OOF2: The Manual


SkeletonQuality (SkeletonQualityDisplay) — Color each element according to its effective energy.




  • Base class: DisplayMethod
  • Parameters:

    alpha controls the relative importance of element shape and homogeneity. alpha=0 emphasizes shape and ignores homogeneity. alpha=1 emphasizes homogeneity and ignores shape. Type: A real number in the range [0, 1].
    color scheme Type: An object of the ColorMap class.
    lowest energy to display, or 'automatic' Type: An integer, a real number, or the string 'automatic'.
    highest energy to display, or 'automatic' Type: An integer, a real number, or the string 'automatic'.


SkeletonQualityDisplay fills each Skeleton Element with a single color, determined by the effective energy of the Element.

The alpha parameter controls the relative importance of shape and homogeneity when computing the energy.

The colormap argument governs the translation from scalar values to colors.

min and max determine the range of energies to display. They should be real numbers between 0 and 1, or the special object automatic. If they're set to automatic, the limits will be determined by the extremes of the data.

Figure 6.97. The Skeleton Quality Display

The Skeleton Quality Display

A Skeleton for a Microstructure with three types of pixels.

The Skeleton Quality Display

The Skeleton as displayed with SkeletonQuality with alpha=0 and the ThermalMap colormap. The poorly shaped Elements are brighter.

The Skeleton Quality Display

The same display, with alpha=1, highlighting the inhomogeneous Elements.