OOF2: The Manual


BiCG (BiConjugateGradient) — Bi-conjugate gradient method for iteratively solving non-symmetric matrices.




  • Base class: MatrixMethod
  • Parameters:

    Black magic for making the matrix more easily solvable. Type: An object of the PreconditionerBase class.
    Largest acceptable relative error in the matrix solution. Type: A real number.
    Maximum number of iterations to perform. Type: Integer.


The BiCG matrix method implements the preconditioned Biconjugate Gradient method for solving linear matrix equations in AdvancedSolverMode. The matrix does not have to be symmetric.

BiCG is an iterative method, meaning that it creates an approximate solution and improves it on each iteration. The iteration will cease when the relative error of the solution is less than the given tolerance. The solver will stop and report an error if the tolerance isn't satisfied within max_iterations iterations.

The preconditioner parameter specifies which ??? to use, if any. Preconditioners speed the convergence of iterative methods by replacing the original matrix by something closer to the identity matrix.