Software Archive


Wulffman is available both as a binary file and as source. Binaries are only available for some platforms; more may be made available in the future. Binary implementation uses the Qhull algorithm for hull construction and libraries are statically linked. Source code is written in C++, hence compiling from source requires a C++ compiler. Usage of the source codes could allow dynamic linking.

Downloading Software

Click the appropriate link to download the desired version of the software. Binaries are available as compressed files; source is available as a compressed tar file.

Wulffman version 1.0:

Wulffman version 1.2.4:

The major changes between V1.0 and V1.2 are: The changes between V1.2.1 and V1.2.2 allow Wulffman to be built using Xforms V0.86 and V0.88.

The only change between V1.2.2 and V1.2.3 is to allow the use of Miller indices when specifying facet orientations. You can now triple-toggle between [XYZ] for cartesian coordinates, [UVW] for unit cell coordinates, and [HKL] for Miller indices.

1.2.4 made some changes to help in compiling under Linux systems, and fixed two small bugs. 1.2.5 fixes one bug that lets it compile with gcc: source only.


In order to run Wulffman , a few pieces of software should be installed on your system.

  1. Geomview: 3-D visualization package
  2. Wulffman: Actual source or binary code for Wulffman
If you wish to compile Wulffman you will also need.
  1. Xforms: The X form library used in Wulffman
  2. Qhull: Convex hull construction routines (optional, but highly recommended)
The installation for each of these packages is detailed below.

Geomview Installation

The user is referred to the relevant section of the Geomview web site for installation and downloading instructions for Geomview.

Xforms Installation

XForms 1.0 was released under LGPL, but is difficult to find on the WWW, so for your convenience: libforms1_1.0.tar.gz If you don't like source, you can try to download the Xforms library in binary format for the platform of interest from the Xforms web site . Uncompress and extract the Xforms archive and follow the instructions in README.txt for installation.

NOTE: You must use version 0.81 with Wulffman V1.0: v0.86 and later will not work! 0.81 doesn't appear to be available for download any more, so unless you have a copy stashed somewhere, you'll have to use a newer version of Wulffman.

For Wulffman V1.2.2+, any version of XForms (0.81, 0.86, 0.88, or 1.0) should work.

Qhull Installation

Qhull is a service routine used by Wulffman to build the convex hull of facets, and hence the Wulff shape. The algorithm used by Qhull has proven highly efficient, and unless the user wishes to hack the Wulffman source and provide a convex hull algorithm that is more efficient than the current implementation (slow compared to qhull), installing Qhull is highly recommended. Qhull instllation instructions can be found at the Geometry Center at the University of Minnesota.

Wulffman Installation

Wulffman is available in binary distribution for several platforms (see Versions ) or in source form. If your platform corresponds to one of those available in binary distribution, it is recommended that you directly install the binaries. If your platform is not supported, you should download the source and follow the source installation instructions. Any text preceded by a '%' or in italics corresponds to commands types on the UNIX command line.

Wulffman Home Page

Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials Science, NIST
Last modified: Fri Jun 4 10:25:22 1999

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