OOF2: The Manual


OOF.Image.Redo — Redo an Image modification.




  • Parent Menu: OOF.Image
  • Callback: function redoImageMod in module ooflib.image.IO.imagemenu
  • Parameters:

    Type: The path to an existing Image object.


Each Image in a Microstructure has associated with it a stack of modified versions of the Image. When the Image is modified, the new version is pushed onto the stack. The Undo command pops the topmost version off the stack, thereby reverting to the next older version. The Redo command, undoes the Undo, by replacing the most recently popped Image onto the stack.

[Note] Note

Undone modifications can be redone only if no new modifications have been made to the Image since the time of the last Undo command.