OOF2: The Manual


OrientationEnum — Various ways to specify an Orientation




  • Abg: Euler angles (alpha, beta, gamma) are applied: first beta about the z axis, then alpha about the y, and finally gamma about z. This operation brings the crystal axes into coincidence with the lab axes.
  • X: Goldstein's X convention for 3D orientations, using rotations which bring the crystal axes into coincidence with the lab axes, in the order z, x, z.
  • XYZ: The "aerodynamic" XYZ convention for specifying an orientation. Rotation by phi about x, then theta about y, then psi about z, brings the crystal axes into coincidence with the lab axes.
  • Quaternion: The Quaternion representation for 3D orientations. e0 is the cosine of the half-angle of the rotation, and e1 through e3 are the x, y, and z components of the rotation axis times the sine of the half-angle. The rotation brings the crystal axes into coincidence with the lab axes.
  • Axis: Axis and angle representation of a 3D rotation. The rotation brings the crystal axes into coincidence with the lab axes.
  • Rodrigues: Rodrigues vector representation for 3D orientations. The vector points along the axis of the rotation, and its magnitude is the tangent of half the angle of the rotation. The rotation brings the crystal axes into coincidence with the lab axes.
  • Bunge: Bunge angles for defining a rotation which operates on the lab axes, bringing them into coincidence with the crystal axes, in the order z, x, z.