OOF2: The Manual


FluxProfileSet — List of Profiles


FluxProfileSet(profile_list) or FluxProfileSet(profile)


The Profiles in the set. Type: A Python list of Profiles.
A solitary ProfileXT. Type: An object of the ProfileXT class.


When a Neumann boundary condition is applied to a boundary, it is applied to all of the normal components of a Flux simultaneously. (Tensor Fluxes have multiple normal components.) Different ProfileXTs may be applied to different components. The FluxProfileSet object groups the ProfileXTs for the different components together into one parameter. The ProfileXTs are listed in the canonical order of the components.

For simplicity, when assigning a FluxProfileSet to the profile parameter of a Neumann boundary condition, it's possible to omit the word FluxProfileSet. The following two fragments are equivalent:

  • profile=FluxProfileSet([ConstantProfile(value=0.0), ContinuumProfileXT(function='x')])
  • profile=[ConstantProfile(value=0.0), ContinuumProfileXT(function='x')]

For vector Fluxes, where there is only one normal component, even more simplification is permissable, and the list notation may be omitted. The following fragments are equivalent:

  • profile=FluxProfileSet([ContinuumProfileXT(function='x')])
  • profile=[ContinuumProfileXT(function='x')]
  • profile=ContinuumProfileXT(function='x')

Note that the simplified notation only works when assiging a FluxProfileSet to the profile parameter of the Neumann boundary condition.