term:`NumPy`. Pulls ----- - Fix numpy 1.25 issues (`#930 `_) - Get CI working again (`#925 `_) - Discourage StackOverflow (`#876 `_) - Add Logging (`#875 `_) - Add tests for the Nix build (`#791 `_) Fixes ----- - `#896 `_: Poor garbage collection with petsc4py 3.18.3 (was "Memory leak in `term.justErrorVector()`", but this isn't strictly a leak) -------------------------- Version 3.4.3 - 2022-06-15 -------------------------- This maintenance release adds a new example contributed by `@Jon83Carvalho `_, clarifies many points in the documentation, migrates all :ref:`CONTINUOUSINTEGRATION` to `Azure `_, updates to using `wheels `_ for distribution, and substantially refactors matrices to work more consistently across solvers. Pulls ----- - Update CI documentation to refer only to Azure (`#863 `_) - Refine azure runs (`#851 `_) - Debug CIs (`#848 `_) - Collect contact information on single page (`#847 `_) - Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (`#822 `_) - Replace deprecated numpy types (`#798 `_) - Move trilinos tests to Py3k (`#797 `_) - Fix Python 2.7 conda environment (`#795 `_) - fix: stop divide by zero warning in LU solvers (`#790 `_) - Introduce `SharedTemporaryFile` (bis) (`#769 `_) - Raise `ImportError` before trying to unpack solvers (`#768 `_) - Disable TVTK tests if its prerequisites aren't met (`#764 `_) - Tabulate versions of FiPy dependencies when tests are run (`#763 `_) - Debug CI failures (`#749 `_) - Stokes Cavity - non-Newtonian (`#748 `_) Thanks to `@Jon83Carvalho `_. - Refactor matrices (`#721 `_) Fixes ----- - `#862 `_: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "`xcb`" - `#858 `_: CI issues - `#856 `_: `FaceVariable` does not accumulate properly in parallel - `#850 `_: Switch to wheels - `#849 `_: `linux-py27-pysparse` fails - `#841 `_: `Matplotlib2DViewer` should accept color map as string - `#836 `_: Document that coupled and high-order diffusion terms are incompatible - `#833 `_: `fipy.tools.dump` undocumented that it always gzips - `#828 `_: `colorbar=True` no longer works Stokes flow example - `#826 `_: Gmsh load issue - `#818 `_: Document that `GridND` meshes are always Cartesian - `#811 `_: In python 3.9 __repr__ throws an exception with abs - `#801 `_: CircleCI test-36-trilinos-serial extremely slow - `#800 `_: CircleCI conda2_env is really slow and ends up installing FiPy 3.3 - `#796 `_: `examples.phase.polyxtal` freezes on CircleCI with Py3k and scipy solvers - `#792 `_: `circleQuad` example fails with Gmsh > 4.4 - `#781 `_: `MatplolibViewer.axes` property is not documented - `#778 `_: Binder failed build - `#762 `_: Equations on Website don't show right - `#742 `_: No documentation for `Variable.mag` - `#735 `_: `pip install fipy` fails - `#734 `_: Document the residual - `#688 `_: try-except not needed for circle Viewer - `#676 `_: Default no-flux condition is not explicitly stated - `#609 `_: Parallelizing of Gmsh meshes not clearly documented - `#400 `_: Fix `FaceVariable.globalValue` method ---------------------------- Version - 2020-08-01 ---------------------------- This release fixes assorted viewer issues, fixes a problem with convection boundary conditions, and introduces spherical meshes. .. attention:: There are `known `_ `failures `_ with the VTK viewers (bitrot has started to set in since the `demise of Python 2.7`_). There's also a new parallel failure in `NonUniformGrid1D` that we need to figure out. .. _demise of Python 2.7: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0373/#update Pulls ----- - Move mailing list (`#747 `_) - `Spherical1D` (`Uniform` and `NonUniform`) meshes (`#732 `_) Thanks to `@klkuhlm `_. - fix Neumann BCs using constraints with convection terms (`#719 `_) Thanks to `@atismer `_. - Add vertex index inversions (`#716 `_) Fixes ----- - `#726 `_: `MayaviClient` not compatible with Python 3 - `#663 `_: `datamin`/`datamax` argument ignored by viewer - `#662 `_: Issues Scaling `Colorbar` with `Datamin` and `Datamax` `Args` -------------------------- Version 3.4.1 - 2020-02-14 -------------------------- This release is primarily for compatibility with :ref:`NumPy` 1.18. Pulls ----- - Fix documentation (`#711 `_) - build(nix): fix broken plm_rsh_agent error (`#710 `_) - CIs error on deprecation warning (`#708 `_) Fixes ----- - `#703 `_: FORTRAN array ordering is deprecated ------------------------ Version 3.4 - 2020-02-06 ------------------------ This release adds support for the :term:`PETSc` solvers for :ref:`PARALLEL`. Pulls ----- - Add support for PETSc solvers (`#701 `_) - Assorted fixes while supporting PETSc (`#700 `_) - Fix print statements for Py3k - Resolve Gmsh issues - Dump only on processor 0 - Only write `timetests` on processor 0 - Fix conda-forge link - Upload PDF - Document `print` option of `FIPY_DISPLAY_MATRIX` - Use legacy numpy formatting when testing individual modules - Switch to matplotlib's built-in symlog scaling - Clean up tests - Assorted fixes for benchmark 8 (`#699 `_) - Stipulate `--force` option for `conda remove fipy` - Update Miniconda installation url - Replace `_CellVolumeAverageVariable` class with `Variable` expression - Fix output for bad call stack - Make CircleCI build docs on Py3k (`#698 `_) - Fix link to Nick Croft's thesis (`#681 `_) - Fix NIST header footer (`#680 `_) - Use Nixpkgs version of FiPy expression (`#661 `_) - Update the Nix recipe (`#658 `_) Fixes ----- - `#692 `_: Can't copy example scripts with the command line - `#669 `_: input() deadlock on parallel runs - `#643 `_: Automate release process ------------------------ Version 3.3 - 2019-06-28 ------------------------ This release brings support for Python 2 and Python 3 from the same source, without any translation. Thanks to `@pya `_ and `@woodscn `_ for getting things started. Pulls ----- - Automate spell check (`#657 `_) - Fix gmsh on windows (`#648 `_) - Fix sphinx documentation (`#647 `_) - Migrate to Py3k (`#645 `_) - `gmshMesh.py` compatibility with Gmsh > 3.0.6 (`#644 `_) Thanks to `@xfong `_. Fixes ----- - `#655 `_: When Python 2 and 3 are installed, Mayavi wont work. Thanks to `@Hendrik410 `_. - `#646 `_: Deprecate develop branch - `#643 `_: Automate release process - `#601 `_: :file:`contents.rst` and :file:`manual.rst` are a recursive mess - `#597 `_: Use GitHub link for the compressed archive in documentation - `#557 `_: `faceGradAverage` is stupid - `#552 `_: documentation integration - `#458 `_: Documentation wrong for precedence of `Lx` and `dx` for `NonUniformGrids` - `#457 `_: Special methods are not included in Sphinx documentation - `#432 `_: Python 3 issues - `#340 `_: Don't upload packages to PyPI, just add the master url ------------------------ Version 3.2 - 2019-04-22 ------------------------ This is predominantly a `DevOps`_ release. The focus has been on making FiPy easier to install with :term:`conda`. It's also possible to install a minimal set of prerequisites with :term:`pip`. Further, :term:`FiPy` is automatically tested on all major platforms using cloud-based :ref:`CONTINUOUSINTEGRATION` (:term:`linux` with :term:`CircleCI`, :term:`macOS` with :term:`TravisCI`, and :term:`Windows` with :term:`AppVeyor`). Pulls ----- - Make badges work in GitHub and pdf (`#636 `_) - Fix Robin errors (`#615 `_) - Issue555 inclusive license (`#613 `_) - Update CIs (`#607 `_) - Add CHANGELOG and tool to generate from issues and pull requests (`#600 `_) - Explain where to get examples (`#596 `_) - spelling corrections using en_US dictionary (`#594 `_) - Remove `SmoothedAggregationSolver` (`#593 `_) - Nix recipe for FiPy (`#585 `_) - Point PyPI to github master tarball (`#582 `_) - Revise Navier-Stokes expression in the viscous limit (`#580 `_) - Update `stokesCavity.py` (`#579 `_) Thanks to `@Rowin `_. - Add `--inline` to TravisCI tests (`#578 `_) - Add support for binder (`#577 `_) - Fix `epetra vector not numarray` (`#574 `_) - add Codacy badge (`#572 `_) - Fix output when PyTrilinos or PyTrilinos version is unavailable (`#570 `_) Thanks to `@shwina `_. - Fix check for PyTrilinos (`#569 `_) Thanks to `@shwina `_. - Adding support for GPU solvers via pyamgx (`#567 `_) Thanks to `@shwina `_. - revise dedication to the public domain (`#556 `_) - Fix tests that don't work in parallel (`#550 `_) - add badges to index and readme (`#546 `_) - Ensure vector is `dtype` float before matrix multiply (`#544 `_) - Revert "Issue534 physical field mishandles compound units" (`#536 `_) - Document boundary conditions (`#532 `_) - Deadlocks and races (`#524 `_) - Make max/min global (`#520 `_) - Add a Gitter chat badge to :file:`README.rst` (`#516 `_) Thanks to `@gitter-badger `_. - Add TravisCI build recipe (`#489 `_) Fixes ----- - `#631 `_: Clean up :file:`INSTALLATION.rst` - `#628 `_: Problems with the viewer - `#627 `_: Document OMP_NUM_THREADS - `#625 `_: `setup.py` should not import fipy - `#623 `_: Start using `versioneer` - `#621 `_: Plot `FaceVariable` with matplotlib - `#617 `_: Pick 1st Value and last Value of 1D `CellVariable` while running in parallel - `#611 `_: The coefficient cannot be a `FaceVariable` ?? - `#610 `_: Anisotropy example: Contour plot displaying in legend of figure !? - `#608 `_: `var.mesh`: `Property` object not callable...? - `#603 `_: Can't run basic test or examples - `#602 `_: Revise build and release documentation - `#592 `_: is :file:`resources.rst` useful? - `#590 `_: No module named `pyAMGSolver` - `#584 `_: Viewers don't animate in jupyter notebook - `#566 `_: Support for GPU solvers using pyamgx - `#565 `_: pip install does not work on empty env - `#564 `_: Get green boxes across the board - `#561 `_: Cannot cast array data from `dtype('int64')` to `dtype('int32')` according to the rule `safe` - `#555 `_: inclusive license - `#551 `_: Sphinx spews many warnings: - `#545 `_: Many Py3k failures - `#543 `_: Epetra Vector can't be integer - `#539 `_: `examples/diffusion/explicit/mixedElement.py` is a mess - `#538 `_: badges - `#534 `_: `PhysicalField` mishandles compound units - `#533 `_: pip or conda installation don't make clear where to get examples - `#531 `_: `drop_tol` argument to `scipy.sparse.linalg.splu` is gone - `#530 `_: conda installation instructions not explicit about python version - `#528 `_: scipy 1.0.0 incompatibilities - `#525 `_: conda `guyer/pysparse` doesn't run on osx - `#513 `_: Stokes example gives wrong equation - `#510 `_: Weave, Scipy and `--inline` - `#509 `_: Unable to use conda for installing FiPy in Windows - `#506 `_: Error using spatially varying anisotropic diffusion coefficient - `#488 `_: Gmsh 2.11 breaks `GmshGrids` - `#435 `_: `pip install pysparse` fails with "`fatal error: 'spmatrix.h' file not found`" - `#434 `_: `pip install fipy` fails with "`ImportError: No module named ez_setup`" .. _DevOps: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DevOps -------------------------- Version 3.1.3 - 2017-01-17 -------------------------- Fixes ----- - `#502 `_: gmane is defunct -------------------------- Version 3.1.2 - 2016-12-24 -------------------------- Pulls ----- - remove `recvobj` from calls to `allgather`, require `sendobj` (`#492 `_) - restore trailing whitespace to expected output of pysparse matrix tests (`#485 `_) - Format version string for pep 440 (`#483 `_) - Provide some documentation for what `_faceToCellDistanceRatio` is and why it's scalar (`#481 `_) - Strip all trailing white spaces and empty lines at EOF for `.py` and `.r`? (`#479 `_) Thanks to `@pya `_. - `fipy/meshes/uniformGrid3D.py`: fix `_cellToCellIDs` and more `concatenate()` calls (`#478 `_) Thanks to `@pkgw `_. - Remove incorrect `axis` argument to `concatenate` (`#477 `_) - Updated to NumPy 1.10 (`#472 `_) Thanks to `@pya `_. - Some spelling corrections (`#471 `_) Thanks to `@pkgw `_. - Sort entry points by package name before testing. (`#469 `_) - Update import syntax in examples (`#466 `_) - Update links to prerequisites (`#465 `_) - Correct implementation of `examples.cahnHilliard.mesh2DCoupled`. Fixes ? (`#463 `_) - Fix typeset analytical solution (`#460 `_) - Clear `pdflatex` build errors by removing :term:`Python` from heading (`#459 `_) - purge gist from viewers and optional module lists in `setup.py` (`#456 `_) - Remove deprecated methods that duplicate NumPy ufuncs (`#454 `_) - Remove deprecated Gmsh importers (`#452 `_) - Remove deprecated getters and setters (`#450 `_) - Update links for FiPy developers (`#448 `_) - Render appropriately if in IPython notebook (`#447 `_) - Plot contour in proper axes (`#446 `_) - Robust Gmsh version checking with `distutils.version.StrictVersion` (`#442 `_) - compare gmsh versions as tuples, not floats (`#441 `_) - Corrected two tests (`#439 `_) Thanks to `@alfrenardi `_. - Issue426 fix robin example typo (`#431 `_) Thanks to `@raybsmith `_. - Issue426 fix robin example analytical solution (`#429 `_) Thanks to `@raybsmith `_. - Force `MatplotlibViewer` to display (`#428 `_) - Allow for 2 periodic axes in 3D (`#424 `_) - Bug with Matplotlib 1.4.0 is fixed (`#419 `_) Fixes ----- - `#498 `_: nonlinear source term - `#496 `_: `scipy.LinearBicgstabSolver` doesn't take arguments - `#494 `_: Gmsh call errors - `#493 `_: `Reviewable.io` has read-only access, can't leave comments - `#491 `_: `globalValue` raises error from mpi4py - `#484 `_: Pysparse tests fail - `#482 `_: FiPy development version string not compliant with PEP 440 - `#476 `_: `setuptools` 18.4 breaks test suite - `#475 `_: `Grid3D` broken by numpy 1.10 - `#470 `_: `Mesh3D` `cellToCellIDs` is broken - `#467 `_: Out-of-sequence Viewer imports - `#462 `_: GMSH version >= 2.10 incorrectly read by `gmshMesh.py` - `#455 `_: `setup.py` gist warning - `#445 `_: `DendriteViewer` puts contours over color bar - `#443 `_: `MatplotlibViewer` still has problems in IPython notebook - `#440 `_: Use github API to get nicely formatted list of issues - `#438 `_: Failed tests on Mac OS X - `#437 `_: Figure misleading in `examples.cahnHilliard.mesh2DCoupled` - `#433 `_: Links to prerequisites are broken - `#430 `_: Make develop the default branch on Github - `#427 `_: `MatplotlibViewer` don't display - `#425 `_: Links for Warren and Guyer are broken on the web page - `#421 `_: The "limits" argument for `Matplotlib2DGridViewer` does not function - `#416 `_: Updates to reflect move to Github -------------------------- Version 3.1.1 - 2015-12-17 -------------------------- Fixes ----- - `#415 `_: `MatplotlibGrid2DViewer` error with Matplotlib version 1.4.0 - `#414 `_: `PeriodicGrid3D` supports Only 1 axes of periodicity or all 3, not 2 - `#413 `_: Remind users of different types of conservation equations - `#412 `_: Pickling Communicators is unnecessary for Grids - `#408 `_: Implement `PeriodicGrid3D` - `#407 `_: Strange deprecation loop in reshape() - `#404 `_: package never gets uploaded to PyPI - `#401 `_: Vector equations are broken when `sweep` is used instead of `solve`. - `#295 `_: Gmsh version must be >= 2.0 errors on `zizou` ------------------------ Version 3.1 - 2013-09-30 ------------------------ The significant changes since version 3.0 are: - Level sets are now handled by :ref:`LSMLIBDOC` or :ref:`SCIKITFMM` solver libraries. These libraries are orders of magnitude faster than the original, :term:`Python`-only prototype. - The :term:`Matplotlib` :func:`streamplot()` function can be used to display vector fields. - Version control was switched to the Git_ distributed version control system. This system should make it much easier for :term:`FiPy` users to participate in development. .. _Git: https://github.com/usnistgov/fipy Fixes ----- - `#398 `_: Home page needs out-of-NIST redirects - `#397 `_: Switch to `sphinxcontrib-bibtex` - `#396 `_: enable google analytics - `#395 `_: Documentation change for Ubuntu install - `#393 `_: `CylindricalNonUniformGrid2D` doesn't make a `FaceVariable` for `exteriorFaces` - `#392 `_: `exit_nist.cgi` deprecated - `#391 `_: Péclet inequalities have the wrong sign - `#388 `_: Windows 64 and numpy's `dtype=int` - `#384 `_: Add support for Matplotlib `streamplot` - `#382 `_: Neumann boundary conditions not clearly documented - `#381 `_: numpy 1.7.1 test failures with `physicalField.py` - `#377 `_: `VanLeerConvectionTerm` MinMod slope limiter is broken - `#376 `_: testing `CommitTicketUpdater` - `#375 `_: NumPy 1.7.0 doesn't have `_formatInteger` - `#373 `_: Bug with numpy 1.7.0 - `#372 `_: convection problem with cylindrical grid - `#371 `_: `examples/phase/binary.py` has problems - `#370 `_: FIPY_DISPLAY_MATRIX is broken - `#368 `_: Viewers don't inline well in IPython notebook - `#367 `_: Change documentation to promote use of stackoverflow - `#366 `_: `unOps` can't be pickled - `#365 `_: Rename communicator instances - `#364 `_: Parallel bug in non-uniform grids and conflicting mesh class and factory function names - `#360 `_: NIST CSS changed - `#356 `_: link to mailing list is wrong - `#353 `_: Update Ohloh to point at git repo - `#352 `_: `getVersion()` fails on Py3k - `#350 `_: Gmsh importer can't read mesh elements with no tags - `#347 `_: Include mailing list activity frame on front page - `#339 `_: Fix for test failures on `loki` - `#337 `_: Clean up interaction between dependencies and installation process - `#336 `_: `fipy.test()` and `fipy/test.py` clash - `#334 `_: Make the citation links go to the DOI links - `#333 `_: Web page links seem to be broken - `#331 `_: Assorted errors - `#330 `_: `faceValue` as `FaceCenters` gives inline failures - `#329 `_: Gmsh background mesh doesn't work in parallel - `#326 `_: `Gmsh2D` does not respect background mesh - `#323 `_: `getFaceCenters()` should return a `FaceVariable` - `#319 `_: Explicit convection terms should fail when the equation has no `TransientTerm` `(dt=None)` - `#318 `_: FiPy will not import - `#311 `_: LSMLIB refactor - `#305 `_: `mpirun -np 2 python -Wd setup.py test --trilinos` hanging on sandbox under buildbot - `#297 `_: Remove deprecated gist and gnuplot support - `#291 `_: efficiency_test chokes on `liquidVapor2D.py` - `#289 `_: `diffusionTerm._test()` requires Pysparse - `#287 `_: move FiPy to distributed version control - `#275 `_: `mpirun -np 2 python setup.py test --no-pysparse` hangs on `bunter` - `#274 `_: Epetra `Norm2` failure in parallel - `#272 `_: Error adding meshes - `#269 `_: Rename `GridXD` - `#255 `_: numpy 1.5.1 and masked arrays - `#253 `_: Move the mail archive link to a more prominent place on web page. - `#245 `_: Fix `fipy.terms._BinaryTerm` test failure in parallel - `#228 `_: `--pysparse` configuration should never attempt MPI imports - `#225 `_: Windows interactive plotting mostly broken - `#209 `_: add Rhie-Chow correction term in stokes cavity example - `#180 `_: broken arithmetic face to cell distance calculations - `#128 `_: Trying to "solve" an integer `CellVariable` should raise an error - `#123 `_: `numerix.dot` doesn't support tensors - `#103 `_: `subscriber()._markStale()` `AttributeError` - `#61 `_: Move `ImplicitDiffusionTerm().solve(var) == 0` "failure" from `examples.phase.simple` to `examples.diffusion.mesh1D`? -------------------------- Version 3.0.1 - 2012-10-03 -------------------------- Fixes ----- - `#346 `_: text in `trunk/examples/convection/source.py` is out of date - `#342 `_: sign issues for equation with transient, convection and implicit terms - `#338 `_: SvnToGit clean up ------------------------ Version 3.0 - 2012-08-16 ------------------------ The bump in major version number reflects more on the substantial increase in capabilities and ease of use than it does on a break in compatibility with FiPy 2.x. Few, if any, changes to your existing scripts should be necessary. The significant changes since version 2.1 are: - :ref:`CoupledEquations` are now supported. - A more robust mechanism for specifying :ref:`BoundaryConditions` is now used. - Most :class:`~fipy.meshes.mesh.Mesh`\es can be partitioned by :ref:`MeshingWithGmsh`. - :ref:`PYAMG` and :ref:`SCIPY` have been added to the :ref:`SOLVERS`. - FiPy is capable of running under :term:`Python 3`. - "getter" and "setter" methods have been pervasively changed to Python properties. - The test suite now runs much faster. - Tests can now be run on a full install using `fipy.test()`. - The functions of the :mod:`~fipy.tools.numerix` module are no longer included in the :mod:`fipy` namespace. See :mod:`examples.updating.update2_0to3_0` for details. - Equations containing a :class:`~fipy.terms.transientTerm.TransientTerm`, must specify the timestep by passing a ``dt=`` argument when calling :meth:`~fipy.terms.term.Term.solve` or :meth:`~fipy.terms.term.Term.sweep`. .. warning:: :term:`FiPy` 3 brought unavoidable syntax changes from :term:`FiPy` 2. Please see :mod:`examples.updating.update2_0to3_0` for guidance on the changes that you will need to make to your :term:`FiPy` 2.x scripts. Fixes ----- - `#332 `_: Inline failure on Ubuntu x86_64 - `#324 `_: constraining values with `ImplicitSourceTerm` not documented? - `#317 `_: `gmshImport` tests fail on Windows due to shared file - `#316 `_: changes to `gmshImport.py` caused `--inline` problems - `#313 `_: Gmsh I/O - `#307 `_: Failures on sandbox under buildbot - `#306 `_: Add in parallel buildbot testing on more than 2 processors - `#302 `_: `CellVariable.min()` broken in parallel - `#301 `_: `Epetra.PyComm()` broken on Debian - `#300 `_: `examples/cahnHilliard/mesh2D.py` broken with -- trilinos - `#299 `_: Viewers not working when plotting meshes with zero cells in parallel - `#298 `_: Memory consumption growth with repeated meshing, especially with Gmsh - `#294 `_: `--pysparse --inline` failures - `#293 `_: `python examples/cahnHilliard/sphere.py --inline` segfaults on OS X - `#292 `_: two `--scipy` failures - `#290 `_: Improve test reporting to avoid inconsequential buildbot failures - `#288 `_: gmsh importer and gmsh tests don't clean up after themselves - `#286 `_: get running in Py3k - `#285 `_: remove deprecated `viewers.make()` - `#284 `_: remove deprecated `Variable.transpose()` - `#281 `_: remove deprecated `NthOrderDiffusionTerm` - `#280 `_: remove deprecated `diffusionTerm=` argument to `ConvectionTerm` - `#277 `_: remove deprecated `steps=` from Solver - `#273 `_: Make `DiffusionTermNoCorrection` the default - `#270 `_: tests take *too* long!!! - `#267 `_: Reduce the run times for chemotaxis tests - `#264 `_: HANG in parallel test of `examples/chemotaxis/input2D.py` on some configurations - `#261 `_: `GmshImport` should read element colors - `#260 `_: `GmshImport` should support all element types - `#259 `_: Introduce `mesh.x` as shorthand for `mesh.cellCenters[0]` etc - `#258 `_: `GmshExport` is not tested and does not work - `#252 `_: Include Benny's improved interpolation patch - `#250 `_: TeX is wrong in `examples.phase.quaternary` - `#247 `_: `diffusionTerm(var=var1).solver(var=var0)` should fail sensibly - `#243 `_: close out reconstrain branch - `#242 `_: update documentation - `#240 `_: Profile and merge reconstrain branch - `#237 `_: `--Trilinos --no-pysparse` uses Pysparse?!? - `#236 `_: anisotropic diffusion and constraints don't mix - `#235 `_: changed constraints don't propagate - `#231 `_: `factoryMeshes.py` not up to date with respect to keyword arguments - `#223 `_: mesh in FiPy name space - `#218 `_: Absence of `enthought.tvtk` causes test failures - `#216 `_: Fresh FiPy gives "`ImportError: No viewers found`" - `#213 `_: PyPI is failing - `#206 `_: `gnuplot1d` gives error on plot of `FaceVariable` - `#205 `_: wrong cell to cell normal in periodic meshes - `#203 `_: Give helpful error on - or / of meshes - `#202 `_: mesh manipulation of periodic meshes leads to errors - `#201 `_: Use physical velocity in the manual/FAQ - `#200 `_: FAQ gives bad guidance for anisotropic diffusion - `#195 `_: term multiplication changes result - `#163 `_: Default time steps should be infinite - `#162 `_: remove ones and zeros from `numerix.py` - `#130 `_: tests should be run with `fipy.tests()` - `#86 `_: Grids should take `Lx`, `Ly`, `Lz` arguments - `#77 `_: `CellVariable.hasOld()` should set `self.old` - `#44 `_: Navier-Stokes -------------------------- Version 2.1.3 - 2012-01-17 -------------------------- Fixes ----- - `#282 `_: remove deprecated getters and setters - `#279 `_: remove deprecated `fipy.meshes.numMesh` submodule - `#278 `_: remove deprecated forms of Gmsh meshes - `#268 `_: Set up `Zizou` as a working slave - `#262 `_: issue with solvers - `#256 `_: `Grid1D(dx=(1,2,3))` failure - `#251 `_: parallel is broken - `#241 `_: Set Sandbox up as a working slave - `#238 `_: `_BinaryTerm.var` is not predictable - `#233 `_: coupled convection-diffusion always treated as Upwind - `#224 `_: "matrices are not aligned" errors in example test suite - `#222 `_: Non-uniform `Grid3D` fails to __add__ - `#221 `_: Problem with fipy and gmsh - `#219 `_: matforge css is hammer-headed - `#208 `_: numpy 2.0: `arrays have a dot method` - `#207 `_: numpy 2.0: `masked arrays cast right of product to ndarray` - `#196 `_: Pysparse won't import in Python 2.6.5 on Windows - `#152 `_: (Re)Implement SciPy solvers - `#138 `_: FAQ on boundary conditions - `#100 `_: testing from the Windows dist using the ipython command line - `#80 `_: Windows - testing - idle `-ipython` - `#46 `_: Variable needs to consider boundary conditions - `#45 `_: Slicing a vector Variable should produce a scalar Variable -------------------------- Version 2.1.2 - 2011-04-20 -------------------------- The significant changes since version 2.1.1 are: - :term:`Trilinos` efficiency improvements - Diagnostics of the parallel environment Fixes ----- - `#232 `_: Mayavi broken on windows because it has no `SIGHUP`. - `#230 `_: `factoryMeshes.py` not up to date with respect to keyword arguments - `#226 `_: `MatplotlibViewer` fails if backend doesn't support `flush_events()` - `#225 `_: Windows interactive plotting mostly broken - `#217 `_: Gmsh `CellVariables` can't be unpickled - `#191 `_: `sphereDaemon.py` missing in FiPy 2.1 and from trunk - `#187 `_: Concatenated `Mesh` garbled by `dump.write`/`read` -------------------------- Version 2.1.1 - 2010-10-05 -------------------------- The significant changes since version 2.1 are: - :class:`~fipy.viewers.matplotlibViewer.MatplotlibViewer` can display into an existing set of Matplotlib axes. - :term:`Pysparse` and :term:`Trilinos` are now completely independent. Fixes ----- - `#199 `_: dummy viewer results in "`NotImplementedError: can't instantiate abstract base class`" - `#198 `_: bug problem with `CylindricalGrid1D` - `#197 `_: How to tell if parallel is configured properly? - `#194 `_: `FIPY_DISPLAY_MATRIX` on empty matrix with large b-vector throws `ValueError` - `#193 `_: `FIPY_DISPLAY_MATRIX` raises `ImportError` in FiPy 2.1 and trunk - `#192 `_: `FIPY_DISPLAY_MATRIX=terms` raises `TypeError` in FiPy 2.1 and trunk ------------------------ Version 2.1 - 2010-04-01 ------------------------ The relatively small change in version number belies significant advances in :term:`FiPy` capabilities. This release did not receive a "full" version increment because it is completely (er... [#almost]_) compatible with older scripts. The significant changes since version 2.0.2 are: - :term:`FiPy` can use :term:`Trilinos` for :ref:`PARALLEL`. - We have switched from :term:`MayaVi` 1 to :term:`Mayavi` 2. This :class:`~fipy.viewers.viewer.Viewer` is an independent process that allows interaction with the display while a simulation is running. - Documentation has been switched to :term:`Sphinx`, allowing the entire manual to be available on the web and for our documentation to link to the documentation for packages such as :mod:`numpy`, :mod:`scipy`, :mod:`matplotlib`, and for :term:`Python` itself. Fixes ----- - `#190 `_: "matplotlib: list index out of range" when no title given, but only sometimes - `#182 `_: `~binOp` doesn't work on branches/version-2_0 - `#180 `_: broken arithmetic face to cell distance calculations - `#179 `_: `easy_install` instructions for Mac OS X are broken - `#177 `_: broken `setuptools` url with python 2.6 - `#169 `_: The FiPy webpage seems to be broken on Internet Explorer - `#156 `_: update the mayavi viewer to use mayavi 2 - `#153 `_: Switch documentation to use `:math:` directive .. [#almost] Only two examples from :term:`FiPy` 2.0 fail when run with :term:`FiPy` 2.1: * :file:`examples/phase/symmetry.py` fails because :class:`~fipy.meshes.mesh.Mesh` no longer provides a ``getCells`` method. The mechanism for enforcing symmetry in the updated example is both clearer and faster. * :mod:`examples.levelSet.distanceFunction.circle` fails because of a change in the comparison of masked values. Both of these are subtle issues unlikely to affect very many :term:`FiPy` users. -------------------------- Version 2.0.3 - 2010-03-17 -------------------------- Fixes ----- - `#188 `_: `SMTPSenderRefused: (553, "5.1.8 ... Domain of sender address trac@matdl-osi.org does not exist", u'"FiPy" ')` - `#184 `_: `gmshExport.exportAsMesh()` doesn't work - `#183 `_: FiPy 2.0.2 `LinearJORSolver.__init__` calls `Solver` rather than `PysparseSolver` - `#181 `_: Navier-Stokes again - `#151 `_: update mayavi viewer to use mayavi2 - `#13 `_: Mesh refactor -------------------------- Version 2.0.2 - 2009-06-11 -------------------------- Fixes ----- - `#176 `_: Win32 distribution test error - `#175 `_: `Grid3D` `getFaceCenters` incorrect when mesh is offset - `#170 `_: `Variable` doesn't implement `__invert__` -------------------------- Version 2.0.1 - 2009-04-23 -------------------------- Fixes ----- - `#154 `_: Update manuals ------------------------ Version 2.0 - 2009-02-09 ------------------------ .. warning:: :term:`FiPy` 2 brings unavoidable syntax changes. Please see :mod:`examples.updating.update1_0to2_0` for guidance on the changes that you will need to make to your :term:`FiPy` 1.x scripts. The significant changes since version 1.2 are: - :class:`~fipy.variables.cellVariable.CellVariable` and :class:`~fipy.variables.faceVariable.FaceVariable` objects can hold values of any rank. - Much simpler syntax for specifying ``Cell``\s for initial conditions and ``Face``\s for boundary conditions. - Automated determination of the Péclet number and partitioning of :class:`~fipy.terms.implicitSourceTerm.ImplicitSourceTerm` coefficients between the matrix diagonal and the right-hand-side-vector. - Simplified :class:`~fipy.viewers.viewer.Viewer` syntax. - Support for the `Trilinos solvers`_. - Support for anisotropic diffusion coefficients. .. _Trilinos solvers: http://www.nist.gov/cgi-bin/exit_nist.cgi?url=http://trilinos.sandia.gov - `#167 `_: example showing how to go from 1.2 to 2.0 - `#166 `_: Still references to `VectorCell` and `VectorFace` `Variable` in manual - `#165 `_: Edit the what's new section of the manual - `#149 `_: Test viewers - `#143 `_: Document syntax changes - `#141 `_: enthought toolset? - `#140 `_: easy_install fipy - `#136 `_: Document anisotropic diffusion - `#135 `_: Trilinos documentation - `#127 `_: Examples can be very fragile with respect to floating point ------------------------- Version 1.2.3 - 2009-01-0 ------------------------- Fixes ----- - `#54 `_: `python setup.py test` fails -------------------------- Version 1.2.2 - 2008-12-30 -------------------------- Fixes ----- - `#161 `_: get pysparse working with python 2.4 - `#160 `_: Grid class - `#157 `_: temp files on widows - `#155 `_: fix some of the deprecation warnings appearing in the tests - `#150 `_: PythonXY installation? - `#148 `_: SciPy 0.7.0 solver failures on Macs - `#147 `_: Disable CGS solver in pysparse - `#145 `_: `Viewer` factory fails for rank-1 `CellVariable` - `#144 `_: intermittent failure on `examples/diffusion/explicit/mixedelement.py --inline` - `#142 `_: merge Viewers branch - `#139 `_: Get a Windows Bitten build slave - `#137 `_: Backport examples from manuscript - `#131 `_: `MatplotlibViewer` doesn't properly report the supported file extensions - `#126 `_: Variable, float, integer - `#125 `_: Pickled test data embeds obsolete packages - `#124 `_: Can't pickle a `binOp` - `#121 `_: `simpleTrenchSystem.py` - `#120 `_: mayavi display problems - `#118 `_: Automatically handle casting of `Variable` from `int` to `float` when necessary. - `#117 `_: `getFacesBottom`, `getFacesTop` etc. lack clear description in the reference - `#115 `_: viewing 3D Cahn-Hilliard is broken - `#113 `_: OS X (MacBook Pro; Intel) FiPy installation problems - `#112 `_: `stokesCavity.py` doesn't display properly with matplotlib - `#111 `_: Can't display `Grid2D` variables with matplotlib on Linux - `#110 `_: "Numeric array value must be dimensionless" in ElPhF examples - `#109 `_: doctest of `fipy.variables.variable.Variable.__array__` - `#108 `_: `numerix.array * FaceVariable` is broken - `#107 `_: Can't move matplotlib windows on Mac - `#106 `_: Concatenation of `Grid1D` objects doesn't always work - `#105 `_: useless broken __array__ tests should be removed - `#102 `_: viewer limits should just be set as arguments, rather than as a dict - `#99 `_: `Matplotlib2DGridViewer` cannot update multiple views - `#97 `_: Windows does not seem to handle NaN correctly. - `#96 `_: broken tests with version 2.0 of gmsh - `#95 `_: attached code breaks with `--inline` - `#92 `_: Pygist is dead (it's official) - `#84 `_: Test failures on Intel Mac - `#83 `_: `ZeroDivisionError` for `CellTerm` when calling `getOld()` on its coefficient - `#79 `_: `viewers.make()` to `viewers.Viewer()` - `#67 `_: Mesh viewing and unstructured data. - `#43 `_: `TSVViewer` doesn't always get the right shape for the var - `#34 `_: float(&infinity&) issue on windows -------------------------- Version 1.2.1 - 2008-02-08 -------------------------- Fixes ----- - `#122 `_: check argument types for meshes - `#119 `_: max is broken for Variables - `#116 `_: Linux: failed test, `TypeError: No array interface...` in solve() - `#104 `_: Syntax error in `MatplotlibVectorViewer._plot()` - `#101 `_: matplotlib 1D viewer autoscales when a limit is set to 0 - `#93 `_: Broken examples - `#91 `_: update the examples to use `from fipy import *` - `#76 `_: `solve()` and `sweep()` accept `dt=CellVariable` - `#75 `_: installation of fipy should auto include README as a docstring - `#74 `_: Some combinations of `DiffusionTerm` and `ConvectionTerm` do not work - `#51 `_: __pos__ doesn't work for terms - `#50 `_: Broken examples - `#39 `_: matplotlib broken on mac with version 0.72.1 - `#19 `_: Péclet number - `#15 `_: Boundary conditions and Terms ------------------------ Version 1.2 - 2007-02-12 ------------------------ The significant changes since version 1.1 are: - `--inline` automatically generates C code from `Variable` expressions. - :term:`FiPy` has been updated to use the :term:`Python` :term:`NumPy` module. :term:`FiPy` no longer works with the older :term:`Numeric` module. Fixes ----- - `#98 `_: Windows patch for some broken test cases - `#94 `_: `--inline` error for attached code - `#90 `_: bug in matplotlib 0.87.7: `TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars`. - `#72 `_: needless rebuilding of variables - `#66 `_: PDF rendering issues for the guide on various platforms - `#62 `_: fipy guide pdf bug: "`an unrecognized token 13c was found`" - `#55 `_: Error for internal BCs - `#52 `_: `FaceVariable * FaceVectorVariable` memory - `#48 `_: Documentation is not inherited from &hidden& classes - `#42 `_: `fipy.models.phase.phase.addOverFacesVariable` is gross - `#41 `_: :file:`EFFICIENCY.txt` example fails to make viewer - `#30 `_: periodic boundary condition support - `#25 `_: make phase field examples more explicit - `#23 `_: sweep control, iterator object, error norms - `#21 `_: Update FiPy to use numpy - `#16 `_: Dimensions - `#12 `_: Refactor viewers - `#1 `_: Gnuplot doesn't display on windows ------------------------ Version 1.1 - 2006-06-06 ------------------------ The significant changes since version 1.0 are: - Memory efficiency has been improved in a number of ways, but most significantly by: * not caching all intermediate ``Variable`` values. * introducing ``UniformGrid`` classes that calculate geometric arrays on the fly. Details of these improvements are presented in :ref:`chap:Efficiency`. - Installation on Windows has been made considerably easier by constructing executable installers for :term:`FiPy` and its dependencies. - The arithmetic for ``Variable`` subclasses now works, and returns sensible answers. For example, ``VectorCellVariable * CellVariable`` returns a ``VectorCellVariable``. - ``PeriodicGrid`` meshes have been implemented. Currently, however, there and no examples of their use in the manual. - Many of the examples have been completely rewritten * A basic 1D diffusion problem now serves as a general tutorial for setting up any problem in :term:`FiPy`. * Several more phase field examples have been added that should make it clearer how to get from the simple 1D case to the more elaborate multicomponent, multidimensional, and anisotropic models. * The "Superfill" examples have been substantially improved with better functionality and documentation. * An example of fluid flow with the classic Stokes moving lid has been added. - A clear distinction has been made between solving an equation via `solve()` and iterating an non-linear equation to solution via `sweep()`. An extensive explanation of the concepts involved has been added to the :ref:`FAQ`. - Added a `MultiViewer` class that automatically groups several viewers together if the variables couldn't be displayed by a single viewer. - The abbreviated syntax ``from fipy import Class`` or ``from fipy import *`` promised in version 1.0 actually works now. The examples all still use the fully qualified names. - The repository has been converted from a CVS to a Subversion_ repository. Details on how to check out the new repository are given in :ref:`INSTALLATION`. - The :term:`FiPy` repository has also been moved from Sourceforge_ to the `Materials Digital Library Pathway`_. .. _Subversion: https://subversion.apache.org/ .. _Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/ .. _Materials Digital Library Pathway: https://www.kent.edu/cmi/materials-digital-library-pathway-matdl ------------------------ Version 1.0 - 2005-09-16 ------------------------ Numerous changes have been made since :term:`FiPy` 0.1 was released, but the most significant ones are: - ``Equation`` objects no longer exist. PDEs are constructed from ``Term`` objects. ``Term`` objects can be added, subtracted, and equated to build up an equation. - A true 1D grid class has been added: ``fipy.meshes.grid1D.Grid1D``. - A generic "factory" method ``fipy.viewers.make()`` has been added that will do a reasonable job of automatically creating a ``Viewer`` for the supplied ``Variable`` objects. The ``FIPY_VIEWER`` environment variable allows you to specify your preferred viewer. - A simple ``TSVViewer`` has been added to allow display or export to a file of your solution data. - It is no longer necessary to ``transpose()`` scalar fields in order to multiply them with vector fields. - Better default choice of solver when convection is present. - Better examples. - A number of `NoiseVariable` objects have been added. - A new viewer based on :term:`Matplotlib` has been added. - The `PyX` viewer has been removed. - Considerably simplified the public interface to FiPy. - Support for Python 2.4. - Improved layout of the manuals. - ``getLaplacian()`` method has been removed from ``CellVariable`` objects. You can obtain the same effect with ``getFaceGrad().getDivergence()``, which provides better control. - An ``import`` shorthand has been added that allows for:: from fipy import Class instead of:: from fipy.some.deeply.nested.module.class import Class This system is still experimental. Please tell us if you find situations that don't work. The syntax of :term:`FiPy` 1.0 scripts is incompatible with earlier releases. A tutorial for updating your existing scripts can be found in :file:`examples/updating/update0_1to1_0.py`. Fixes ----- - `#49 `_: Documentation for many `ConvectionTerms` is wrong - `#47 `_: Terms should throw an error on bad `coeff` type - `#40 `_: broken levelset test case - `#38 `_: multiple BCs on one face broken? - `#37 `_: Better support for periodic boundary conditions - `#36 `_: Gnuplot doesn't display the :file:`~examples/levelSet/electroChem` problem on windows. - `#35 `_: gmsh write problem on windows - `#33 `_: `DiffusionTerm(coeff = CellVariable)` functionality - `#32 `_: conflict_handler = `ignore` not valid in Python 2.4 - `#31 `_: Support simple import notation - `#29 `_: periodic boundary conditions are broken - `#28 `_: invoke the == for terms - `#26 `_: doctest extraction with python 2.4 - `#24 `_: Pysparse windows binaries - `#22 `_: automated efficiency_test problems - `#20 `_: Test with Python version 2.4 - `#18 `_: Memory leak for the leveling problem - `#17 `_: `distanceVariable` is broken - `#14 `_: Testing mailing list interface - `#11 `_: Reconcile versions of pysparse - `#10 `_: check phase field crystal growth - `#9 `_: implement levelling surfactant equation - `#8 `_: merge `depositionRateVar` and `extensionVelocity` - `#7 `_: Automate FiPy efficiency test - `#6 `_: FiPy breaks on windows with Numeric 23.6 - `#5 `_: axisymmetric 2D mesh - `#4 `_: Windows installation wizard - `#3 `_: Windows installation instructions - `#2 `_: Some tests fail on windows XP ------------- Version 0.1.1 ------------- ------------------------ Version 0.1 - 2004-11-05 ------------------------ Original release