OOF2: The Manual


Geographic (GeographicQ2T) — Split a quad based on its neighbors.





GeographicQ2T is a SplitQuadMethod, used as the split_how parameter in when splitting quadrilateral Elements into triangles.

A quadrilateral has a four neighboring Elements. If it has two neighbors of one type (defined by their dominant pixel category) and two of another, arranged as in Figure 6.81(a), and if the Element itself is inhomogeneous, then there's a good chance that dividing it along the diagonal shown in (b) will improve the homogeneity of the Skeleton.

Figure 6.81. Splitting Quads Geographically

Splitting Quads Geographically

(a) A central element (marked by the '?') and its neighbors (n0, n1, n2, and n3). The central element is a candidate for splitting with GeographicQ2T. (b) Actual material boundary. (c) New elements created by SplitQuads and GeographicQ2T.

GeographicQ2T can be fast because it only examines quads with a high likelyhood of being splittable. However, it can skip over splittable quads if the Skeleton is not already sufficiently refined and one of the neighbors has the wrong type. TrialAndErrorQ2T is slower but more thorough.